Noah (2014)
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- 42 Responses
- robotinc
so what did you think?
- robotinc0
- Loved the evolution sequencerobotinc
- Spoilers? The whole thing is in a fucking stupid storybook. LOLmonospaced
- CGN0
Can't believe they ended up at Terminus too
- GeorgesIV0
(is there a sex scene, at least some boobs, boat sex, something??)
- reanimate0
(I hear there is a Natalie Portman lesbian scene in this movie)
- monospaced0
I think it's funny how Aronofsky can alter distort and twist the story to simply make fun of the ridiculousness that is Christianity and God and the Bible, and the Christians actually think this is a movie followers should see.
- I thought he was using the Noah story to push his message about environmental destruction etc?MrT
- 'the Christians'? What, like ALL of them? Jesus, that's a lot of Christians!goldieboy
- I stand corrected, just the stupid Christiansmonospaced
- I tried hard to not say that's redundant but I couldn't pull it off.CyBrainX
- ApeRobot0
Is it considered as science-fiction?
- a fantasy story, like Game of Thronesmonospaced
- Aren't all religions?teh
- legitmoldero
- robotinc0
I also loved that the villain was the embodiment of Christian entitlement (God made all of the earth for me to do with as i please)
- marychain0
I heard it has giants or trolls or some shit...does noah get the ring back to mordor?
- prophetone0
is this movie the prequel to jack and the giant slayer?
- mg330
It looks absolutely absurd and pointless. Bible-based stories seem like the last thing we should be sensationalizing into action-packed films.
- this film-story apparently isn't very biblical... doesn't even mention the word 'god'monospaced
- What about the original Ten Commandments?CyBrainX
- ********0
It's funny that such a high percentage of Americans (maybe other countries too) think Noah is real or at least pretty real, while they recognize stories like Harry Potter and The Hobbit are completely make-believe.
- Derp postmarychain
- it is funny, and pathetic, and should be a wake-up callmonospaced
- BK0
Magic Grandpa and the Rock People... just like in the bible!
- GeorgesIV0
Anyone seen it?
does it ends with Noah making an holocaust of half of the animals he saved??BEST ENDING EVER!
- ukit20
If the Noah story is true, then every lifeform on Earth is the result of inbreeding.
- GeorgesIV0
No honestly, hope it ends like this, nobody seems to have read this passage until the end,…
18 So Noah came out, together with his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives. 19 All the animals and all the creatures that move along the ground and all the birds—everything that moves on land—came out of the ark, one kind after another.20 Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it. 21 The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: “Never again will I curse the ground because of humans, even though[i] every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done.
22 “As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
will never cease.”
- kona0
Yeah I saw it Georges. Near the end the boat is taking on water and a close up shot shows the anguish Noah's going through... deciding on what to do. Just then (Spoiler Alert) the Dinosaurs (played by the Dinobots... it was a nice Transformers tie-in btw) step up and are like "yo dawg, we gonna save you peeples and jump off the ship to lighten it up." And Noah was like "No T-REX... you don't have arms to swim!" and T-REX was like "I know..." *single tear* *they all jump off the ship*
I'm not going to lie. I cried for those Dinobots.
- Creationist propaganda.ApeRobot
- LOL!monospaced
next time please!!! :)GeorgesIV - Hahahasea_sea