Architect Designed Homes
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- 24 Responses
- microkorg
There's a REALLY nice "Architecture of the Day" thread on QBN but a lot of it is big projects, crazy skyscrapers and spaceage wonders.
I thought I'd start this new thread for realistic architect designed homes. Something that you or I could afford and commission.
Nothing wrong with a little bit of extravegance here and there though but try to keep realistic.Recently the wife and I have been talking about getting some land and getting something built so looking for a bit of inspiration.
Here's a nice little pad from todays DesignBoom email.
- detritus0
- it really is though, quantifiably objectively horrid.detritus
- i'm with you. pure shitelowimpakt
- Looks nice, would like to see some aerials/site plansformed
- Quite like the single move of the slate shingle combined with the wood. Would have liked a lighter feeling walkway around the back. Reads heavy heavy heavy.digitdaily
- microkorg2
Visited Villa Savoye a year or two ago and fell in love with it.
Old classics are also welcome in this thread too :)
- detritus0
I'm all for modern design in houses, but please don't overly inflict it on your neighbours, especially if your taste is incined towards the awful.
- are you referring to the BBC house?lowimpakt
- No, sorry - the one ^up there. This was supposed to be a sort of counterpoint.detritus
- Such incredible horseshit. We may as well all live in grey boxes with that attitude.face_melter
- Houses aren't inflicted on people - there is a proper consultation process and if the folk around object, it doesn't get built.face_melter
- You'd be happy if you had a property and your neighbour put up that monstrosity at the head of the page next door? We have planning permission for a reason...detritus
- As far as 'grey boxes' is concerned - what the hell is that up there anyway? You live in Sweden, right? How tolerant are they of that sort of thing up there?detritus
- Arrogance.detritus
- Ah, sorry - I missed your second response mid-refresh, the one that essentially agrees with me.detritus
- I thought the BBC gaff looked a bit too big and then realised it contained a studio & gallery. i started getting serious gaff envy. beautiful location.lowimpakt
- really nice place in that BBC link. lucky old artistic couple look like they are living the life of riley there. much jealous.microkorg
- microkorg1
Most places you do have to get planning permission which also means getting the OK from your neighbours to build what you are planning.
A lot of UK cities and countryside will be conservation areas which means you have to respect what is around you.
If you can do little nods to local materials or styles around then this is looked favourable upon.
Sorry about the offensive first post. It was a house that was to hand from an email I got today.
I don't mind some elements of it - The vista from the outside living room, the empty connection hallway.
Definitely not a house you'd place in Polish countryside.
- detritus2
For what it's worth, my taste (such as it is) leans towards this sort of thing, which I imagine is probably just as offensive to a lot of people..…
I *love* grubby cast concrete.
- Great link. The wife and I love concrete too.microkorg
- The warm ambience of a parking garage.monNom
- Depends what you do with it after it's built :) I see this sort of thing as a base for adding life and personality to, not an end result. Foliage & bookshelvesdetritus
- BRUTALIST HOUSING. I'm kind of into that also.sublocked
- love thesesinjun
- *bookmarked*Krassy
- same here, nice find.utopian
- I just purchased a loft with cast concrete ceilings and beams and polished concrete floors.utopian
- what designer isn't into this? Even if only to appreciate the beautiful design.sofakingback
- some of these must look really great in winter with snowSquiddy
- although I love the design... some of these need some serious landscape help... terrible flow / balance w/the natural surroundings for a number of thesePonyBoy
- formed0
Yeah, I am not a fan of the NIMBY. As an architect and developer, there's nothing worse than some people living in a piece of crap for 50 years and thinking their taste matters more.
Sure, there's a TON of crap out there, but positive change always faces obstacles. Eventually, if the area is nice enough, that little old house will be torn down and something, hopefully better, will be built.
In the US, you have the right to build what you want, as long as it meets zoning. Modern, regurgitated mediterranean crap, fake victorians, whatever you want.
