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  • 115 Responses
  • MHDC0

    • I miss Larry :|lukus_W
    • i hate when i can't impregnate a packagescarabin
    • LOL at sparks on counter at 1:35elahon
  • dorf0

    have the hipsters latched on to the 'everyday carry' fad?

  • ok_not_ok0

  • Hombre_Lobo0

    the governator has spoken -

  • melq0

    I've been carrying a folding Laguiole for the past six or eight years. Easily the best daily knife I've owned.

    • 'daily knife'?? for everyday stabbing?lukus_W
    • I carry a bottle-opener, too. You know, for everyday eyeball gouging. You should see what I do with a thumbdrive.melq
  • scarabin0
  • scarabin0
  • melq0

    I like it a lot. I'm hard on all the stuff in my pockets and that thing (other than some character scratches and a duller finish) is no worse for the wear.

    I also think the bee on their knives is a nice design touch.

  • stewart0

    Got this German Böker. Love it. But it's just a pocket knife, made to peel an apple.

    • terrific knife. people forget that tree brand makes good classic blades not just tacticool intimidation knivesgilgamush
  • detritus0

    • when i worked construction for a couple years my boss bought the crew these. the little blade retention screw gets lost and then its uselessgilgamush
    • it also hurts like hell if you actually have to do some real cutting, not in the least bit ergonomic. husky makes a good slide locking out the front autoloadergilgamush
    • This one?… Always after more utility knives - they lose themselves veh easily!detritus
    • no i hate those folding ones, impossable to use one handed, hold up, ill find the one i meangilgamush

      this one is good^…
      this is the one i was talmbout^
  • iCanHazQBN1

    What the hell do you people do every day that warrants carrying a knife??

    I've never had to use a knife outside of a kitchen my entire life.

    No knife entire life.
    If I had wife, would carry knife.
    Cuz bitches be crazy.

    • They're handy for the sort of work I do.

      If I sat in front of a computer browsing imgur all day, I probably wouldn't need one to hand so much.
    • i use mine for opening packages, mostly (an almost daily occurrence). also for taking things apart, fixing things, using it on zip ties and cord while campingscarabin
    • what kind of work do you do?iCanHazQBN
    • it's also reassuring knowing you have one while walking the city at night (which i also do often)scarabin
    • I think I'll get a gun. Works better for self defense and I can just shoot my packages open. I hate those darn plastic ones.iCanHazQBN
    • super useful, as scarabin noted. mine is more of a mini-leatherman. don't think I'd pull it out in a fight, though.Gnash
    • Started carrying a tiny one, just to see what would happen if did. Its been surprisingly useful.BrokenHD
    • ...opening packages, removing tags, even carefully picked a piece of meat from my teeth once. Screwdriver and bottle opener see some action tooBrokenHD
    • Have you guys forgot you were carrying knife and couldn't get into clubs or places?pango
    • i went to fight a parking ticket and forgot about the weapons check at city hallGnash
    • they told me to just go back to my car and leave it thereGnash
    • that made me lolHayoth
  • BrokenHD0

  • dorkKn1ght0

    You never know, a knife fight could occur at any moment.


  • BabySnakes2

    Skeletool Leatherman

    I have had mine for at least two years, it is so well made and handy.

    • I'm sure it's great and everything, but i loathe comically pseudo-functional DESIGNED FOR MEN aesthetic that some companies feel the need for.detritus
    • my buddy bought this expensive little fucker with the carbon fiber inserts. i like it, the only glaring design flaw is that ..gilgamush
    • the little phillips/flat head reversible p2 shitbit isn't held in by much and is gonna get lost in 5 minutedgilgamush
    • The bit driver has a lock on it but the bit storage doesn't and i have lost that one. But over all a great knife.BabySnakes
    • yup, spare is held in its slot by little more than hopes and dreams, shoulda made the slot on the inside so it cant fall out when the tools foldedgilgamush
    • I had one of these until I forgot it was in my camera bag and the TSA found it (impressed they found it, sad they threw it away)formed
  • elahon0

    Benchmade Osborne 940, been using it for about 4 years, best EDC I've had to date.…

  • detritus0

    I only use the above Gerber Utlity knife around my studio and Gilgamush is right, it ain't exactly ergonomic with heavy use.

