looking for a video
looking for a video
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- 6 Responses
- bigtrick
it came out a few years ago - all i remember of it was that involved a closeup of a piece of raw meat, and liquid emerging from the meat and running off of it, and eventually crystals forming in this runoff liquid. it was posted around a lot on the interwebz design forums. not a music video, iirc, and not an ad for anything either.
- ali0
- bigtrick0
it reminded me a lot of pleix' stuff, but i don't see it on their site.
- _me_0
- bigtrick0
frickin bump
- bigtrick0
still haven't found it. anyone? anyone?
- lvl_130
any more info on it? you say it's not a music video, but did it have music in it? any audio at all?