Some neighborhoods/subdivisions try to act as dictators and have design guidelines you have to follow, but most of those are hideous anyway (think a sea of fake Med, kinda like Southern Ca - it's god awful...though there are nice bright spots of lovely modern/contemporary design that *almost* make it tolerable).You do NOT need approvals of any neighbors for aesthetics/design. Now, many of us developers do seek input and meet with neighbors, particularly for multi-family, but most of that is out of good politics, not because it is required (it rarely is).
- Ego vs. Ego.detritus
- I happen to love the mediterranean / spanish style of southern california since i grew up on in one of those houses from the '20s, tile and allmonospaced
- if that's godawful, what isn't to you? for me all the ultra modern things are worsemonospaced
- what isn't to me is well done contemporary/modern architecture, tasteful designformed
- I was fortunate to study under some of the greats (Hadid, Mayne, etc.) and have a strong bias to contemporary and newformed
- Copy/paste med is just awful. It's fake, it's cheap and it's lazy. You will never find any respected architect designing such crap.formed
- A good comparison would be Spanish Med Villa (fake ones, a la Ca) = spinning logo with Papyrusformed
- mono - people like what they know, but that doesn't make it "good"formed
- +1sublocked
- detritus0
- modern pueblo?monospaced
- Moorish-inspired Spanish minimalism.
Or something.detritus - nice!Krassy
- you don't like windows and light?t you prefer dungeons?********
- how many styles of architecture were combined to create this monstrosity?utopian
- Not many, Utopian - this sort of design's fairly traditional around the med.detritus
- the alamo?yurimon
- digitdaily0
'Modern' houses showcased in blogs like that may look 'simple' formally but are usually quite expensive to construct. Making clean looking buildings is costly in material and especially in labor. I couldn't afford to build that and i wouldn't even charge myself to design it.
- yup, nothing like some crown molding or trim to cover up sloppy construction. Modern/minimal is super expensive to do wellformed
- Is it because the details are less common than a regular house? So all parties involved have to learn while they build?sofakingback
- sofakingback - yeah, the cost is in the detail. Hiding fittings, things sitting flush, making things look effortless.microkorg
- it's because things can be seen. McMansions have so much "stuff" that conveniently can hide sloppy work (trim, molding, etc.)formed
- Fax_Benson0
None of these are 'realistic'. Are there any good architect designed smaller / social / affordable / pref-fab examples out there?
- The wimbledon one up there ^ is realistic.microkorg
- Not to make too many assumptions about your income but it probably isn'tdigitdaily
- @Fax_Benson
Look into Alejandro Aravena (ELEMENTAL) and their work in Incremental Housing.******** - http://www.elemental…
http://www.elemental…******** - Fax have you seen BLU HOMES?
https://www.bluhomes…sublocked - had seen, ELEMENTAL, not Blu, ta.Fax_Benson
- mg330
Absolutely 100% my dream to be able to design and build a house someday to live out my failed dreams of becoming an architect.
- ********0
- whatthefunk0
- Not his most famous erection. https://upload.wikim…BusterBoy
- good rule of thumb - if it has steel or concrete structure you probably can't afford it, ha.digitdaily
- microkorg1
RIBA AWARDS 2017…Just watched this series on TV.…
The Murphy House here in Edinburgh won it. It's a cool house but definitely designed just for the architect to live in as its full of personal quirks.
Other houses in the shortlist are far more amazing.
Is probably my favourite of the shortlist. Home to a couple who are both artists. I would kill for this home.…THE CHEERAN HOUSE
Second favourite. Built overlooking their own meadow garden. Asian style courtyard and beautiful home.…THE MODERN MUSE
Used the space and light really well.…EDGE HILL
Was pretty special too but must have cost a fair packet!…See if you can catch the series that was on Channel 4 UK.
- studderine0
Frank Lloyd Wright designed a bunch in Arizona.
- uan0
this 2 old schoolers belong here
Villa Le Lac
Le Corbusier for his parents 1925Eames House
Charles and Ray Eames 1949merge this plans with contemporary construction, isolation, climate control, smart home technology and you have a winner.