
  • Started
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  • 75,645 Responses
  • PonyBoy0

  • cherub1

    It's raining like crazy here.

  • GeorgesII-1

    hey Mod,

    how come you tolerate this type of post blatantly created by a troll account to make fun of another user,

  • ernexbcn0

    I leave you guys a couple of days and the QBN is in flames. Let's take care of our quality balloon network!

  • Bennn2

    It's actually very sad that a grown up adult take the time to make such innocent thing on the internet to troll other grown up adults. That person must be very alone and sad.

    And I know I'm feeding it by saying this.

  • Bennn10

    About QBN being a ''design community'' and about people posting ''design related'' stuff.

    That thing has been addressed in my mind a long time ago; I don't really care if people post design related stuff or not, QBN is a community of people involved in design in their lifes and they come here to have fun and communicate with other people from everywhere about any topics they want, it goes from a cat picture to sharing an important life event like having a baby or a dying parent.. and sometimes we talk about design; thats the core wire that relates us. What we do around it is what we are and want.

    A 'design only' forum would be very boring to me. I like QBN the way it is, I just hate the trolls.

    But trolls are part of the Internet, we can't get rid of people enjoying the fact they are anonymous and can fill the void in their life by making people reacting to their actions. Those people are often lonely and sad.

    • Trolls Posts = Reality I wish to not see as it doesnt fit my world view; things i wish not to fact checkyurimon
    • Well put Benmonospaced
    • (whenever I hear the term, 'world view,' I can't help but think of the book, Confederacy of Dunces)Gnash
    • lol, @ mono. are you ever capable of seeing other perspectives besides politically correct narratives?yurimon
    • do you know how stupid you sound?monospaced
    • I like how the non adults have other points of view around here and those who feel facts are rapey or cant counter facts are the adults.yurimon
    • mono its pretty clear that you dont have a tolerance for things that might be true if it doesnt fit a narrative you already hold in your head. any presentationyurimon
    • of facts is trolling, or pick a word you use to justify ignorance or avoidance. you demonstrate this time n time again.yurimon
    • pushing an agenda relentlessly is trolling in my book, specially if you do it everywhere even being off-topic.ernexbcn
    • not really the same. I dont post the same pic or video. how do explain the donald trump hate thread or threads with specific topic. are they pushing and agenda?yurimon
    • only problem i have is mono displaying emotional fits and acting like its my fault for his emotional disturbance. If you can find a better way to communicate toyurimon
    • him on how to frame a proper argument or challenging ideas, facts in a civil matter, that would improve the flow of information or discussion.yurimon
    • I'm sensing some anger here.CyBrainX
    • where?yurimon
    • Speaking of thread hijacking.Continuity
    • Yurimon: Enough. Your schtick is getting really old. Move on.Moderator
    • Mono said three words, and here you are again going off on him for agreeing with someone. If your comments disappear, don't say you weren't warned.Moderator
    • ^Continuity
    • mental illnessinteliboy
    • (i'm not clear about what purpose deleting comments serves. unless, of course, the comments are injurious in some way)Gnash
    • It's good for getting points across.Continuity
    • I scrolled down past all the Yurimon diarrhea comments so I can just applaud Bennn: I echo everything you said!chukkaphob
    • And I'd like to add: QBN is an inspiration as well -- all and any content (minus the troll BS) can inspire us to become better creatives.chukkaphob
    • I almost wish yurimon pulls a drake and reveals himself to be a former QBN'r who's pulled a spectacular 3 year trolling session.
      Fucking yuri.
    • On the surface it might not seem like a "design" related forum, but in reality, it IS the best design/creatives/med... resource on the web...chukkaphob
    • ... because inspiration and motivation and support is just as important as learning a PS shortcut, a new Jquery plug-in, more about color theory, or a CSS trickchukkaphob
    • <add to feed>ORAZAL
    • ^^ not sure why my "/media" comment got truncated to "/med..."