    *now looking into versions with wooden handles*

    The knife I carry with me pretty much everywhere is, and has been for nearly three decades now, one of these..

    You can see from the filename it's from 1985, so it ain't exactly sharp any more.

    And its got wee bits of hashish stuck in crevices that have been there for, literally, twenty years...

    • er.. literally, around 18 years.

      Sorry, I'm shit at maths.
  • gilgamush0

    great knife, can't be beat. and if a LEO runs your pockets he wont arrest you for concealing a deadly weapon because it looks old timey and harmless, the blade design is called a sod buster and as the name implies it was used for decades as a farming tool. these flashy 'tactical folders' that people are so enamored with are for the dipshits who think they can wave a knife around and somehow intimidate their way out of a fist fight. great way to get shot, leave the knife in your pocket and either run like hell or go fair ones and take your beating. from a legal standpoint knives and guns are on pretty much equal footing so if you are really concerned about incurring bodily harm and are too macho to run your ass away then carry a pistol and leave the knife for the non combat roles. so you say "gilga, what about when i get my dumb ass in some situation where i can't run and i have to cqc for my life?" then by all means pull the knife out and scream rape and wave it around like a fucking lunatic, thats all fine and dandy till you meet a dude who isn't scared of your little pig sticker and takes it from you and sticks it up your ass. if your scared go sign up at your local martial arts academy or get your concealed carry. you arent john rambo, you would probably faint if somebody bled all over you, the tacticool knife is just a ego talisman to ward off your insecure feelings of not having been punched in the face enough times to come to grips with the limits of your own mortality. </rant>

    um anyhow. boker makes a good lock back sod buster as well for a little less money than the eye brand one i posted. it is also good solingen steel but not hammer forged.

    • Word!
      My choice of defense: http://www.loyaldefe…
    • now were talkingilgamush
    • i get ya but you assume a hell of a lot and your rant is just as ego as owning a knife that doesn't look like it's owned by cleetus.scarabin
    • i assume nothing. this cleetus knife is the best at what i need it for. its not a fashion statement and its not for scaring peoplegilgamush
    • it's the same three inches of steel mate, we just have different tastes is allscarabin
    • you're not a farmer any more than i am a killerscarabin
    • its not the same steel, not the same anything. forget taste, its a tool, its about function. knives aren't fashion statements brogilgamush
    • i haven't run into any application mine couldn't handle. and knives have been fashion statements since they were first made, are you kidding me?scarabin
    • but anyway, different philosophies. nbdscarabin
    • yup, no big deal bud. you and i are very different people and thats fine. do what you dogilgamush
  • gilgamush0

    this is probably my next purchase. 1095 steel. they made a 01 tool steel version that i would prefer but it seems to be sold out everywhere

    • and for the record, i have lived on my uncles farm and tended livestock soooooo whatchu talkin bout songilgamush
  • scarabin0

    i've carried one of these everyday for the past 5 years at least. the Gerber Applegate-Fairbairn Covert F.A.S.T.

    titanium coated blade, designed by military generals or something. badass little knife that flicks open with a quickness.

    i can't really recommend it though unless you don't mind tightening up the screws a bit every couple years (doesn't bother me as i maintain my shit).

    don't drop it somewhere though cause you'll never find it again. i'm on my third, heh.

