UFO of the day

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  • scarabin2

    Key takeaways from today’s hearing:
    (Copied from the discussion on reddit)

    -IRAD abuse - defence contractors misappropriating funds with govt collusion. Mention of “self-funding”

    -Grusch has spent 11 hours with both intel committees

    -US govt / contractors have craft and non-human biologics

    -US govt / contractors have intimidated, hurt, and potentially murdered would-be whistleblowers

    -Individuals in charge of classification (access to information) are both senior executive officials in both military / dod and defence contractors - unelected officials

    -Satellite imagery of crashes, tests, retrievals exists

    -US govt / contractors could have advanced tech that has been made from reverse engineer efforts

    -Grusch and his wife were intimidated in a disturbing way

    -Grusch knows people who have seen the non-human biologics

    -Grusch has seen photos and documents

    -Gaetz saw footage of orb UAP

    -Grusch saw footage of shootdown and said craft was otherworldly

    -It’s potential for this to also be inter-dimensional - mention of holographic principle

    -People will get fired or have pay cut if they don’t get access to a SCIF for next hearing

    -People have been injured working on ufo legacy reverse engineering programs and pontentially hurt by NHI

    -Grusch will tell congress everything classified they would like to know in a SCIF

    -Grusch will give AOC list of involved individuals directly after the hearing

    -According to Grusch, statement made by Dr. Fitzpatrick of aaro that there is no evidence of extraterrestrial visitation or objects defying known science are innacurate - Grusch was under oath, Fitzpatrick was not

    -When asked about communication with nhi, grusch stated he can only talk about this in a classified setting

    -Boeing allegedly engaged in incident involving red cube size of football field

    -Grusch cannot confirm or deny dept of energy involvement

    • grainy crappy vids of drone sized UFO's is bad enough, but a cube the size of a football field and nobody snapped a selfie?
      lol cube . gif
  • yuekit0

    Grusch should have just flown to the hearing in a UFO...that would have shut up the critics.

    As it is, zero evidence presented, not even a blurry photo. Just a guy we're told repeatedly has top-secret clearances and incredible levels of trustworthiness repeatedly claiming there are UFOs and interdimensional beings.

    • The hearing wasn’t about “here’s proof of aliens”, the hearing was about the gov covering up shit and us wanting answers and transparencyscarabin
    • Personally I would prioritize just getting the proof of aliens out there over the government bureaucracy problems.yuekit
    • And a protection system to be put in place for whistleblowersscarabin
    • I agree a big spectacle with aliens walking onstage and grusch driving up in a UFO would have been more entertaining, but this was never meant to be thatscarabin
    • We’re trying to get the gov to make some sort of disclosure of what it has, which could include the spectacles you describe. This was just a preliminary meetingscarabin
    • Right but what I'm saying is I don't think the government actually has 12 UFOs. You just have to look at Grusch's background, he's connected to a network ofyuekit
    • people who have been hyping this stuff for decades. Some are financially invested in it, have their own TV shows about UFOs and paranormal shit.yuekit
    • At no point have any of them produced a single shred of evidence. I can't believe how many are willing to ignore that -- also raises some serious questionsyuekit
    • And a lot of the witnesses don’t. We’re calling for investigation into the matter, not a cursory glance at one dudescarabin
    • about these politicians in Congress, whether there's some weird kind of corruption going on here or whether they're just really dumb.yuekit
    • “Weird kind of corruption” is definitely one of the main concerns. This was an oversight committee, remember? That’s what they doscarabin
    • And in terms of evidence, there’s apparently enough to go on to keep them busy for quite a whilescarabin
    • Hmmm is that hard to call in the Defense Secretary and ask him to tell them where the UFOs are?yuekit
    • This shouldn't actually be so difficult to figure out or consume so many resources. Remember we're paying these people lol.yuekit
    • Be patient, pop some popcorn, and let the whole drama unfold. It’s much more interesting than what color underwear Musk is wearing todayscarabin
    • From what I’ve seen the government isn’t showing or admitting a single thing. This is just whistleblowers answering to congress about what they speculatemonospaced
    • the government won’t let anyone investigate into something they truly don’t want investigated. This won’t lead to much in my opinionmonospaced
    • It's just a bunch of grifters and hoaxers
    • It could be! Either way, it’s important to have whistleblower protections, transparency, informed oversight, and a full understanding of the mountains of UAPscarabin
    • phenomena, so we can have a plan in case there actually is a threat to national security, or even worse. And what if there is NHI tech we can use ?scarabin
    • If there is I hope it gets incorporated into the iPhone 15.yuekit
    • Lol same. Honestly i don’t see us getting much in the way of disclosure, but what a trip it would be if we didscarabin
    • I want to believe but this reeks of a dude wanting attention. I know a guy who knows a guy who swears he saw a ufo and some ETs_niko
    • And the. Only name he’s given up is wait for it...Benito Mussolini lol_niko
    • Personally, i’m reserving judgement for entertainment purposes. Shit’s better than x-filesscarabin
    • lol Mulder would be proud_niko
    • I WANT to believe too. But so far, I see absolutely nothing that hasn't been easily debunked already, and nothing that even raises an eyebrow for evidence.monospaced
    • Testimony is considered evidence in our judicial system, and in Fravor’s case it was corroborated by multiple other people, radar data, AND videoscarabin
    • I guess it depends on what you consider “evidence”scarabin
  • _niko1

