
  • Started
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  • 75,640 Responses
  • Maaku-1

    Been doing production work for the past 3 days, copy/pasting info from a website into inDesign. Basically the client wants to have downloadable PDFs of the same stuff that is on the site.
    Close to 150 pages of crap.

    I don't know why they didn't make a printable version with CSS.

    • Why didn't you make a printable version with CSS?nb
    • ... then print them out to PDF, upload to the website and wait for the event horizon.MrT
    • They specifically asked for that and the boss said yes.Maaku
  • bklyndroobeki0

    how does one get to QBN from

    • if you're asking this cuz of drake, he's really just an old timer.pango
    • lol, nah, was genuinely curious. i'm ducking a recruiter.bklyndroobeki
    • kidding... just wondering.bklyndroobeki
    • It was listed as a Cuban council project in their portfolio right? and so is qbn/news today. When Krop launched it was pushed heavily on us.shellie
  • pango0

    A coworker been telling(complaining to) me how much he wants to quit. And I've been encouraging him. He seriously complains(whines) too much and it really annoys me... I don't really show it, so he kind of thinks i'm his best friend...
    Too bad I only get to see if he actually quit around Jun.....
    uuuuugh the wait is killing me....

    • dont lead people on pretending your their best friend.yurimon
    • pfff i'm not pretending. I just don't show it. it's call work. i help him out quite a bit cuz otherwise he won't stop whining.pango
    • that sux.yurimon
    • We all need a good moan some tines (i am british though!) But time like this remind him of Yoda "do or don't there is no try!"mugwart
    • Or you could just handle it like an adult and not be such a fake fuckterry_cloth
    • Hahahahaha Terry's here!! Come at me! :D tell me which part is fake.pango
    • @mugwart. Nahhh this guy whines on a daily basis. Trash talk everybody. Gossip... It's really annoying.pango
    • Well if you didn't reciprocate then he would keep coming to you, he probably feels the same way about you but both of you are too childish to nip it in the budterry_cloth
    • These kind of parasitic relationships that you have described are almost always mutually parasitic, you are not some kind of victim of this guys bad attitude, yterry_cloth
    • -you are equally culpableterry_cloth
    • LOLpango
    • Intrapersonal intelligence, get someterry_cloth
    • Intelligence in general. you should get some. Here we go again. Terry pretend to know everything. Quit pretending terry. Aren't you tired of being a fake fuck?pango
    • Must be exhausting, your whole existence on Qbn is a make believe.pango
    • Lol sorry mugwart. Your feeds is about to be flooded with notes from me and terry. I'm gonna aim low this time. Around 50 I'm guessing.pango
    • How do I know? Lol I know him enough that he can't resist it. He just can't.pango
    • Wait for it... Wait for it...pango
    • ladies...monospaced
    • wait... wth man! I was expecting terry!pango
  • yurimon-7

    toss me some downvotes to remind me how much you guys love me.


  • drake-von-drake-1

    Snakes, Scorpions and Condoms. Three things I don't fuck with.

    • http://lovelace-medi…nb
    • (Safe for work)nb
    • I do believe that. Yikes!drake-von-drake
    • You know, it's an unverified statistic from a shitty jpg on the web, and it confirms your prior belief, so it doesn't surprise me that you would believe it.nb
    • Jesus fucking christ, I'm fucking with you. Go back to Canada.drake-von-drake
  • PonyBoy6

    Today I was an editor for! :)

    • The upvote was for you. The downvote was for NBC. Sorry they cancelled out, but I had to be fair. ;)mg33
    • haha!PonyBoy
    • Enter response:

      Today i logged onto qbn! :)
    • I didn't know you Asian. But nice profile pic nevertheless! ✌sureshot
    • call me Jean-ClaudePonyBoy
    • yeah was looking on my phone,..see it better on my pc. nice dudesureshot
  • edd-e12

    back in the day--

    like last year.. and this year..

    b4 you posted in teh blog thread, you have to have read it all

    b4 you sucked off mono you sucked off yuri

    b4 you tasted gold it was silver

    b4 qbn.. you were a member of yayhooray

    b4 that.. qbn only lets OSFA win prizes

  • blog5

    ALL OF YOU!!!!





  • ernexbcn3

    I wanted to share this today…

  • i_monk0

    The top 10 GIS results for upside cross mafaka are QBN links. Well done.

  • pinkfloyd-14

    What kind of a person has an affair? I know someone who's cheating on her husband, and sleeping with another guy who's married. I'm a bit confused about her personality. She's nice to me, yet my coworkers complain she's a b*tch that's condescending to the people under her. On the one hand, I heard her husband travels a lot so maybe he started cheating on her first. The guy she's having an affair with, well his wife kicked him out of the house and he can't see his kids anymore.