    • i don't know you, you might be some kinda billy badass but whats with this shit. the fairbairn sykes this is based of was meant for one thing, stabbing humansgilgamush
    • do you go around stabbing people or are you just insecure about your ability to carry your own in a fist fightgilgamush
    • are you really suggesting a knife can't have more than one purpose? i use it for everything.scarabin
    • same half-serrated edge as on thousands of other knives. this one just has a look that i likescarabin
    • you like that it looks intimidating and stabby and that it is spring loaded? uuum, i think you are in the nile river my freind. then againgilgamush
    • yeah i do. you gonna cry about it or somethin'? wanna fight? haha.scarabin
    • it's funny that i have the scary knife but you're the one all aggro 'n' shitscarabin
    • you have no business carrying this knife around. a cop would take this from you in a heart beat and charge you with concealing a deadly weapongilgamush
    • http://vignette1.wik…scarabin
    • ive got the life experience to know that people carry around mean looking knives because they are scared and it makes them feel more in controllgilgamush
    • cool, have fun with your prejudices.scarabin
    • thank you, i shallgilgamush
    • i carry a knife everywhere i go too, the last time i almost got in a fight i actually handed my knife to someone else which actuallymoldero
    • freaked the guy out that i was about to box with, as he knew i had a knife and handed it to someone else so he knew i wasnt worriedmoldero
    • like scarabin said, knives are tools, their not just to shank mother fuckersmoldero
    • i carry the cold steel brand for a couple decades nowmoldero
    • if i were trying to scare someone it wouldn't be with a 3 inch piece bit of ABS and blackened metal they can't even see, it'd be this http://basementrejec…scarabin
    • i studied kali, so if there was a knife fight, i feel confident i would do ok, but if the other guy doesnt have a blade i would gladly just use another stylemoldero
    • have the right tool for the job. this knife is made for stabbing people so yea, its 100 percent for shanking motherfuckersgilgamush
    • lol. oh no, it's pointy. how am i ever gonna peel this apple or open this boxscarabin
    • lol, do you walk around with a tool belt?moldero
    • guess i'm just fucked. shoulda bought the cleetus knifescarabin
    • haha moldyscarabin
    • the 20 ish years I've carried my knife i have only stabbed 300 ish peoplemoldero
    • and by 300 ish i mean none, but i use it 40% of the time im out, some of us don't sit in cubicles all daymoldero
    • someone who thinks knives are only for stabbing people should not have knivesmoldero
    • you are purposely not geting the point, and i am tired of repeating myself. i have been stabbed, this is not some prancing through the posies fun and games shitgilgamush
    • if you pulled that thing on me i would take it from you. oh shit there i go getting agro again lol. be real, its a killing knife and you are posing as a killergilgamush
    • thats fine, do what you do bro, but at least acknowledge that its dumb and you are in fact soft as hot butter. hahah i jest i jest, but not reallygilgamush
    • I did kali before as well. I suck at it. Kept hitting my elbow.pango
    • So many time I wish I have a blade to cut things but do t have one. And scissors just don't fit in the pocket.pango
    • live by the sword...Milan
    • please. maybe i should paint it yellow so it doesn't scare you nancies.scarabin
    • make it pointy instead of curved and everyone loses their minds. haha.scarabin
    • i get the feeling you are more caught up in appearances than most people. hey if you pick your knives to match your nail polish that's your prerogative palgilgamush
    • "if you pulled that thing on me i would take it from you."
      & "i have been stabbed"
      ^ that makes sense ^
    • tip: if someone pulls out a knife and you don't have one you run.moldero
    • i said that like 4 times captian obvious, sometimes you have fewer choices than othersgilgamush
    • lol, even if you have one you should still run. what are you gonna have a showdown? get real, nobody wins in a knife fightgilgamush
    • "nobody wins in a knife fight"
      clearly you haven't met much pacific islanders
    • well thats true, but from what iv'e seen kali is shit and isn't gonna help you when you're getting bum rushed by someone with bad intentions and a bladegilgamush
    • buncha dancing around and parrying, please. not how things transpire here in the states i assure yougilgamush
    • but seriously, with decent training, you'd be able to handle the average dip shit robber dude wielding a knife, you'd be able to spot his ability right off themoldero
    • get go just the way he holds it, and then and only then would you be able to take a guys knife away, considering your fear of knives, I would seriously considermoldero
    • it, as for me I dont fear the average robber guy when it comes to knives, but ill tell you right now, if I feel the guy is trained, I'm giving him my walletmoldero
    • unless your in the islands, a robber dude is most likely not going to be trained.moldero
    • you sound like a fucking idiot bro. no amount of skill is gonna stop you from getting stabbed in a knife fight. if you had ever been in a serious altercationgilgamush
    • you wouldn't be getting all cavaliergilgamush
    • its full on mayhem and your stupid dance moves wont do shit. the only thing that matters is punishing your assailant and trapping that knife handgilgamush
    • dance moves? yeah, just stand there and give your opponent an easy way in, in most forms of fighting your always "on your toes"moldero
    • I admit though, I personally don't move around as much as I should when trainingmoldero
    • "you sound like a fucking idiot bro" coming from a guy who reads a books caption then thinks he knows it all on a style thats been proven, hell even the marinesmoldero
    • base their knife techniques on various styles, Kali being one of themmoldero
    • dont get pissed, its just a discussionmoldero
    • all this bravado and confidence fades pretty quick when somebody is putting a little blade in your side 15 times per second, trying to dig a whole in yougilgamush
    • well thats the whole point of trainingmoldero
    • and yea i'm a little mad to see grown men playing pretend like you and scarabin. him, not so surprised, hes big on pretend. you? i donno what your deal is.gilgamush
    • what book caption? what are you talking about man? a bhp vs a knife isnt gonna go well, i work with a marine, you dont have to tell me, i am familiar with kaligilgamush
    • how is studying a martial art "playing pretend?" how is scarabin (the outdoorsy craftsman type) packing a tool that only one of its thousand's of uses ismoldero
    • stabbing a guy "playing pretend?"moldero
    • maybe I need to be stabbed first to get into your mentality and be emotionally scarred from anything with a sharp tip, but fortunately for me my family has beenmoldero
    • into martial arts for generationsmoldero
    • "you? i donno what your deal is." I'm just a mother fucker that doesn't want to get stabbed, I study defensive knife fighting, why should that effect you?moldero
    • i think we have reached a critical misunderstandinggilgamush
    • lol, i'm not emotionally scarred particularly, i don't see why people have to fantasize about this kind of violence though. don't go looking for troublegilgamush
    • it will find yougilgamush
    • carry around a fighting knife and sooner or later your gonna do someone a lot f harm. i have been in several fights with armed people and the knife alwaysgilgamush
    • stayed in the pocket where it belongs. its not a defensive tool, it just isn'tgilgamush
    • Ive been in 1 altercation with a knife on me, but as I stated earlier, I handed the knife to someone else before it started, keeping your knife on you is not...moldero
    • unless your'e in the can, knives as weapons is just stupid. your'e better of with a brick or a big stick or just empty hands for grappling. anythinggilgamush
    • what you want unless considering most fights end up on the floor, imagine your pinned and dude finds your knifemoldero
    • I would carry a brick ;)moldero
    • "it will find you"

