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  • detritus0

    ughf, I wish I could show you the shitshow of a logo I've just received - it's a visual mess anyway, but more to the point is made up of a load of unjoined overlapping fills creating nasty triangles of whitespace where they shouldn't.

    I'm seeing ever more of this sort of 'meh, good enough' finishing on design files.

    Just me getting older, or standards slipping with the young'uns?

  • Bennn1

    Where's Georges?

    • which one? III, IV, V, VI etc. :)fadein11
    • you mean OMGutopian
    • Old Man Georges?hans_glib
    • I will be surprised if he is omg but this place is full of surprisesfadein11
    • It's been a long time since he posted in here, no? He must be building a giant machine with lights and shit atm, i guess. With his 3D printer.Bennn
  • Gnash0

    Where's Bhuddahat?

    • Dunno, apparently alive .. .but no sign of him here as far as I've seen.detritus
  • Krassy2

    Where's Ffffred? or was it Fredddd?

    • fffffound himfadein11
    • He quit. Cuz we were dicks.pango
    • lolBennn
    • talk for yourself dick!oey
    • No I'm being serious. He thought QBN are too many jerks and uncompassionate people.
      Wait... or was that ohhsnaaap?
    • was fredddd our newest fouty?pango
    • But we're all so nice around hereKrassy
    • qbn is serious businessinteliboy
    • foundddd himnb
    • LOL!oey
    • fredddddd = freedom.
      Same pattern of asking really weird questions, to which most normal people know the answers.
  • face_melter0

    Packing is almost done, PC and desk can wait until morning. Just a bit of washing up and minor organising for tomorrow.

    Also, shoes!

    • i hope you spend an equal amount of time in each pair..futurefood
    • wow. i usually buy one pair of sneakers until they fall apart. rinse and repeat.ArmandoEstrada
    • Didnt know you were a girlBennn
    • ;PBennn
    • nice. the Imelda marcos of nordic punkGnash
    • you're sponsored?oey
    • Nah, just the result of 7 or so years of collecting. Haven't bought any for a while now - price increases while quality drops significantly.face_melter
    • Found my deadstock pair of 2011 J3 True Blues and 2011 J3 black/cements - still with that new shoe smell! Worth approx. $500 now :Dface_melter
    • That is fucking stupid.severian
    • No 574s? Would not bang.HijoDMaite
    • girl confirmedsince1979
    • errrrbklyndroobeki
    • Damn. That's a lot of shoeboxes.pango
    • You got waaaaay to many shoes. (ps send shoes)garbage
    • that's like what an 9-year-old kid wants to have.VectorMasked
    • man, I feel guilty for owning 3 pairs of shoes and one pair of flip flops. thank you hahaMiguex
    • Salvation Army <---Maaku
    • My brother has like 30 pairs of Vision street Wear (originals) plus all other shit from other brands.oey
    • Look how organized. My kicks just occupy 100% of the floor in every closet.section_014
    • Was telling my kids today that my fav jordans were the 5's and there they are top left_niko
    • Lots of insecure people who happen to not enjoy lots of shoes, feeling the need to tell you about it. Welcome to qbnset
    • y keep the box?bklyndroobeki
    • ^ protection, mostly. Some of the materials react to light - yellowing etc. Keeps them away from dust as well.face_melter
    • One of the movers was checking them out - she was curious what some of the older Jordans looked like.face_melter
    • sns klippkort?ArchitectofFate
    • Nice man! I have about 12 pairs in circulation. 2 being MK4 Jordans and 1 MK1's.Hayzilla
    • ^^ heh, nej, SNS är jävla wankers. Stoppade att köpa från dem för länge sedan. Direkt från Nike, Caliroots lika bra ocksåface_melter
    • ^^ I have a couple of IV's and I's, but the XI's are my flat out favourite. Space Jams, all fucking day.face_melter
  • futurefood0

    Where's Bill?

  • bklyndroobeki0

    What do you spend on groceries a month?