    I guess it would take a two face personality to lie to her husband while sleeping with another man. I'm just trying to figure out if she's playing me or not by being nice to me.

    • cunts and douchebagsGnash
    • they should get brandedGnash
    • considering that marriage is a construct of the church, personal beliefs should be kept to one's self. humans are not monogamous.imbecile
    • anything past that is just one human expecting another to behave in accordance with their wants.imbecile
    • the kind of love that makes you want to be linked to someone forever, that's not a construct of the churchmonospaced
    • the rules about it, maybe, but the feelings are not their domain exclusivelymonospaced
    • i'm not sure why church is being brought up here.pinkfloyd
    • she sounds funset
    • I think it was brought up as a response to the framing of this as a moral issuemonospaced
    • you're the one complaining about the affair. marriage is the only thing making it an affair.imbecile
    • other than that it's a woman expressing herself sexually in a way that you don't seem to agree with.imbecile
    • Lulz at grown men and women crying over this shit.nb
    • I'm talking about people cheating in a relationship, they don't have to be married.pinkfloyd
    • are you in that relationship? does either party care as much about this as you? LOL at your anonymous gossip re: something that is not your concern.imbecile
    • ok?pinkfloyd
    • he said she's been nice to him and she might be playing him, so that would explain why he cares a littlemonospaced
    • stick your willy in, jizz in her eye and move on.set
    • what has this place become... wtf.fadein11
    • QBN soap opera, showing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.fadein11
    • How do you mean playing you flloyd. Hitting on you maybe. As far as that women expressing themselves blah blah, it's just a matter of honesty. Nobody likes a literry_cloth
    • play it cool and stay out of it. don't get involved unless you absolutly understanf the situation.pango
    • -ar, all that pseudo femenists drivel is irrelevant. Nobody likes a gossip either thoughterry_cloth
    • guys, don't be projecting. I have no interest in this lady. I'm just asking if she's pretending to be nice to be because my coworkers are calling her a bitch.pinkfloyd
    • I don't like getting played or lied to. If she's sincerely being nice to be, then i'll recipricate the kindness. If she's pretending, then I don't wantpinkfloyd
    • to be used like that.pinkfloyd
    • she's fat and ugly if I need to speak in the qbn chick of the day dialect.pinkfloyd
    • I get the feeling that her being nice might not be connected with her relationship/affair status at allmonospaced
    • good point pangopinkfloyd
    • that's the thing, I don't absolutely understand the situation.pinkfloyd
    • @mono i'm wondering if she's a liar or not to me. I may be over analyzing the affair with her being a liar or not to me.pinkfloyd
    • just for the record, imbecile is really living up to his usernamepinkfloyd
    • a person is better judged by their actions mostly. you need to see what the relationship with you and her is really based on to get an idea.yurimon
    • clearly, imbecile's a cheaterGnash
    • what is the relationships she has with others. how she treats others is relevant to who she is in some way. just observe.yurimon
    • c'mon yurimon, she's married and is sleeping with a married man... at least try to keep up, derpmonospaced
    • yee shall judge them by their fruits-yurimon
    • I'm not sure why this made it to the cover of qbn? It's a blog post?pinkfloyd
    • Gnash, clearly, I am able to communicate and have enjoyed open relationships. Nor do I find it necessary to concern myself with the sexual conduct of strangers.imbecile
    • kinda reaching for content here qbn?pinkfloyd
    • that's the thing i noticed, how she treats other people....pinkfloyd
    • but hey man, if putting me down for defending the sexual rights of a woman gets you off, here man, take some lube with you.imbecile
    • it's an algorithm based on activity and popularity (good or bad) that puts it theremonospaced
    • imbecile, don't try to justify cheating with stupiditypinkfloyd
    • i haven't cheated dipshit. funny how people are calling me out for defending a woman's right to fuck. How telling of the men of qbnimbecile
    • on cover page cuz you forgot to check off "Possibly NSFW (prevents this reply from appearing on the Cover)"pango
    • i think what pinky is questioning is her character. Not her gender rights. she made a vow and wore a ring. yet she's sleeping with another person.pango
    • before anyone jump on to it i completely understand vow and rings are purely symbolic gesture. but at the same time its also a form of trust.pango
    • I'm going to have to check the Possibly NSFW moving forward. Thanks!pinkfloyd
    • my perfect world is nobody ever get married and everybody just fucks everybody happily ever after.pango
    • lolset
    • someone give imbecile a ticket to the shortbuspinkfloyd
    • that perfect world requires an iq of 5 pgoyurimon
    • lol @ a woman's right to fuck, vs breaking a promise. they are different thing, moron.Gnash
    • i'm not talking about open relationships and neither is the OP.Gnash
    • Damn yuri. You're 4 points short.monospaced
    • @pinkfloyd - why do you give a shit? leave them to it - not your problem - focus on yourself. if you have a gut feeling you don't trust her then don't ffs.fadein11
    • And most importantly. Pic or it didn't happen!pango
  • detritus2

    I've got a low opinion of people who cheat on their partners when their relationship is understood by the offended party to be monogamous, and I'm not sure what's wrong with thinking that.