      sweet! then we can haz a beer!
    • i am a grappler and am quite comfortable with jujitsu so yes, thats where its gonna go. and ya, holla when yer stateside, i will show you the kanobocane prototygilgamush
    • pe and put you on to what is narragenset bohemian pilsner 16 ouncers.gilgamush
    • I love love love jujitsu, so much fun
      I started with a guy down here, then he disappeared because he killed a guy
    • omfg. haha. i like this knife because it's in my hand and open faster than any other knife i've owned. that "stabby" tip gets under a zip tie better thanscarabin
    • any other i own. yes, i like the color. no, i know knife safety and don't go around threatening folks with it. yes i have carved with it. you obviously havescarabin
    • some serious emotional and physical scars, man. stop projecting them on everyone else. i'm not gonna stab you or pretend i'm a killer.scarabin
    • and no, it wasn't $500, it was less than $50. you researched the damn thing.scarabin
    • woah woah woah, take it easy pal. i'm just letting you know my perspective. i got alot of bullshit from you guys so i had to really drive the point home.gilgamush
    • no pun intended. i got nothing against you in particular man. go dress up as an elf and use fighting knives as letter openers. fucks sake do whatever you want.gilgamush
    • at the end of the day you aren't an elf and that this isn't a letter opener and as long as you recognize that i got no problemgilgamush
    • and i'm sorry to hear that moldero, i urge you to stick with it, got nothing but good stuff to say about bjjgilgamush
    • id like to, my favorite is muay thai mostly, but i do need more ground stuffmoldero