Not Broken Clavicle
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- 18 Responses
- e-pill0
- georgesIII0
shit, I hope you're left handed,
you know what I mean
- Khurram0
Man the fuck up bitch.
I got two broken ribs and a herneated disc in my lumbar spine. Don't see me strarting a thread about it.
- <I just wanted to relate my savagery in an oblique way.Khurram
- OBTUSE. I think. Not oblique.. Wait, let me check dictionary.comKhurram
- Wtf, obtuse is good. Sorry... I mean, YEAH! Faggot!Khurram
- hahahaduckseason
- how do i turn the voice off???!!!!!!********
- @ ichq:…jaylarson
portfolio reel background image?
- ********0
damn, good luck on the recovery.
i had my right arm in a cast for 12 weeks once, i learnt to fap with my left hand and have never turned back, its much better. So look on the bright side...
- duckseason0
It's all healed now - broke it back at the end of July.
X-Ray was just to make sure everything has set/healed properly.- Hence the name of the topic.duckseason
- Good Job!kgvs72
- Original post:…duckseason
- Khurram0
No seriously. You're being a little bitch.
you know you got some screws left in there right?
- < :Pgoldieboy
- I have the option of having the plate removed whenever I'd like. I think Ima hold off on surgeries for a bit...duckseason
- Khurram0
oH, I also had an achilles tendon injury. But that's healed now.
Oh, and i also burnt my thumb trying to take the pizza out the oven other day - that's all scarred up.
- You call everyone a bitch you twatvitamins
- Want some attention, lil fella? Hmm?duckseason
- vagina breath!Khurram
- The pair of you.Khurram
- lolvitamins
- vitamins0
From what I recall in my anatomy studies, the clavicle or collar bone shall we say, connects the entire arm to the body. Definetly not something one wants to have broken.
- Khurram0
I'm so embarassed, i thought i should have used the word "obtuse" instead of "oblique" in my first comment. So so embarassing :-/
- ********0
so did you learn to fap with your left hand? aint it great!
- I do that some times. Mixes things up. If you paint your nails on that one hand its like some slapper is giving you a handjob!Khurram
- HANDJOBKhurram
- dang! good idea! i might go for a nice firetruck red.********
- Always had a thing for black myself.Khurram
- Been doin it for years.duckseason
- uan0
did you eat some osx and a keyboard somewhen in your life?
and good recovery!
- moldero0
howd this happen, I ask because this is a common motorcycle injury, helmet hitting the collar bone (not much pressure is needed to do this). in my racing days I broke both shoulders on the track, that sucked.
- duckseason0
Bicycle accident - I was clipped by a car on my left which caused me to run into a parked car on my right. I ricocheted off the car at such an angle that I just lost control and went over the bars. Landed on my shoulder and pow. All this happened in what seemed like a split second. Before I could process anything I was back on my feet.
- yeah man, when you were standing did you feel that break right away?moldero
- Not really - after a moment I knew something was off. It just felt more like a weird pressure.duckseason
- Then I looked down and saw the bone poking up at the skin...duckseason
- damnmoldero
- dirtydesign0
is that bone even necessary??
i feel like it could be removed with no drawbacks.