    What happened when Europeans first discovered the Americas? Did the natives keep their interactions and meetings with the Vikings a secret? did they engage and try to learn from them/trade with them etc?

    What about Columbus and the natives he encountered in the Caribbean?

    Did the military leaders keep int from the general populace? what about the shamans, the cheifs or the craftsmen? were they privy to this info, did they demand to see how they might enrich their lives or benefit their society?

    It all doesn't add up for me. I get that the military's (US only BTW) mission is to protect its citizens but surely an advanced and sophisticated enough civilization capable of faster than light speed isn't malevolent has motives other than turning us into cattle.

    Why would scientists and other experts not have access to this new-found trove of world-changing information and tech? this would be the most important discovery in the history of mankind, and the only people that know about it are shadowy conspiracy theorists and Benito Mussolini?


    • What if we are like ants in this scenario and the technology is like that of humans.Morning_star
    • yeah and our military leaders are like zoolander trying to get the files out of the computer. My point exactly, give the tech to our brightest scientists_niko
    • I can think of reasons why sharing with public is considered a bad idea - if we (US) can’t gain an advantage then no-one can , just in case they succeed.Morning_star
    • What world do you live in... this world's nations have spent last 100 years in paranoid state, keeping secrets from each other, keeping secrets its own citizensprophetone
    • Of course scientists are involved, can't be all, but those tapped to sort out this new knowledge, develop solutions that absolutely best serve their own nationprophetone
    • This is literally what humans do when left on autopilot, always striving to stay ahead of the other guy b/c <insert exhausting age old reason>prophetone
    • I don’t know, it teams of new age pseudo science to me, just like god came down to the desert of Israel and enlightened a bunch of goat fucking shepherds_niko
    • That’s the US and the ufos, only in America, nowhere else on this entire planet, a planet of 6 billion cel phone cameras and an infinitely number of_niko
    • CCTVs, dash cams, security cams, satellites etc and we don’t have one single clear shot of any ufo. Just blurry nonsense that could easily be debunked_niko
  • Krassy-6

    until solid evidence is presented, all this chatter is just noise

    • Just a bunch of baloney sprinkle with little stabs at the current administration. No different than any other AM talkshow.dasohr
    • hundreds of people have seen the beings and the space craft but nobody managed to swipe a sample? or take a pic?_niko
    • Curious why the downloads. I do want to believe, but we're yet to be presented with actual evidence of actual UFOs and not just witness accounts, etc.Krassy
    • *downvotesKrassy
    • I was wondering the same thing lol. It’s also funny that congress has taken such an interest in it, but then again most of congress are bible thumpers and_niko
    • ...Believe in much worse and much more fantastical nonsense._niko
    • lol @ so many people downvoting. We don't need evidence!yuekit
  • garbage2

    Articles say that Grusch went through all of the proper protocols to release this information to the press, which has to be vetted by the DOD, and they gave him the OK because he's off the trail.

