Kids learning web design

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  • 25 Responses
  • pr20

    This is the same conversation occurring on filmmaking forums - in the sea of mediocrity how do you discover quality? [remember, films are harder to judge - you can't just look at a few samples and know right away what is shit] How does the audience pick their viewing choices...? And the answer if frightening - in times when theirs is noone to tell them what to watch (the proverbial film critic is gone and film reviews no longer read) the general public goes after what's advertised the most. When you have access to any film (including the unique indie productions - and there are a few) the public goes for the most mediocre shit only because the company producing that shit has money for advertising.

  • monospaced0

    I think it depends on the school. I look back at my student work and I'm still proud (the later stuff at least). My classmates all had great work and are now in great positions. The other school in town, though, their work was shit, and most of them have shit jobs.

    • your school was probably harder to get into... because they were selective.monNom
  • moldero0

    template editing masters

  • mg330

    Good responses guys, thanks. I need to find my old work from school. Probably on a ZIP disk somewhere. I remember though, being very thankful for the design foundation I got studying architecture for 2 1/2 years before I changed majors to Advertising. Countless hours of building models, drawing, sketching, understanding alignments and grids and proportion. It was a great base, I wouldn't change any of it.

    I'm sure I'd laugh at some of the work I did in school from a style perspective, but I do remember being aware of design elements and techniques so that everything had its place, things were aligned correctly, etc. Thats the kind of thing I noticed about this kids "work" the lack of basic quality that a teacher should have corrected. Simple stuff like "if you're centering button text, why is that one button's text left aligned, and not on the same baseline?" "Why is the hover state text not aligned properly?" "Why the fuck are you using Comic Sans????!!!!!"

    • comic sans? is it that bad :/ take him to a design outing (ADC?) with you. maybe mentor him on a gig?ohhhhhsnap
  • ohhhhhsnap0

    mg33, did you end up being a mentor for this kid?