    • is pot a vegetable?Gnash
    • nobklyndroobeki
    • jk. don't smoke.
      400-700 on groceries
    • Maybe 150 to 200. CADpango
    • between 160 and 200. euro. mostly bio.oey
    • I eat out half the weeks thopango
    • i eat out once or twice a monthGnash
    • $150-250 / month which allows me to cook 2-3 meals a day for 2 people.monospaced
    • 2-3 meals a day?! per month? how many days? did you get the unit wrong?pango
    • $200/mo topspockets
    • where do shop, mono? that's less than $5/person day for 2-3 meals?Gnash
    • Wife and two teenage daughters $1000 per month. Its kinda bullshit I think we can do $800HijoDMaite
    • no, pango, I am able to turn very cheap ingredients into big mealsmonospaced
    • About $350 cad for two of us. We don't buy a lot of prepared foods, mostly ingredients and cook ourselves.monNom
    • About 350-400Maaku
    • it's important to say that i live directly with 6/7 people and that we buy for all of us and try to cook for all. it makes things much cheaper.oey
    • i am spending way too much on groceries for 1. i cook 5 days/wk, though often don't bring lunch to work.bklyndroobeki
    • staying away from whole foods. going to cap at 250/mo and see where it goes. i juice, make smoothies, & eat organic... wondering if this is why...bklyndroobeki
    • Maaku for 1 or more?bklyndroobeki
    • @ bklyn... you juice?oey
    • Whole foods just got a whole lot cheaper (amazon)Gnash
    • Kuvings @oeybklyndroobeki
    • Gnash, is that immediately in effect?bklyndroobeki
    • About 160 a monthsince1979
    • About 250-300 euro p/m. I've got 3 kids. Cook big meals for 2-3 days. Saves a lot of time, money and cleaning.pedromendez
    • @bklln, https://www.bloomber…Gnash
  • kingsteven0

    one of my best mates ex's has just started mailing chunks of facebook chat logs between me and him (random bullshittery) to people we've been bitching about... fun times. was good to know yis!

    • people, always surprising...robotron3k
    • that's some cold shit ... I had an ex that got into my email and printed out a particular chat once, and it was so fucked upmonospaced
    • i was chatting to this girl last week and everything seemed grand (last time i saw her i had to throw her out of his house for pulling out chunks of his hair)kingsteven
    • so i don't think her beef is with me at all, but one of them is a really throw away remark i made about one of his friends that i don't know well at all.kingsteven
    • but has been framed as something he said. and i've just had a load of shit all night about how it's offensive to call someone's boyfiend a:kingsteven
    • "ginger pearl jam composite" - really stupid shit... not worried about that but just thinking about work rants and other shit i know is in there.kingsteven
    • Damn that sucks. Crazy bitchset
  • since19790

    I hate my old friends. they all became materialistic douchebags. I'm glad I went another direction with my life.

    • Ain't that the truthHayoth
    • Making wix websites and calling it design isn't douchebaggery? Downvoted.imbecile
    • Imbecile confirmed hehehehsince1979
    • LOL!oey
  • _salisae_0

    I'm late to this Mandela Effect strangeness but it has my full attention. I just want to ask .. wtf?! Has anyone experienced it in their own history?

    They never said "Beam me up, Scotty"?!?

    When Elon Musk said "oh without a doubt we live in a computer simulation." my thought was always .. if we did there would be glitches. This is reading like a glitch to me!

    • Sinbad played a genie in a movie right?HijoDMaite
    • Right. Changed movie lines. And alwayd those impactful lines. Hello, Clarice. Life is like a box of chocolates. ET phone home. Houston, we have a problem._salisae_
    • All changed!_salisae_
    • Some people were blaming the Large Hadron Collider for erasing the Sinbad movie from history and changing Berenstein to "Berenstain."yuekit
    • Although I also like the idea of some kind of cosmic consciousness going through history and out of everything, these are the things they decided to fix.yuekit
    • They shouldn't be playing around with particle physics. The integrity of these movies is too important._salisae_
    • Only fifty states?!? I was taught 52._salisae_
    • you haven't played Chinese whispers then? It's just silly humans making silly mistakes and other silly humans believing whatever they are told and propagatingfadein11
    • the silliness. Humans are silly.fadein11
    • Haha it's funny that some people will jump to "we're living in a simulation!" before they will admit that humans make mistakes.nb
    • far better evidence about for the simulation hypothesis imho.fadein11
    • Of course, we probably ARE living in a simulation, no doubt about that. It's just that the M.E. isn't proof of it.nb