    This means that they're basically like "Ah, another ex-military wackadoo that doesn't know these vehicles are ours or China's. Let him talk."

    If there actually were an entity that was able to bypass The Great Filter and for some reason decided to come to Earth, they might as well be gods. Their tech and intellect would dwarf ours on an immeasurably exponential level.

    You think a theoretical race that is able to break Fermi's Paradox doesn't have a support vehicle in orbit if the ants somehow shot one of them down? The UFOs are our own, end of.

    Also, if there were actual details of actual extraterrestrial life, Trump would have already blabbed it out. You think he could have sat on info like that for all these years?

    • You’re assuming NHI look at us the way we look at other humans, and that these secret orgs even feel the need to brief the president at allscarabin
    • But yeah, what if they’re ours?scarabin
    • I think assumption being made that the vehicles are all offworld vs our own... been disclosed it’s both... also what protocols when govt in dark at highest levelsprophetone
    • Fermi’s paradox also makes an assumption that ‘they’ are not here yet or have been here before 1900s or want us to know they’re hereprophetone
    • What if they aren’t ready to kick our door down yet, keg in hand and shotgunnning beers. Maybe they’re just recon chillin but occasionally mess up, crash, etcprophetone
    • Exactly, no chance the big orange turd wouldn’t have blabbed his fat ass off if he had even a smidge of proof that they had ETs_niko
    • Also of course the powers that be who’ve been keeping these secrets for decades aren’t gonna just hand over the keys to Trumperprophetone
    • Also 0 chance they send biological beings and not drones. We’ve sent robots to 25 planets and moons and only sent humans to one close celestial body_niko
    • Well look at where we are with AI... imagine only 100 years from now even us ants will prob be sending ai bio humans or whatever to Mars and beyondprophetone
    • It makes sense to send an AI craft to distant planets instead of bio-beings, and have it set up a hidden factory that creates custom craft for specific purposesscarabin
    • All AI-driven, that sends reports and possibly takes guidance from back home. No worries about speed killing a pilot, or of it dying on the way to destinationscarabin
    • Some are saying such a factory exists underwater and have seen craft exiting the oceanscarabin
    • maybe we’ve always been the 3D printsprophetone
    • It's just.. not aliens. If they were ever able to reach us, they are so beyond us that we'd never be able to catch it.garbage
    • It's either an American, Chinese or corporate black project. I'm guessing Skunk Works. They've literally been keeping things under wraps for almost 100 years.garbage
    • I'm pretty sure the SR71 was designated as a UFO for about 20 years before it was finally revealed.garbage
    • @scara If you want to talk scary underwater stuff, look at Russia's Kanyon project that could possibly be responsible for underwater UFO sightings.garbage
    • If it's real, and they claim they went into production this year, it's an unmanned drone stealth sub with a nuclear payload.garbage
    • If just one slips in, it's meant to self-detonate and sends a literal atomic tidal wave that could ruin the entire eastern seaboard.garbage
    • While I don't doubt there's some saber-rattling there, the Death's Hand was real. I also don't doubt we have much scarier tech.garbage
    • it's a decoy.ApeRobot
    • what scarabin said, pretty much entirely.fadein11
  • prophetone1
  • ApeRobot-3

    • ¯\_ʘ‿ʘ_/¯
      Hunter should get the jail
      UFO is nonsense
    • Except it was repubs who set up the hearing.fadein11
  • ShulaDon92-2


    Mainstream news is reporting on the ufo activity

    I still believe them to be drones and unidentified modern tech because I don't believe in spaceship riding aliens.


  • ShulaDon92-5

    Although, we've been sending so many radio waves out into space, maybe someones doing the same to us and sending observation tech. Doubt it, though.

    God, ufos... I don't know.


