New Age Spirituality BS
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- mekk
I just had a big argument with a friend. She believes in the Law of attraction stuff, she thinks kids should be teached how to meditate instead of maths.
I fucking hate this semi-scienotologist business and I cannot believe that people are actually dumb enough to believe this shit. I am seriously mad at all this.
Stupid damn illiterate, rightwing, conspiratorial idiots. Man I just needed to get this off. Thanks for listening.
- GeorgesII0
- Morning_star0
If you thinks it's too New Age/Woo Woo to be worth looking at then maybe concider this: Sam Harris, one of the Four Horseman of The New Atheists movement (along with Hitchens, Dennet and Dawkins) is a huge advocate for meditation.
Thousands of years of Eastern philosophies have used meditation as a techinique for a creating calmer life to doing-the-sex better. Don't bring your prejudices to something you know little about.
Here are some of his guided meditations, i suggest you give them a try.…
Peace. ;)
- GeorgesII0
don't be a troll morning_star
- teh0
Meditation is like the force; use it for good or use it for evil..the choice is up to you. Meditation can reveal many fundamental truths about consciousness, our connectivity and the dimensions of memory and time.
There is also a lot of truth in Spirit Science/Sacred Geometry:
The biggest lie is that spirit science and sacred geometry is not taught in least the public K-12 school system.
- transmission0
does anyone here practice transcendental meditation?
I'm curious how effective it is.
I believe in science primarily and as an undisputed truth to our world but if meditation allows someone to live happier be more creative and live without stress ( which science says is the "black plague of the 21st Century") then why can't it be accepted by those like me that accept science.- Yes its good. Some people need to cleanse first. they eat so much sugar cant sit still.yurimon
- yurimon0
Law of traction is just one aspect of a list of universal laws. You cant just do it on its own. bit of misconception. You can have some synchronicity in your life by becoming in tune but you have to take action at the right times to achieve. It is possible to decide something and people show up in your life to help you along. Some people have this more then others. Not complete bullshit but there is more to it then the book or the secret documentary.
- Banimon the wisemoldero
- glad your back thoughmoldero
- "documentary"marychain
- < ginger breadyurimon
- Holy shit you write like a retard and actually shared no information.monospaced
- yurimon0
I like mike Passio's work on this.
real law of attraction
- teh0
David Lynch on Consciousness.
- marychain0
If someone asks you if you ever saw "The Secret"
punch them directly in the genitals and then ask them if their positive attitude attracted that cock/cunt punch.
- pressplay0
@ transmission: meditation is a slightly altered state of mind (which has been proven with scientific methods), there is nothing mysterious or otherwordly about it. like sleeping, for example, it doesn’t contradict science and is beneficial to your life. After a good night sleep you feel rested and more focused. Same with meditation that, unlike sleeping, can be trained.
There are many methods – unfortunately some come with a firm belief system, ideology, an authoritative guru, esoteric nonsense, new age folklore etc. (like transcendental meditation, stay away from that). But it really can be learned and practiced without all that shit.
- pango0
I used to meditate when I was a kid to keep my self from being hyper active.
- ********0
You sound like a right cunt
- bc I think you should not replace maths with meditation?mekk
- ********0
Thinks mediation is bullshit.
Never done even 5 minutes meditation in his life.
You can't cunt your way through life like that, son.
- who are you talking to?marychain
- he's talking to me. Set hates me since I pointed out what an antisemitic asshole he is.mekk
- Lol I have literally no recollection of that, of you haha. However I have no hate and certainly am not anti semitic.********
- Or you*
Strange person...******** - It was the thread about conspiracies where you posted images about the jews being in charge of everything bc of their money. you were serious about itmekk
- money. you were serious about it.mekk
- Nothing to do with Jews or religion you half wit********
- If someone dislikes a murderer who happens to be Jewish, does that make them anti semitic? I repeat.. Half wit.********
- obviously you never meditatedyurimon
- Your intuition is a pile of shite********
- < who you talking too?yurimon
- who you talking to?********
- Cos if me, you.********
- mekk0
I gotta add: There is nothing wrong with meditating or shutting up for 10 minutes to come down.
But it is wrong to teach young humans there is some kind of universal connection between you and an imaginary alien because you drink that $6.99 soy latte.
- It's wrong to teach people they have a connection to Jesus after eating a wafer and drinking some wine too.monospaced
- All belief in the bullshit is just ridiculous. This isn't special.monospaced
- uan0
will never roll, pharma industry is making millions and millions with ritalin and other methylphenidate trade brands.