      The rubs the lotion on its skin! What?
    • There are some instances where people are misremembering. But there is evidence of things being the way we remembered them. Luke i am your father being a huge 1_salisae_
    • The intriguing thing is not that people have false memories, it's that so many people have the same false memory.yuekit
    • Just as an aside, Musk popularised an existing theory from Nick Bostrom, from a decade or so ago..
    • because the loudest person propagated the misinformation to the largest number of people. And the error in the memory was experienced by more people because wefadein11
    • http://www.collegehu…imbecile
    • are the same species after all.fadein11
    • @fadein11 That could very well be the case. It could also be the case that when a weasel tripped and fell into the LHC, reality was altered and Oscar Meyer wasyuekit
    • changed forever to Oscar Mayer and Jiffy Peanut Butter to Jif Peanut Butter. Let's not rush to conclusions here.yuekit
    • Some deep discussion here…
    • It's very interesting. And I am a big proponent of the simulation and/or holographic universe stuff. Just think this is prob more simple.fadein11
    • I will defo watch that vid though - thanks.fadein11
    • Most of those lines don't make sense without context, so we add a word or two. I am your father could be anything so we add Luke._niko
    • Same with play it again Sam._niko
    • the telephone game
      urban legend
    • Even Dorothy. She's instructed to tap her heels not click. What the actual fuck?_salisae_
    • Everything is through youtube .. the only thing that can be further tested is if this is happening outside of youtube._salisae_
    • http://thebeatlesnev…
    • "Heh! Every pot finds a lid..."robotron3k
    • sup numbers guyernexbcn
    • A popular comedian, movie or tv show make an error on a quote. People quote that version. Enters the public consciousness. Simple as that.ETM
    • exactamundofadein11
    • The LHC destroyed our universe and we all instantly shifted to the next one along. Same same but different.set
    • Either that or sometimes we get things wrong.set
    • I think it's entertaining to think that we're in a computer -- though i agree with the "whomever screams the loudest" theory.bklyndroobeki
    • Funny hearing all this when you always knew the correct lines. Makes people sound crazy.monospaced
    • This is one small step, for a man...spunji
    • Lots of changes to The Wizard of Oz._salisae_
    • play it once sam, for old time's sakesrhadden
    • play it again sam! noooobklyndroobeki
    • Strange how it's mostly pop culture stuff. Other than chartruese now being a kind of green and the JFK thing._salisae_
    • Mono has just singlehandedly proven the mandala effect to be bullshit. Everyone relax and get back to work.set
    • lol at that Beatles albuminteliboy
    • I'm going to rest on there must've been multiple versions and the off versions are on youtube._salisae_
    • It puts the lotion on its skin. Beam me up, Scotty. Play it again, Sam. Click your heels together. Beautiful day is the neighborhood._salisae_
    • Build it and they will come. These are all the versions i grew up with. I'm not stupid._salisae_
    • I experienced a Mandela Effect long before I had heard of it and was unable to categorise or contextualise it. It concerned two photographs of a building....Muncher
    • For some reason there was a historical 'before' and 'today' shot of a building somewhere. In the picture there were obvious age related changes but also some ..Muncher
    • fundamental changes to intrinsic details of the building. I couldn't understand it. They were the same, but different. I did some research to see if the...Muncher
    • building has ever been rebuilt or re-faced in a restoration and was told "It's untouched, exactly as it was 100 years ago". I showed the two pics to the...Muncher
    • architectural historian that wrote the piece, and drew his attention to the detail differences. he was utterly perplexed. Couldn't explain it.Muncher
    • I didn't really think anything more about it, but since this ME stuff has kicked up I'm reminded of it. This was about 15 years ago though and I can't ...Muncher
    • remember the building just yet but it will come back to me! (and no it wasn't the astronaut gargoyle on the Spanish church hahah)Muncher
    • Whoa. First hand experience. Well noticed. I will certainly be paying a bit more attention to details from now on._salisae_
    • I think there's a danger that the interest focusses on popular culture stuff and brands, which can easily be edited for many reasons, or mis-quoted...Muncher
    • I'm going to be looking at architecture from now on. The stuff that changed was grade 1 listed and built into the building. It was very weird.Muncher
    • Best with the architecture. Please report back! I'm going to study these particle physicists._salisae_
  • drgs1

    Welcome to your new start page…

    Join me in the World Wide Chat on the left

  • Gardener1

    it's simply market forces, you want it signed? it's gonna cost ya!

    yer standard issue, £1 - sorted

    unlikely to be signed by Lennie Peters but Dianne Lee will sort ye

  • oey0

    how's the party?

