Why Gen Y Yuppies are Unhappy
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- 18 Responses
- bulletfactory
This article sums up why seemingly every new art school grad calls themselves a "creative director," and why these kids feel so entitled.
- mg330
Too much reading for what ultimately boils down to everyone thinking they deserve to be famous because they think they should be famous.
- < indeed the tl;dr version.bulletfactory
- thanks mg33, save me some timeGeorgesIV
- <lessfloor
- stepson0
fuck off
- ha! I didn't write the article. Hit too close to home?bulletfactory
- no it's just deeply lamestepson
- Agree, but as someone who's hired a lot of recent grads, it often rings true.bulletfactory
- 99% of all the worst designers ive ever worked with were art students. I think its a security blanket issue.moldero
- what kind of art students? and what they suck in?yurimon
- fourth0
love it
- mg330
dead ends are ahead
modern youth are such cretins
no hope for lost souls
- yurimon0
Its obvious that creating such a generation is good for business and is the perfect combo for a good consumer serf. creating a generation of complacent, apathetic ass monkeys that through their selfish arrogance, who are unwillingly controlled by the system while pleading independence and all knowing wisdom of their egos is like watching a druggy who cant admit his problems.
Where there is imperfection and where lost souls congregation there are brands to fill the void. Thus you have a job to do, designing for these poor souls to emotionally react to flat graphic and hand over cash money. get to work bitchez. these serfs cant wont spend cash without some kind of visual or media stimuli. so git. stimuli some graphics.
- utopian0
- capn_ron0
we are all creative directors!
- ukit20
Is there really a Generation Y? I thought it was Gen X and then Millenials.
- lvl_130
generation that: "kids these days"
generation this: "old people don't get us"repeat ∞
- doesnotexist0
that's such a huge spread of dates. imo, what really makes the difference is if you had internet growing up, or how much technology.
- did you converse in reality or in the world wide websdoesnotexist
- jtb260
"The next generation of kids will be the end of society."
- Old People
- mg330
Anyone ever look at www.thedirty.com? It's all about club rats and skanks and cheaters in different cities. I read the Chicago section pretty often - it's highly entertaining in that "can't look away from a car wreck" way.
So many people call out these "promoters" that act like they're hot shit because they get people into clubs for overpriced bottle service. I think the contrast to everyone wanting to be a CD is this promoter bullshit. Not making hardly any money, living at home with parents, hanging out with other dead-enders pretending they're loaded and connected. It's really kind of hilarious. These people really think they're doing something great, something that's going to propel them to fame and shit.
- ukit20
It's low hanging fruit to make fun of these people but Baby Boomers and Gen X were much worse. They're the ones who voted for neoliberal economic policies, passed tax cuts they couldn't pay for, destroyed civil rights and privacy. They basically set the world on an unsustainable course which they have no intention of solving.
- mg330
Reminds me of this great Johnny Rotten quote, about fans of Limp Bizkit
"They spend a great deal of time unlearning and being victims, ultimately. Theres some people like that in every generation, but this seems to be the majority in this one. Let them enjoy being stupid, because in 20 years time theyre going to be one sorry, sad sack of people, unemployingly ignorant." Johnny Rotten