the immigration thread

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  • 53 Responses
  • sureshot

    I dont know where else to post my vids from europe. So here.

    The Hungarians know how to deal with it.

  • sted-1

    please don't.
    i know this guy, he is actually a huge douchebag :) and the message of this is far from a proper solution. actually at some part he is saying that hungary is now less effected by the marching crowd of refugees but at the end the conclusion is that we should keep everyone out from europe with a fence.
    I feel really sorry that Hungary contributed so much to spread fascist ideas in the past century. We can't even live together with one single subculture (romani or gypsies).

  • lowimpakt-1

    Fences don't stop people fleeing wars.

    The guy in the video is László Toroczkai who is the founder of the 64 counties youth movement which is an extremist far right group. He has been banned from Serbia, Slovakia and Romania.

    so basically, fuck him.

  • sureshot1

    ok didnt know that. This vid is spreading like wild fire. People tend to hold on to any solution that comes their way when they are scared.

    of course I know this is propraganda but I didnt know the dude is a facist. But the vid almost sounds too good to be true.

    So yeah I had no background info about this vid. But like I said it sounded ideal.

  • Gnash0

  • uan0

    In Switzerland they are called Aliens.

  • imagineallthepeople0

    • such a long fucking way. and winter is coming.jaylarson
    • Crisis? Most were welcomed.i_monk
  • lowimpakt0…

    it is a good visualisation but it lacks the complexity of actual routes people take and it also doesn't show repeat or return flows.

    it is also devoid of discussion on the reasons why people have to flee their homes and the root causes of the instability.

  • imagineallthepeople0

    "Fences don't stop people fleeing wars"

    the absolute majority is coming to europe not fleeing war but fleeing poverty, misery and lack of perspective. even the syrians don't seek refugee in europe from actual war but from the conditions in the local refugee camps. they would be safe in the camps, only the conditions are horrible there and they don't see a future there. afghanis don't emigrate because of the war but because they don't want to live in a shithole of a country.

    they want a good life and some european countries offer that perspective, that's the reason they migrate.

    the motivation for the mass migration is all too understandable, but to say that these are war refugees just isn't the truth.

    • The UN has estimated that over 84% arrivals into europe are from refugee producing countries
    • which means they are people fleeing regions that are experiencing war and conflictlowimpakt
  • sureshot1


    these refugee pass SIX SAVE countries where they could have stayed. But they didnt. WHY?
    They are complaing about the food. that there is no TV. No nikes shoes. and they HATE us. Ive seen tons of vids where actually say they gonna kill us all. Plus these people arent being screened.
    try that shit is the US. since they arrived here (europe) we have nothing but shit, rapes, theft etc. They really hate us. Believe me.

    • ^sureshot
    • srryy for my broken engwrish. I am tired.sureshot
    • You post videos of propaganda from far-right extremists so I will struggle to trust you to be honest.lowimpakt
    • you dont have to trust me. I dont care. I teach people from diff backgrounds. As long as you adjust its fine by me. but dont fuck with my country and people.sureshot
  • lowimpakt1

    this is an excellent visual story of a city emerging out of a refugee camp.


  • sureshot1

    will post again. Shows the respect they have for having FREE food en FREE clothing.

    • ahha sureshot you just found the latest most awesome reprezentation how rude some hungarian people are :) the don't need food and clothing they need a home :(sted
    • Think there is a film to be made where a guy like that gets dragged out of his cab. No money, no pport on him. Nobody believes him. Fucked. Stuck with the rest.HAYZ1LLLA
  • IRNlun61

    Here's the opposite end of the narrative.

    Accept with open arms or seal borders. Very polarizing solutions to have too choose from. Not many politicians and pundits concerned with the security and impact to their citizens, and helping people fleeing conflict.

    • these refugeed seem to have nike shoes, leathers jackets, sartphones,plaid shits and they look healthy and warm.sureshot
    • fucking smartphone..nm the typossureshot
    • ps I am not tying to be netagive, Its just not the reality from what we are facing here.sureshot
    • The opinion here in the US, at least according to the media is a choice between these two extremes.IRNlun6
    • Which is either complete ignorance on issues that equally concern all sides, or malicious polarization to score political points.IRNlun6
    • I know you're not being negative sureshot. I think many immediately react negatively to pointing out problems that arise from massive migration.IRNlun6
    • Not many are concerned with the security and impact to their citizens, as well as helping people fleeing conflict. This is only making the problem worse.IRNlun6
    • Sureshot, you are being negative. people are fleeing war in syria not poverty. You seem to fundamentally misunderstand what is going on in the world.lowimpakt
    • I am not. I am teaching people from syrie Dutch. So I no damn well whats going on. even they are ashamed of their own people.sureshot
    • people who lived her for about 10 years and have a job etc. good people.sureshot
    • lowimpakt, whether you agree with his observations or not, it is an underlying issue. Ignoring and dismissing has consequences as well.IRNlun6
    • Frankfurt gefickt.meuvv
  • imagineallthepeople0

    • I cant believe this shit is happening. its like a bad B movie.sureshot
  • imagineallthepeople0…

    people rioting in macedonia today are economic migrants (from morocco, algeria, pakistan, bangladesh, and so on).

    let's see if a fence can hold them back.

    • this shit shouldnt be necessary in the first place. What a waist of money and time not to mention the tention all around.sureshot
    • wastesureshot
  • lowimpakt1

    i spent an evening a few weeks back with a doctor who has spent 12 months on a relief ship in the mediterranean with a leading international NGO.

    His job was mainly to rescue people out of sinking boats, administer healthcare to people if they survived and to deal with the bodies of the hundreds that drowned.