  • autoflavour1

    sitting waiting.. 90 minutes before I have to catch a train to the airport.. 2 weeks back in Berlin, alone .. family stays home..
    super amped to see all my friends.. and be back in the city.

    crazy times

  • since1979-5

    North Korea is nuts. Should the USA wipe them the fuck out?

    • and trump just assigned a climate science denier to lead NASA. We're fucked.fourth
    • ^lolHayoth
  • autoflavour-4

    Not going to lie, sitting here in the departure lounge waiting for my plane to fly to Berlin my anxiety about being on the other side of the world while Kim Jong fuckface is setting off hydrogen bombs like it's nothing is really starting to kick in.

    Can't back out.. flight happening in 45 minutes.. struggling to shake that feeling that shits going to go sideways while I'm so far from my family..

    It's not like I can just drive back to Sydney

    I'm sure it will be fine..
    But yep, even this beer isn't helping

    • don't worry, you are 4,700 times more likely to die in an airplane or spaceship accident than get vaporized by Kim Jong ewwomg
    • Not so much concerned about dying as direct result, more the inability to get back to Australia in a hurry if shit goes southautoflavour
    • That fear porn is workingset
    • why would he bomb germany?since1979
    • oh now i get it. yeah maybe cancel your trip and goo homesince1979
    • just to be safe. i dont know.prob nothing will happen but ...since1979
    • Fear Nothing!eryx
    • Just a bit of separation anxiety. Godspeed._salisae_
    • Get help dude, meds etc..i_was
    • i remember being in an onsen in Japan years back when they were NK were testing. At that point there was nothing to do other than enjoy the water!mugwart
    • as said set said - its all fear pornmugwart
  • mekk1

    We're about to end our relationship of ~5 years. Looking for flat. Selling furniture that we bought together. Tearing apart the life we had. Fuck this.

    • Been there, broke off one of 8+ years. Took time to repair my brain, travel, hit the gym, now in the best shape of my life.robotron3k
    • time for tindersince1979
    • ^ no, I want to keep my human dignity. I still have friends and If I want female attention, I go out and find some.mekk
    • i ended a 10 year marriage. Cut deep. right a list of how to improve your life and focus on that. Best condition I've ever been in. Still have guilt thoughmugwart
    • 6 years for me...a list helps.
      I'm still out of shape, but now I INTEND
      on getting to the gym.
    • the guilt is the biggest thing...futurefood
    • yeah ... I'm happy now and I feel guilty for it. Lifes fucked upmugwart
    • Get a bike and ride until you are sore.garbage
    • It takes two to break up_salisae_
    • I was here Feb. 5yrs. Cry. Lean on friends. Get exercise. Let work slack. Join a group. Talk to a therapist. Be out there. And remember who you are as just you.cannonball1978
  • since19791

    I don't know, I feel like anyone that promotes nuclear war needs to be eliminated as soon as possible. No if's or buts about it.

    It's too much.

    • "North Korea is nuts. Should the USA wipe them the fuck out?"detritus
    • USA has done test as has every other country.mugwart
    • our tests were a lot worse and more intense.mugwart
    • not justifying NK/war. Just saying!
      We are mad dogs and they must feel that they have to do this to survive.
  • since19792

    Somebody get Kim Jong Un some fucking weed.

  • Muncher12

    I got a new kite for my birthday way back in March. I finally got a chance to fly it on Sunday for the first time. It's a big kite, but it's not rigid. It's a parachute style that relies on air pockets being filled by the wind for some loose structure. It's basically a big sack of lightweight ripstop fabric.

    My wife, youngest child and myself went up to Devil's Dyke and they went off for a walk while I unpacked it and set about connecting the strings and getting it ready.