    • Possibly.
    • which brings up a good point, surely alien radio waves would have arrived here way before any tech, yet we hear nothing._niko
    • ah, this is why, they probably have more advanced communication capabilities https://www.theguard…_niko
    • Radio is very old tech for any sufficiently advanced civ?grafician
    • I still enjoy radio

    • I'm a ridiculous cunt

  • grafician-2

    With all this talk about alien tech, I remembered this short story and had a laugh:

    The Road Not Taken (short story)


    Plot summary:

    "The story is told through limited third person point of view, with most of the story concerning a single Roxolani captain, Togram. During a routine journey of conquest, they happen upon Earth. The Roxolani anticipate a simple and rewarding campaign, as they can detect no use of gravity manipulation, the cornerstone of their civilization. Humanity is awed by the invaders, as the maneuverability granted by that technology suggests the rest of their civilization is equally impressive. But as they begin their assault, things take a turn for the absurd—the Roxolani attack with matchlock weapons and black powder explosives. Humans retaliate with automatic weapons and missiles. The battle is short, and most of the invaders are killed. A few are captured alive.

    When they are interrogated, the truth becomes evident: the method of manipulating gravity is absurdly simple, and species like the Roxolani are thus able to use faster than light travel with relatively primitive technological sophistication. This enabled them to engage in wars of conquest on a galactic scale. However, adopting the technology allowing for interstellar travel (and wars of conquest on a galactic scale) stifles further technological development as all the creative energies of societies that find it go into perfecting it. In contrast, humanity somehow missed developing gravity technology and advanced further technologically. Unlike the broad reaching implications of the technology that Earth has developed, the gravity manipulation has no other uses.

    As Togram and another Roxolani captive realize that they have now given a far more advanced civilization the means to travel to countless worlds, the story closes with the two asking themselves, "What have we done?""

    Read it here (20 pages long):


  • Akagiyama2

  • scarabin4

    Ross Coulthart on presidents being briefed
    (~25:00 in)

    We were just speculating about trump. I know obama enjoys reading about aliens; he included “the three body problem” in one of his summer reading lists, which is about a secret military project that makes contact with extraterrestrials.

    • Start at 25:23scarabin
    • The interesting fact about that moment when the weird guy asks him about ufos, is that may be one of the only times I’ve seen him not take bait, jump to commentprophetone
    • That means A he doesn’t know stuff... but has that fact ever held him back before? or B he def knows stuff, is so serious he’s avoiding consequences of talkingprophetone
    • which is his favourite thing to doprophetone
    • He just wants attention and is not nearly as methodical as he claims to be. Dude believes in the reliability of polygraphs, of course he believes in aliens.garbage
    • Also he did some digging, and what he actually believes that's not really sure what it is, and it could be that the things he claims were found were..garbage
    • ..extra-dimensional beings. So um, that would be something we can't see. Dude's a moron looking for his 15 minutes.garbage
    • If I were 4th dimensional being, I sure as shit wouldn't crash it on moron ant planet.garbage
  • drgs0



    • Aliens love the USA and don't care about Africa.
      USA is where the fun is.
    • Three of the most credible contacts ever aren't in the US which suggests Americans are full of shit and love reporting stuff.Morning_star
    • Possibilities: Inconsistent reporting, we’re looking at NHI base locations, the US made the craft, another country is most interested in the US, the US is crazyscarabin
    • UFOs are invented by moviesdrgs
    • Possibly. Also NUFORC, where the data’s from, is an english speaking hotline, its reporting form is in english, and the group is based in washingtonscarabin
    • Other countries could have their own reporting systems we’re not privy to, or none at allscarabin
    • The markings follow the english speaking world, yesdrgs
    • Yeah so nix the language barrier. It could just be an awareness thingscarabin
    • just looks like the spread of American culture into the west...inteliboy
  • scarabin3

    Found some info about NUFORC’s sources on their website. Looks like it’s used by a lot of US organizations, while overseas it’s basically just their website’s submission form.

    “ The principal means used by the Center to receive sighting reports is this website, which has operated continuously since 1994. Prior to that period, the telephone hotline and the U.S. mail were the primary means of taking reports.

    “The Center’s independence from all other UFO related organizations, combined with its long standing policy of guaranteed anonymity to callers, has served to make it perhaps the most popular and widely accepted national UFO reporting facility anywhere. The website and hotline are well known by law enforcement agencies, FAA ARTCC’s and flight service stations, National Weather Services offices, military facilities, NASA, and many 911 emergency dispatch centers all across the United States and in many parts of Canada. Those entities routinely direct the calls they receive regarding possible UFO sightings to the Center.”