      I guess cause it couldn't wrap to a new line
    • There's a character limit for one wordset
    • 12345678901112131415...set
    • 15set
    • hmm I fucked up and missed the 1 from 10set
    • also I forgot for a second that 11 is too digits. I did have a few pints with lunch.set
    • 20. The character limit for each word is 20.set
    • two digits*set
    • This really isn't going well for meset
    • Never mention it againset
    • LOL
      I knew I had to subscribe to this.
    • lol setBennn
    • n so the cycle continuesyurimon
    • ORAZAL sees beauty where no one else is abledrake-von-drake
    • @Bennn, well put. Bravo!Krassy
    • what the fuck is going on high school all over the last monthsureshot
    • i did miss high school. life was so lazy it was awesome.pango
    • cool!doesnotexist
    • Without sounding like a twat, I see what Yuri is on about, but I find it more a clash of personalities rather than it being someones faultIanbolton
    • Why do I feel obliged to chip in here? I find Yuri quite patronising with the way he expresses his views, which gets on my nerves.Ianbolton
    • But usually just keep my gob shut. Where as Mono rightly speaks his mind.Ianbolton
    • It's an open forum, and I know Yuri seriously believes a lot of the stuff he says, so that's not specifically trolling. Is it?Ianbolton
    • I'm not attached to any specific view. as new information is discovered and as with reasoning things are proven wrong, i will change my mindyurimon
    • i think you are right with the personality aspect, i can see the direct approach a bit nerving. call me greg, yurimon is my username makes it more personalyurimon
  • Al_dizzle4

    So much fucking drama in this place.

  • Maaku0

    It's finally Wednesday. Boss is coming back today, he was away on a trip last week. You can feel the stress already but at least he brought breakfast tacos.

  • mg331

    I'm getting a physical and blood work in a couple hours and I can't have anything but water this morning, and I AM STARVING.

    • whatever you don't think about crispy bacon.Gnash
    • I fucking hate that, same with dentistdrake-von-drake
    • (insert 'do')Gnash
    • ^ HA HAdrake-von-drake
    • (don't tombstone me, mg! just kidding :)Gnash
    • Ha! I think I can let a grammatical error slide. However, I will read it "whatever you, don't think think about crispy bacon."mg33
    • This post is making me hungry.Al_dizzle
    • Speaking of bacon, saw this on Reddit late last night
    • ^ mental note -- ask for extra bacon at closing timeGnash
    • Do not pass Go. Do not pay their $200. Head directly to Five Guys, after!drake-von-drake
  • HijoDMaite5

    Some users here feel marginalized or picked on. Often times their argument is that people won't "accept" or be "tolerant" of their views. I don't understand the relentless attempt at trying to make people see your side or convince them that they are wrong. My dudes, this is a design forum. It's full artists! Made up of Gen X and Millennials from mostly progressive areas of the U.S and a lot of foreigners or ex-pats living abroad. I think it's safe to assume that a vast majority of the users have a more liberal/progressive political leaning, with many libertarians and a small portion having a conservative/right leaning political view. So here is a concept. WHO THE FUCK CARES!?

    Get over yourself, stop trying to convince people they are wrong or that you have the proper way of thinking on the matter! In other words GROW UP.

    If you can't see this and continue to push your views then you are asking for a headache and are likely just an asshole. There are so many cool things about this site, I feel privileged to be a part of it. I see it as, I don't want to bite the hand that feeds me. If I see something I disagree with I just move on. I think 90 percent of users operate like this. They don't get involved in the bickering. who has time for that anyway?

    My excuse is I'm on a boring WebEx meeting all morning.


    • Stop trying to convince us that you have the proper thinking on THIS matter. ;)nb
    • Well put, HijoDMaitemonospaced
    • Touché nb.HijoDMaite
    • The only bit of this I saw/read was... "WHO THE FUCK CARES!?"

