YouTube Comedians
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- 19 Responses
- bm666
My friends started a "Comedy Troop" a year back and I think it's hilarious. But they don't seem to get much recognision or views, not really sure where they're going wrong...
Is it an SEO issue? A marketing issue or are they just not funny??
What do you think?
- 23kon0
No laughs so far from me sorry.
- sureshot0
not funny.
- ian0
Its a bit shit. Sorry.
- bm6660
I admire the honesty.
Just want to give them a push in the right direction without telling them to scrap the whole thing... anything more constructive than "It's a bit shit" or "Not Funny"
- detritus0
The bad accentry and acting is quite painful.
Not funny either.
- yurimon0
Needs work on accent.
I see the attempt to try to be like "Ricky Gervais" from the office.
the filming style doesnt work for this particular personality
and content sucks. wish them luck.
- kingsteven0
jaysus thats bad. + just watched two more of their videos to try and come up with something constructive. in their favour the videos aren't edited very well and the monochrome treatment/ camera work is obviously stylistically at odds with the theme of the sketches (fake british fly on the wall, 1970's art show)
may be easier just to end the friendship.
- lmao at the last lineCygnusZero4
- Yup, that last line is the funniest thing on this thread.********
Too slow and too long really.
- Fax_Benson0
- mantrakid0
Well if you like, i have no problem leaving a comment on the video saying that it's not funny.
It seems like the kind of thing that 'should' be funny after you've grown to love / hate the character(s) but until that happens, it's just masquerading as that sort of comedy.. like... it's 'trying' to be an 'office' or something, which is not really funny until you've grown to really appreciate those characters. So until then, I would play up the awkward angle... Timing is too quick / not awkward enough. For example that whole first intro bit by the dude talking about stuff would be 1% funnier if he went to adjust the camera himself insinuating that he didnt even have a camera man but was just talking shit into his own camera. The content itself is not really funny, so it either needs tighter rewriting or else some other gimmick to make it work.
just my humble opinion. my qualifications are vast and extensive. I once flipped over a small fence to make my friends laugh. i *know* funny.
- mantrakid0
yeah just watched the other vids, it's all a bit corny and self aware (badly acted).
- bm6660
Appreciate the input... Now to take these comments and tell these guys haha!
1. Not Funny
2. Badly Acted
3. Really not funny
4. Must try harder...
- 23kon0
Bad accent and acting makes for a false character that you don't believe.
Completely agree with Mantrakid's comments.
- sothere0
just needs some development. Reminded me of 'the office' a bit. could be an interesting thing if it had a structure or something of a unique idea. David Brent was a sad case cos he interacted with some other characters and they included some pathos which made it original.
- breadlegz0
Too much like Ricky Gervais. They need to build on the characters more in their own time, in the dark, before submitting to video.
- bm6660
So I re-shot it for them... and gave them some direction. Script didn't change much but I think it's much better.
- animatedgif0
Very weak, sorry.
It's just David Brent mixed with a grab bag of cockney stereotypes that 80s/90s comedians drove well and truly into the ground.
- kingsteven0
Wow, love how you've taken the voyeristic style of arrested development but got in real close and added even more shakes, because that makes it less shit. then switched up the direction so he addresses the camera man (like a fly on the wall documentary) because that'll really gel and also make it less shit... and shot it in b&w, and graded like a fucking CSI flashback because that always everything less shit. Just needs a laughter track to round it off.