    Humans are biologically wired to shit in bushes and kill each other as well as not be lifetime-monogamous, but that seems like a flimsy platform to justify a cerebral and culpable form of hurt.

    Now, if two, three or however many people consensually agree to do whatever with whoever and however they want, that's none of my concern and best of luck to them.

    I cheated on a couple of people in my early twenties and I still to this day feel bad about it and what I did to those girls and wonder what it says about the type of person I am. I will never do it again and I expect my partner to act the same.

    Again, I'm not too sure what's wrong with thinking that and, more to the point, no one else can as equally state that I or we are wrong, because it's none of their business.


    So, unless these people are intimate to you, I'm not sure you should stick your nose in or really give a fuck what they're up to.

    • Every person is different, every couple is different and love and sex are 2 different things. I agree on being loyal, tho'Maaku
    • Best of luck to you too! :)Maaku
    • Similarly, I look at the times I cheated in my early 20s and still feel bad. Can't even imagine doing it now. I have friends who "swing" and it drives me nuts.monospaced
    • I'm naturally a lying, cheating bastard. I haven't met someone yet that genuinely makes me want to be completely faithful though. I guess I'd like to, one day.set
    • Hey, at least it was in your early 20s and not half way through 40 with grown up kids. Don't be too hard on yourself. You made a mistake and had fun doing it.Maaku
    • However, the only people I've met that are morally, passionately and outspokenly against cheating are the ones that obviously don't get the opportunity to.set
    • @set, or have been cheated on and realized they wouldn't want to do that to another personmonospaced
    • I'm about a decade younger than most of you though so I guess I'm still going full cunt.set
    • When I said people I meant men. Obviously 99% of women are against it.set
    • 9/10 of my male friends do it.set
    • Thanks, maaku - I don't wear it like an albatross around my neck every day, but it does tinge my thoughts on the matter.detritus
    • Great post detritus.pinkfloyd
    • Monogamy was created by the church. More manipulation away from love, affection and happiness.set
    • Wake Up Sheeple.ORAZAL
    • Monogamy is a lie!!!!pango
    • I'd never be under the illusion that it's an ok thing to do though if the other person stands to get hurt. It's obviously not nice.set
    • ΔΔ O N O G A ΔΔ Y
      Illuminati Approved
    • I don't have any friends, male or female, that I've known to cheat (not since high school/college). Personally, I can't think of a lower thing to do to anotherformed
    • It's about respect and trust, integrityformed
    • the integrity is between those in the relationship. whatever they decide should not be victim to opinions of those outside of it.imbecile
    • You should have a low opinion. Those who cheat are morally bankrupt. Those that disagree also have zero morals.Hayoth
    • Don't judge unless you know exactly what's going on.pango
    • values and your thoughts of yourself, life will create your life basically. thought make up your actions, cause and effect. either individually or collectivallyyurimon
    • lol wut?monospaced
    • yodayurimon
    • "When I said people I meant men." -setsarahfailin
    • Hahahaha now that just nitpicking.pango
    • We should guilt and shame monogamist with our low opinions. Polygamists is the path to ultimate happiness.omg
    • Jesusdrake-von-drake
    • ^^ not necessarilyyurimon
    • forgive yourself.
      we learn from our mistakes.
    • What's your point sarahfailin?set
    • I'm not sure I really care. If you're implying sexism or chauvinism then you're a plonkerset

  • pinkfloyd0

    "Stress medication may be required"

    • well that's rather fucked upset
    • haha, it's next level dudepinkfloyd
    • they want you to party so hard you ride an ambulance home.pango
    • Sounds like joining the Army.ORAZAL
    • new Gap branding?fadein11
    • "stress medication" .. ie half an ounce of blowautoflavour
    • ^lolpinkfloyd
  • Maaku0

    I find it very disrespectful if you don't take care of your personal hygiene, specially those assholes that don't shower in the morning. I could care less if it's a cultural thing or a health problem, for every bad odor there's a solution (deodorant, mouth wash, cologne, soap, etc, etc...)

  • mekk4

    hehe ernexbcn:

  • drgs2

    utopian! im still waiting for the right answer…

  • drake-von-drake-5

    Got bored, decided to watch some Greatest American Hero to make me feel 12 again.