      ... I agree.
    • I know, these people on here.yurimon
    • not going to nameyurimon
    • do your multiple personalities have their own qbn accounts?monospaced
    • WOW, actually much more Gen X than anything of the 50 of us.drake-von-drake
    • I kind of wish the political stuff didn't show up on the front page. There is an option not to (by checking the NSFW box) but no one does it.yuekit
    • Gen X? 60%
      Millennials? 0%
      Over 50yrs old? 40%
    • ^drake-von-drake
    • Over 50yrs old? 40% @qbn WTF?+!% maybe try 30-40 :) but still crap :(sted
    • Lol. What a crap argument. This place operates like a collective attacking anyone against the group think. But 'the day' threads r great!Hayoth
    • ^ yup. there is one closet conservative n bully on here i dare not name.yurimon
    • One of your personalities we assume.monospaced
    • Fucking Urimonutopian
    • Name names, you weasely little fud. Be a man!face_melter
    • give you a hint | |yurimon
    • didnt work well but you know.yurimon
    • your two personalities?monospaced
    • @mono you misspelled "four"chukkaphob
    • this is a shared account, maybe. i was just laughing when we made interns look up conspiracy theories and post them. lol. those were the days..yurimon
    • but i was referring to someone else there is a letter c in the name.yurimon
    • you call your parents interns?monospaced
  • chukkaphob5

    Current troll level on QBN:

  • set4

    Did you know of the day.

    You can fit every planet in the solar system in the space between earth and the moon.

    • i can't.sarahfailin
    • i just crunched the numbers and you can only do this during its apogee when it's 405,000 km from the earth. but this statement is pretty close to true.sarahfailin
    • sum of the diameters of the 8 planets is 401,210 kmsarahfailin
    • You can fit every planet in the solar system in your mom!pango
    • Sorry...pango
    • Why yes I did...but did you know that today I feel like the original gas giant.utopian
    • Did You Know:
      You can fit every post you want into the "Did You Know" thread!
    • Fuck that shitset
  • sarahfailin0

    finding myself a bit hungry, so i may go and get a snack

    • $i = 0
      $num = 1

      while $i < $num do
      puts("Inside the loop i = #$i" )
      $i +=1
  • detritus1

    There's a lovely Turkish lady in the post office I go to regularly.

    A couple of weeks ago she exclaimed brightly that she thought I was in an advertising campaign for a well known cellphone retailer here in the UK, Carphone Warehouse. A bit confused by this, I had to sadly admit it wasn't me.

    I've just watched TV with ads for the first time in a while and seen who she means.

    Fucking Keith lemon.

    • LolHayoth
    • lolsofakingback
    • :)))) don't get to confused just go for it :)
      and remember with sufficient amount of cash and cocaine anything possible aahaah
    • So it turns out she was taking the piss? Brilliant. You were hoping for a sexy lookalike, weren't you...set
    • No, she was earnest - i was just perplexed at how she thought I looked anything like the guy. Apparently she excitedly told all her friends. *shrug*detritus
    • Solid gold contentset
  • sea_sea4

    clicking the top middle red bar on the qbn mobile version just made my life a whole lot better. Thanks mg33 :)

    • nice!PonyBoy
    • NOOOOOB!!!!pango
    • I know, I had no idea. :P still waiting for top broadcast button!sea_sea
    • holy shit!_niko
    • Ya thanks mg33. I never read the owner's manual.HijoDMaite
    • Mind blownd_gitale
    • Very discoverable.studderine
    • on ios tapping the top bar means scroll to top in every scrollable app :)mekk
    • Tapping the QBN logo takes you to the home page. Tapping the header a second time brings you back to the thread you were last in.monospaced
    • The logo tap is a given, but the middle tap is a nice touch.sea_sea
    • You're welcome! For whatever reason that feature wasn't advertised, but it sure is nice.mg33
    • Holy heck! My one grouch about this mobile version, addressed!detritus
  • set0

    His nostrils are so big it sounds like he's eating with his mouth open even when it's closed.