    He showed photos of the boats where people were crammed in and there was no space, food, water. Many of the boats that capsized did so because there would be fumes from diesel motors and people were literally crammed in like sardines so people would be panicking and rushing to get above deck and the boat would become unstable.

    utterly horrific when you see photos.

    What was most interesting is he was able to shares real stories from the 1000s of people that came aboard their boat. real people with the same hopes and aspirations as every person in Europe. they just had the misfortune of being born into a particular ethnic group that was being persecuted or living in a country that was falling apart through civil war.

    He dealt with pregnant women, children under 12 on the boats with no family. He said many of the young men who have been sent by their family as the final hope and all their savings were paid to traffickers with the hope that the young men would reach Europe find work and then support the family. These were often 15, 16 or 17 years old.

    He showed me photos of young men that were tortured by traffickers, scare on their bodies. They would take the family's money and when they were near the ports they would call the family on the phone and torture the young men so the mother or father could hear them being tortured and they would extort more money from them.

    the situation is truly fucked up and for many of the people that he met it was the first moment of humanity they have experienced in many months or even years. They had fled warzones and were then caught up in the criminal trafficking trade.

    • Sounds like the Haitians fleeing to the US or Dominicans trying to go to PR. Same shit everywhere...Maaku
  • georgesIII2

    I'm all for immigration and freedom of movement,
    I'm against letting anyone come in because there are simple steps any country should take to make sure the locals can handle the influx of new refugees,

    as a migrant I dread more than ever the backlash we will get every time someone non local will commit a crime, the right winger are already foaming at their mouth, screaming stop the invasion,

    but ffs, was it so hard to see it coming? does anyone need a goddamm phd in geopolitical assholery to understand that if you keep on taking out dictators from secular countries and replacing them with the nothing but war and chaos, these situations could arise?

    I said it before in a previous thread, killing gaddafi was the worst thing europe ever gotten behind, the guy was literally getting bribes from italy to keep the flood contained,
    and he warned us,

    everyone living in italia at that time knew that the only thing that was stopping europe from being run over by refugees was him, but nobody seemed to care when this was just an italian problem and refugees were dying in droves to reach lampedusa

    link here for those who didn't follow any of this and apparently woke up asking themselves "WHHHHY ARE THEY INVADING US"

    Italy to pay Libya $5 billion…

    EU keen to strike deal with Muammar Gaddafi on immigration…


    yet he was taken out, with the full support of those powers that are now complaining about the immigration issue,

    then syria happened, rinse, repeat,...

    • Christ what's with the thumbs down? This seems so obvious and true.IRNlun6
  • sureshot0

    too bad english isnt my first language. I prob could have explain myself a little better.

    • at some point a dude wants money for cigarettes...ppfftt...sureshot
    • not such a crazy expectation when they're being let in with open arms then left in squalid conditions.IRNlun6
    • You are joking right? complaining about slow internet connection and BAD SERVICE. Bad service? this isnt a hotel.sureshot
    • Probably comforts they had in their own countries. An expectation they had when they decided to emigrate...IRNlun6
    • ... and now a harsh reality on the little resources they will receive.IRNlun6
    • this is loco...poor people in holland are happy with a free meal or a fresh shower. look at these spoiled rats..sureshot
  • imagineallthepeople-3

    breaking just now, from the EU - Turkey talks:

    "The EU and Turkey agreed to implement the Joint Action Plan which will bring order into migratory flows and help to stem irregular migration. As a consequence, both sides will, as agreed and with immediate effect, step up their active cooperation on migrants who are not in need of international protection, preventing travel to Turkey and the EU, ensuring the application of the established bilateral readmission provisions and swiftly returning migrants who are not in need of international protection to their countries of origin. Equally, they welcomed the intention of Turkey to adopt immediately measures to further improve the socio-economic situation of the Syrians under temporary protection. Both sides underlined their shared commitment to take decisive and swift action to enhance the fight against criminal smuggling networks."…

    • I'd really like to hear Merkel articulate how she thinks this will have a positive impact in Europe.IRNlun6
  • sted0

    I have this concept since the beginning of this crisis, maybe it's a bit to optimistic so take this first as a bit foggy idea. I had a lots of thoughts in the past weeks around this subject and I can't get it out of my head :) that's why i'm writing this down.

    I think that immigration rises wages, because cheaper labor is pushing upwards the social classes. for example moves people from production jobs to better-paid service sector.

    So how about not just watching so many people are trying to get somewhere, but harvest the intellectual capital and build an enterprise on that. I don't want to write down many details but the concept would be simple recruit talented IT people with housing (in leased properties), cover CR, PM and AC and give them the work.
    the benefits of this in terms of an investment are sustainable and profitable operation because, of the relatively inexpensive but loyal labor.

    and everyone who supports this can count on my expertise :)

    • immigration lower wages. more workers = less pay. basic supply and demandhotroddy
    • there are 0 construction jobs for middle class where I live. It's all immigrant slave labour.hotroddy
    • no one complains for two reasons:
      1. fear of being targeted as racist (valid point as they are people too).
      2. we would all be hypocrites as we hire them
    • 0 More workers = less pay was never true in the history of mankind.
      1 this was about IT and not construction lol
      2 fear? because giving work for people?
      3 what?
  • d0mino1

    This is the beginning of the climate refugees. They won't stop people fleeing the scorching areas of the planet.

    • enjoy the first world while we can folks b/c it's all going to shit within our lifetime.hotroddy
    • sweden will look more like Ghana with every passing decade.hotroddy
    • its already gone to shit!! and love sweden ;(sureshot
    • hotroddy, did you just pull the first african country name you heard and wrote it here, ghana may be in africa but it's a fantastic country,georgesIII
    • for african standards I'm sure it's a fine countryhotroddy
    • uh oh.detritus