  • pockets5

    just had a 19 year old come in for a social media position (interview).

    her resume said she had a eye for detail, every bullet point and indent was different, extra spaces between words "like this" and spelled Photoshop "photo shop"

    she asked for 80k/yr starting..

    kids these days

    • eh qbn takes out extra spacing. go qbn!pockets
    • sounds perfect for the positionmonospaced
    • 80k lol get the fuck outta heremoldero
    • If she asks you why she didn't get the job, tell her.bklyndroobeki
    • based on my experience with social media experts, none of that is required whatsoevermonospaced
    • I bet she's good at Emojis.bainbridge
    • She might be posting things to twatter, and the like... probably need a good eye for that stuff. Those people are so the limelight of a company's image.bklyndroobeki
    • So if she's 19, he doesn't go to college? What is on her resume?bainbridge
    • EDUCATION: University of Arizona, ​Tucson, AZ...SKILLS: Photo Shop; Adobe Illustrator; In Design; MS Word; Excel;...pockets
    • after reading half her resume i didnt even bother asking about completed dates for UOA..(BA Interdisciplinary Studies​ ​Major)​...pockets
    • she somehow worked for Bergdorf Goodmanpockets
    • This all but confirms what the shit level of quality control in online media is doing to kids. They see mediocrity 24/7 and think it passes as acceptable.mg33
    • Are you being serious? $80k at 19yr??? With zero experience?sofakingback
    • And think their totally limited skill set warrants that kind of salary. What a world!mg33
    • https://10cities10ye…Mattjanz3n
    • Ha. I had a similar position with a jr designer (terrible) loved knives and leather bkgs. Wanted 85k.Hayoth
    • i wonder if they have context to 80Kbklyndroobeki
    • well if you tube stars are making 10 mil a year making smoothie videos, then surely 19yo twitter superstar and photo shop guru is worth 80k minimum!_niko
    • Hahaha! Welcome to FUCKING MILLENNIALVILLE! I've has similar experiences. I just start laughing at them usually, I really dodrake-von-drake
    • BTW, half of the problem, society preaches that crap. It's all the rage, everyone is equal and deserve tons starting off, with no experience.drake-von-drake
    • Don't forget a ton of art schools (digital media programs) are just peddling degrees. There's no quality control involved. It's about the $.drake-von-drake
    • @ _niko, don't laugh that's exactly the way they think. Fact!drake-von-drake
    • Maybe you should point these faults out to her. Maybe she thinks she's doing the right thing and doesn't know how much $ to ask for. Being blunt could be good.freedom
    • Tell her she needs to work hard and learn things. Don't just dismiss her to go apply for more jobs to get rejected from.freedom
    • 19 year olds usually have no idea how useless and naive they are.freedom
    • ^
      Who didn't mess things up at that age?
    • I still have no idea how useless and naive I amset
    • You go girl!bklyndroobeki
    • I see that's the first time you meet an entitled bernie voter
      jk jk
      nah it's true
    • @freedom no, it's pervasive in that generation. I've probably interviewed around 50 Gen Y / Millennial over my career and it's alway a huge amountdrake-von-drake
    • There's a complete disconnect with fiscal reality and that runs deep in most of their social views as well.drake-von-drake
    • In their eyes, everything has to happen TODAY. No work or experience should occur. "We deserve it because we said so..." Doesn't work that waydrake-von-drake
    • If this bird had a proper guidance counselor, she wouldn't have asked you for such an amount. Schools probably have cut back on them. Lmfaodrake-von-drake
    • Average QBN member is an old man shaking his fist at the kids.nb
    • Salaries of this amount are unwarranted. It matters not based upon age your average social media manager does not make $80,000drake-von-drake
    • An individual straight out of school definitely doesn't deserve the $80,000drake-von-drake
    • Mind yoy, your average CEO makes somewhere in the 135 to $150,000 range. Why would you pay a social media manager nearly half of that amountdrake-von-drake
    • but is she hot? jkomg
    • I would have asked her where the $80k came from. She's got balls, if she knows what that means. When I was in grad school I thought $60k a year was a fabulousformed
    • ^drake-von-drake
    • Honestly, I would have asked, "explain a time where you've worked with an actual client, having to show them the business intelligence behind your work, IOW,drake-von-drake
    • what was their ROI?" - INTERVIEW OVER. Kids like this do not know jackshit. $80 fucking K.drake-von-drake
    • I had a great time at UoA in 1995. I'll never forget. Best days of my teenage years...SimonFFM
    • nb
    • These types tend to be thrasonical (they're all being told they're special), but undeservingly sodrake-von-drake
    • they laughed at me asking for $40k. Damnit. Why did you even invite her?mekk
    • Bumping omg's question, is she hot?Maaku
  • bklyndroobeki0

    "Hey buddy! How's it going?!"

    I'm a uncomfy when coworkers want to chit chat and catch up in the mensroom. I just want to drop my load and leave in peace.

    ...let's talk outside where there's comfy couches. No?