    The kite lay on the ground and I stood about 40ft away with the unravelled 1st 40ft of string. My wife didn't come back, so I pulled out my phone and called her so she could come back and help me launch... having no structure it's not an easy kite to launch on your own. It's just floppy nylon material.

    Just as I pulled out my phone and called my wife, the kite suddenly went from lying flat on the ground to catching some breeze, filling up, and then shooting directly upwards very quickly to about 30ft.

    It then did a u-turn and shot straight back down, about 6ft to the right, where a late-middle aged 'respectable' middle class looking woman had just decided to walk to and then stand still in the very moment it unexpectedly took off.

    So the kite went straight up, then straight back down to pound her in the head from directly above.

    Obviously, I felt really bad about this. It must have been a huge shock and could also have caused her to tweak a muscle in spontaneous reaction. The kite itself couldn't actually cause any damage as it's just a large bag of thin material. But still, nobody likes to be assaulted by a kite, so I was very sorry about it and rushed over to apologise and ask if she was okay.

    At first, she was genuinely in a kind of reactionary shock as she didn't see what had happened, she just knew something had landed on her head quite suddenly. I would have been the same... a bit like "WTF was that??"

    She just stood there, with an expression of drama on her face and her hands out as though she was trying to make sense of a cascade of blood or something (kind of semi-religious arms out pose with a look of utter bewilderment). And she stayed like that for minutes.

    I said sorry again and explained what had happened... the kite took off unexpectedly and then dive bombed immediately.

    "Well maybe you shouldn't be flying kites if you don't know how to do it" she spat back irately.

    Patiently, I re-explained that the kite was flat on the ground and wasn't being flown, and I asked again if she was okay (as by now she'd maintained her "Stunned by a hand grenade" pose for a VERY long time. I said again "I'm really sorry. Are you okay?" and she said "I don't know yet. I didn't expect to be assaulted and I think you may have injured me".

    and at that, she lowered herself to the ground and lay there crying out "Somebody help me please" in a meak kind of slurry voice.

    I asked her what was wrong and she said "Your kite has knocked me unconscious". She got very dramatic at this point and began wailing for her husband, who promptly came trotting over from place previously unseen. "What's the matter darling?" he asked.

    "This man just hit me" she said.

    He looked up at me, confused. "What's this?" he asked.

    "My kite took off unexpectedly, shot up, turned and landed on your wife's head".

    "Well why couldn't you control it?" he asked, angrily.

    and then I said a really stupid true thing "Well... I was on my phone and..."

    and that was it. "YOU WERE IN ChARGEOF A KITE AND YOU WERE TALKING ON YOUR MOBILE PHONE????" he asked, angrily.

    "No, the kite was lying flat on the ground when I used my phone, and whilst I was using it, it shot up" but I already knew I'd lost any defendable position by declaring I was on a phone.

    "THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS. I'M CALLING THE POLICE!" he said, as his wife began wailing like she was delirious. "OOOOOah...OH DEAR... I can't see George" she was saying. "I've lost the feeling in my arms... George... George".

    So I suggested he call the police if he needed to do that, and that I was sorry it happened, and that he should probably see if his wife is okay and I'll wait for him to call the police.

    So he goes over to his wife and crouches down by her for a couple of minutes, then comes back over to me and says "Right. You've caused my wife a considerable head injury and she needs to get to hospital".

    I said "Okay, well let's deal with that then. I don't quite understand how she sustained such a bad injury but..." I began to say "BECAUSE YOUR KITE HIT HER FULL FORCE ON THE CRANIUM AND THE POINT HAS PENETRATED HER SKULL LIKE AN ARROW YOU IDIOT" he shouted angrily.

    "Okay, stay calm" I said. "You'd better get her to the hospital and phone the police... I'll help you carry her...""YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER, I'LL DEAL WITH IT" he barked at me.

    Quiet by chance an off-duty police officer came over and explained who he was and asked what the problem was. I explained, and the husband gave his dramatic version. The policeman looked at the man and looked at me, and then looked at the man's wife, now crawling desperately around on the grass bank saying "Somebody please. Somebody". He said to the man "You'd better let me have a look at your wife sir. This man's kite isn't the kind that is capable of causing a penetrating wound. It's just a plastic bag".