  • set3

    I'll post this here again because it's so handy. If you need a font, paste this in to google. I still use it regularly with great success, just used it to find Brandon Grotesque....

    intitle:"index.of" (ttf|otf) FONT NAME -html -php -aps -cf -jsp

    • Living the dream, my friends.
      Living the dream.
    • © Utopian
      Does your studio not have any fonts?
    • I'm freelance you raging turdset
    • Are you really unable to fathom a situation where you might need a font you don't have access to?set
    • thanks for this. I end up endlessly scrolling through the Useful Thread.Gnash
    • Did you also see the naughty (& extremely good) font finding link posted a couple wks ago?bklyndroobeki
    • I did not?set
    • I used to use that technique to find vulnerable websitespockets
    • well... back when black seo actually workedpockets
    • http://www.getthefon…exador1
    • I'm not sure if it's my Internet provider or if it's Google but I sometimes get thrown to a security IP logging page... Go easy with this.PonyBoy
    • @set - last week you were saying you worked 2 days at home and the rest in london (aside from telling us how many women you bang lol)fadein11
    • yes of course we all need fonts - just thought you worked for an agency in brighton or london (with access to fonts/typefaces thank you).fadein11
    • Yeah someone posted this a long time ago and I still use it from time to time...but first have to locate the QBN thread to remember what to search for :)yuekit
    • I think "index.of" (ttf|otf) FONT NAME or "parent directory" (ttf|otf) FONT NAME probably works just as don't really need the file types at the endyuekit
    • @fadein, I am at a studio half the week and they do have fonts, I'm not sure what that has to do with this helpful way of acquiring other fonts though mate..set
    • nothing - I have used it many times after Utopian posted it ages ago.fadein11
  • imbecile1

    in the past two days I have seen flappy bird ported to then played on a vape pen and woocommerce control a drone.

  • mugwart13

    Hope no objections writing in here!

    Stressed out,
    15 years in film vfx, worked my way up to my dream position from tea boy. Prior to that I was written off at school/ family for being an idiot, when just servilely dyslexic.

    Climbing up the ladder the hardest way possible, teaching myself nightly, 17 hours, poverty - worst clients, best clients, great teams (3 Oscar winning teams) ... not so great teams (shouldn't say).

    Number blind and "don't read so good" but I taught myself coding, software packages.
    Just been offered the position to the job I always wanted but... I have to past a coding test and its is the most anti-dyslexic layout. Can't read or make sense of it for a dime!

    That and GitS looks white washed rubbish!

    • awe dude, be honest with them!monospaced
    • Thanks @monospaced - writing that email now!mugwart
    • my twin brother, who's incredibly brilliant, also suffered (suffers) from dyslexia growing up and people thought he was slow. he's not, he just does things diffmonospaced
    • Wouldn't say I'm brilliant but yeah you suffer it. Tell it to other people though!! Hey ho I'll sit it for a laugh and give it all I have. Sorry for the moan!mugwart
    • yeah man - surely they will hire you if they like you/your work. if not fuck em.fadein11
    • sounds like you deserve the best - good luck.fadein11
    • jeez dude be happy you don't suffer from laziness and low ambitiondeathboy
    • No worries bro. Just be straightforward with them and it'll be fine.garbage
    • Thanks all sorry to moan!mugwart
    • Moan away this is the blog and we cool in here. ;) good luck!sea_sea
    • Be up front with them - your abilities should be all that's important, not some oblivious test. These days lots of peeps appreciate dyslexia often = talentdetritus
    • Ghost In The Shell? - do tell? Srsly cant you get them to take into account your dyslexia. dont you have to declare it. its a legitimate 'disability'trooperbill
    • sounds like a large company.docpoz
    • Coding tests are largely BS, unfortunately. No one writes sorting algo's in real life except for google and shit. Yet, that's what most of them are.section_014
    • Its a big company and I know them very well! Its a new 'thing'. If I get it I'll be a colour scientist!! Ha the ironey!!mugwart
    • Gits ... No gossip to tell. Not my company doing it. My film {i loved working on} working on has just came out... Qbn needs to go on the dark web!!mugwart
    • good luck man! you sound greatcbass99
    • this is a good year :)mekk
    • good luck, mug!Gnash
    • GITS, even if an okay movie, is a SHIT movie, cos GITS source material = a masterpiece.inteliboy
    • and keep us postedGnash
  • pockets13

    toss me some downvotes to remind me how much you guys love me.
