'social media experts'

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  • 45 Responses
  • genfourth0

    I agree I always thought it was such a bullshit job. It didn't even exist until recently. I remember seeing an info graphic on the daily life of a "SME" and it basically consisted of the fucker doing nothing but checking twitter and Facebook and spamming the shit out of people.

    besides isn't every 15 year old girl nowadays a social media expert?

    • yes... but the ability to get the suits to pay for it, that's the skillvaxorcist
    • ha!dharley
  • Peter0

    They're mostly trash.

    But I thought the same of "Information Architects" of the end of the 90ies. People that wanted in on the IT boom but didn't have much tangible to offer except a pretty distinct ability to bullshit. And a general knowledge of how people like themselves browsed pages.
    Didn't take long until it even got its junior and senior roles of doing something fulltime that was merely a minor part of my education. At the same compensation of those putting in far more, with far less bs, nonetheless.

    With time this role got a bit honed, the volume and their responsibilities wider, and these days I suppose I can appreciate their roles. And I suspect the same thing will sooner or later happen to the "social media experts" and their uncanny ability to regurgitate things they've cross-read online and their "research" into facebook pages.

    • "...To the same compensation..."Peter
    • I see what your saying. BS roles until people wise up, then the roles take on more responsibility and become useful.Hombre_Lobo
    • useful.Hombre_Lobo
    • Glad I got understood. And here's to hoping "social media experts" 'll trn into smthng sub- stantial & useful *raises glass*Peter
    • So what are you saying Pete, you're an Information Architect these days?raf
    • No, you social media expertPeter
  • georgesIII0


  • caput580

    Hear, hear!

  • ukit0


  • cuke426

    you can all go fuck yourselves you have a pretend job that is not real and only get hired at companies that don't have any sort of idea what's going on.
    you have half a skillset - become a producer or designer or developer or analyst or strategist but what you do is only part of a job.
    maybe you noticed that your role has no accountability - you're spouting shit about how to build at a dev, you're dictating strategy to a designer you're scoping for the producers and you are completely talking out of your bum-hole.
    you make me want to become president of any company you work at so i can make you get up in front of the whole company and explain what you do and then then promptly fire you just for being a dickhead.
    if you're an intern then this does not apply to you.