    At which point the man and woman both glanced at my limp kite flopping around next to them, and the woman got back up, shouted some expletives at me, and they both walked to their car and drove off.

    Fucking chancers.

    • ‘Your kite has knocked me unconscious.’ LOLsr_rosa
    • ffs what a pair of cunts! then again, what the fuck were you thinking? those kites need a lot of space to fly, it's really important to check for idiotshans_glib
    • wandering into the area, who think it's their god given right to walk around under airborne stunt kiteshans_glib
    • glad it all worked outFax_Benson
    • Yaay Daily Mail-reading sue culture at its finest in the meekly-greedy elder echelons of our withering implosion of a society.detritus
    • Hahah, there was a lot of space Hans. Also.. a LOT of kites flying about. It's the local kite-flying hotspot.Muncher
    • I forgot to add that the O.D-Po also said he watched the whole thing happen and only came over when he realised they were going to milk it for maximum drama...Muncher
    • in that case, it sounds like they were there with a particular intent.detritus
    • ... and possibly waste valuable police and medical time making a big deal out of a minor accident.Muncher
    • No they weren't there with intent. They just let their pent-up reactionary drama glands secrete outrageum and were willing to let that snowball into a big issueMuncher
    • "shall we go and annoy those kiters, darling? you never know, we might get lucky and pick up a head injury worth suing over!" "what a marvellous idea, darling"hans_glib
    • Much the same as they would do if their neighbour trimmed a twig of privet hedge that was over their side of the freeholder line.Muncher
    • When my eldest girl was 8 she actually did slam a rigid kite at about 40mph into a woman's head on an otherwise completely empty beach. So we do have previous.Muncher
    • there was a previous incident? you kite flying maniac.inteliboy
    • It was years ago, and she was 8. Handed her the kite strings for the 1st time... SLAM! straight into the only other person for miles around. She was FUMING mad.Muncher
    • Both times I had a brief moment of feeling angry that people are seemingly drawn to stand in the arc of the kite....Muncher
    • ... They could stand anywhere but the human brain seems to subconsciously calculate string length and then recommends standing in the danger zone.Muncher
    • they can only sue if there is actual whats the point. Middle england cuntsmugwart
    • https://s26.postimg.…Muncher
    • Yeah exactly. Not sure they were calculating compensation - more focussed on being dramatically outraged as toxically decent people. Daily Mailers, as D said.Muncher
    • God bless that cop. I wouldn't mind being one if that's what i got to do .. call the nuts out on their insanity & kill drama. Love it._salisae_
    • "Mucher 'liked' Salisae's note"Muncher
    • MUNCHER, not MUCHER.Muncher
    • BTW Sal, I saw your Mandela Effect comments somewhere and had a recollection that relates, but then couldn't find the discussion again! = )Muncher
    • muncher wrote: MULCHER NOT MUNCHERhans_glib
    • This better be worth the readautoflavour
    • muncher, was it this couple?…
    • LOL.. probably thought they were going to get a payoutautoflavour
    • Your comments are most welcome. I'm new to the mobile nav here (liking it tho) .. i think it's just the one post in blog w/ notes. :-)_salisae_
    • Gnash, similar kind of mentality... wanting to create a scene but unsure of any intended outcome, but they were a 'decent respectable' couple. Church fete folk.Muncher
    • This was America? If you cast a shadow on or got in a photo she was taking, then that's fair game to try to get insurance money. Blood? Slam dunk!formed
    • No, Sussex, England. Big hill in the countryside. They just got carried away with the sense of injustice, and walked a plank of their own devising.Muncher
    • No blood was drawn. If you can draw blood by throwing a sheet of fabric in somebody's face then you're a better man than I am!Muncher
    • I am surprised she didn't ask her husband to film it. You are lucky that cop was there!formed
    • Next time glass your strings and do some real damage. SURPRISE DECAP STRIKE!detritus
    • Look out, he's got a kite!!garbage
    • I'm pretty sure you've just met my aunt and uncle.mathinc
    • Heyyyyyyyy!_salisae_
    • great read.hotroddy
    • Bet they where fucking, dickhead Brexitiers...cunts.mrAtor
    • Missd this somehow. Best thing I have read on here in ages.fadein11
    • nice story! enjoyed the readingBennn