Broken Clavicle
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- 32 Responses
- duckseason
Anyone ever broken it before?
Was in a bike accident yesterday.
Flew off bike, landed on my shoulder with enough force to snap it.Just wondering how bad the next few weeks of my life are going to suck.
- Ramanisky20
sucks to be you .. yikes
- lvl_130
fucking ouch! i wish you a speedy recovery.
- benfal990
Watch DVD's for a couple days and have a beer. Just relax. See it as a break from work.
- kld0
3 times here, not so bad
- Ramanisky20
it'll hurt to masturbate
- duckseason0
Today is my birthday.
Supposed to move into a new apartment tomorrow.
Great timing, huh?- well, then don't masturbate.Miesfan
- that means your friends are obligated to do the moving for you.. blessing in disguise.Rodimus79
- Pixter0
Two weeks ago my girlfriend did bread my finger closing the car trunk
- breakPixter
- fucking ouch man!stoplying
- 'did bread' sounds so much worsekingsteven
- elahon0
- Sweet, my GF and I have been tearing through X-Files for a few months now. The first season was fuckin hilariously bad.********
- Sweet, my GF and I have been tearing through X-Files for a few months now. The first season was fuckin hilariously bad.
- meffid0
I dislocated my AC joint skateboarding down a hill after a bottle of Walker. It never heals right. Look forward to the physio trips.
- boobs0
Now you'll never be able to have children!
- ********0
Ouch - make sure you do the therapy - fuckers heal badly without assistance...
- duckseason0
Just found out I'm going in for surgery this Friday.
Doctors don't like the fact that my bone is poking up at the inside of my skin so much.
I get to look forward to an 8" incision, some screws, a titanium plate, and a block on the outside of shoulder that does something or other...The gift that keeps on giving...
- have them put in a cyborg arm or something while they're in therescarabin
- meffid0
What grade was the break?
- whitewolf0
sucks! i've broken both of mine 2 separate times. figure 8 strap, sling, and how i met your mother seasons 1-5
- ********0
Weird. A friend of mine just did this. Broke his clavicle, fractured his skull, several broken ribs, etc. etc.
He's lucid and in the hospital, but he's probably in incredible pain that he is unaware of thanks to all of the meds he is on.
- I've got some stitches in my head and bruises/road rash to boot.duckseason
- MikeColdFusion0
about 6 weeks ago my friend ron was riding his brand new harley and a 15 year old kid driving on his learners permit ran a stop sign and fucked him up. among his many other broken bones was his helmet coming down and breaking both clavicles. he just got outta the hospital.
- Milan0
word of advice, don't go in the Chick of the Day thread for a few weeks
- linearch0
i had compound fracture of mine from a mtn biking accident about 10 years ago. initially it hurts like a mofo, but heals pretty quickly / painlessly.