    • Also, it’s right in the name. “National” UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC)scarabin
  • grafician0
    • 3 drones flying in formation_niko
    • why the f would a triangle shaped stealth UFO trying to avoid detection have lights on it FFS?_niko
    • Swamp Gas..hydro74
    • _niko - alien teenagers.Nairn
  • grafician-1

  • grafician-1

  • yuekit1

    I think the best explanation for what's happening is if Mulder was a real person working in the US government, but the aliens aren't real. Kind of like real-life Batman where Batman is just a weird rich guy in a costume who enjoys beating people up.

    In this version Mulder would be a mentally disturbed government official obsessed with UFOs, and he'd probably be doing all the same things David Grusch is doing...repeating rumors his friends told him, lobbying Congress to look into UFOs. People in the government can also be insane conspiracy theorists, and this is a much simpler explanation then interdimensional beings flying UFOs around.

    • Yeah, could be. I don’t think he’s lying because he would have just committed perjury and would go to jail. That’s a big bus to throw yourself underscarabin
    • But maybe everyone else is lying to him? It’s possible but there are so many credible witnesses...scarabin
    • ^+YakuZoku
    • And then there’s the matter of the video, satellite, and radar data we have of these things to contend withscarabin
    • To which the pentagon openly says, “wtf are these things?”scarabin
    • Remember skunk works

    • So yeah all this seems very plausible.grafician
    • Another example
    • It’s well known now the USG had crash retrieval teams backwards engineering nazi tech in ww2, is it crazy to assume one of those unidentified objectsscarabin
    • ...crashed and we did the same again? That flying wing and the sr-71 i think was based on a recovered nazi horton ho 229scarabin
    • The very existence of the sr-71 was classified for years. So there’s a precedence for modern UAP crash retrieval and subsequent classificationscarabin
    • Exactly.grafician
    • Also that guy asked for more oversight, NOT declassification!grafician
    • So don't expect they will show anything to the public any time soon.

      But at least we kinda know we're not alone...
    • I like this mulderesque theory._niko
    • It’s not lying if you are convinced. He is convinced. But it doesn’t mean he’s right.monospaced
    • We don’t know we’re not alone. Nothing so far says there are aliens.monospaced
    • What did he actually testify? People told him about a crash retrieval program. Not a very high-stakes thing to go under oath about.yuekit
  • grafician1
    • clearest shot yetYakuZoku
    • flies just like Bob Lazar said, belly firstYakuZoku
    • I like turtlesutopian
    • That’s the identical craft from the movie Flight of the Navigator. How interesting.monospaced
  • _niko11

    Whatever we all believe, I think it's safe to assume that we all agree on one thing, X-Files was the shit back in the day.

    I miss it so much. Not just the show but that air of mystery about things that the internet sort of killed.

    • Agreed, it was peak 90sprophetone
    • The Truth is Out Thereutopian
    • Seasons 1-4 just so damn good. Still rewatch it oftenfuturefood
    • It worked best with the monster of the week model. It declined with all the sister/black goo crapscarabin
    • Anybody watch the lone gunmen spinoff? They tried to go a sort of la femme nikita directionscarabin
    • agree but I also liked the occasional stand alone funny episodes like Jose Chung_niko
    • or the creepy AF episodes like "Home"_niko
    • My fave was Humbugscarabin
    • oh yeah what a classic_niko
    • yep the one-offs were fun! the story line drama was kinda mehSquiddy
    • was curious about the Lone Gunmen. it's on youtube: https://www.youtube.…Squiddy
    • The more I watch the series, the overarching story gets better. So many great details and quite horrifying story.futurefood
    • Especially the whole CBG being Fox’ father is fascinating.futurefood
    • ^ That blew my mind as a kid. That and the Piper Maru episodes, which is kind of where you realized what a crazy long story arc you were in for.garbage
    • It was great but the funny thing is every recent episode that was written and directed by the creator (Chris Carter) was terrible.yuekit
    • He was obsessed with trying to make the larger story arc/alien invasion thing happen.yuekit