Kung-Fu Self-Defense
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I practice Wing Tsun.
Not in a regular way.
Basic forms at home.Every 3 months I go to Germany, like spiritual retirement, for ten days. During these ten days I go at least to five 3 hour lessons of intense training and three 1 hour power training lessons.
I do it to relax an focus.
It's located in a small town in the middle of the forest and my Sifu is a hippie who also gives Yoga lessons.They also have Tai Chi.
Success with your lessons!
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- MrT1
- Break the wrist, walk away.
Break the wrist, walk away.bulletfactory - guy on the left actually looks like my former tae-kwon-do teacher. He had a black belt and could kick you through the wallpressplay
- he also worked at the local chip shop... you never know...pressplay
- Break the wrist, walk away.
- xcreonx0
Nah go straight for Krav Maga. I've been doing it for nearly 5 years now. One of the meanest self-defense systems.
- robotron3k0
wing tsun, great workout for computer arms. close combat fighting style, cool forms. easy to workout alone.
- dragonfruit0
- flowery fists and embroidery kicks
HAHA******** - flowery fists and embroidery kicks that would destrooooy you, maaan!benfal99
- flowery fists and embroidery kicks
- ApeRobot0
Kung-fu is not the best regarding self defense.
This is more something that you learn for the art form.
Kravmaga is way more efficient for straight effectiveness.
No bullshit, straight bone crushing.
- monoboy0
I did Lau-Gar for a few years. Really enjoyed it. Good for fitness, mental health and confidence. But once you get to a senior level it takes a large chunk of time to progress. I couldn't commit enough.
If you just want to learn how to handle a bar brawl or knife attacker. Learn Russian Systema.
- WeLoveNoise0
I trained for 6 years doing Tiger Dragon style Kung Fu (Basically like Wu-shu). Highly recommend as it, although if i had to again i would prob go for something even more efficient like Krav maga
- pango0
No need. I'm asian. It's in my blood man!
- benfal990
- She was good for a girl, he was shit for a guy...doubt it would be the same with Anderson Silva in there or someone.babaganush
- girl vs guy? cmon he's not gonna full blast.BrokenHD
- yurimon0
It would depend on your body style type. However you wont gain full potential without inner arts like tai chi, for building energy. bruce lee started with inner martial arts first. forgot the name exact.
Powerful fighting styles are Muay Thai, Wing chun, Taekwondo.
Isreali style for Disabling weapons like knives and guns.kungfu might have more ceremonial style moves not practical for street fighting.
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I'm also practically brown belt in Judo.
I just quit few months before the exam to go study in Lisbon an embrace night life!