Grip Limited
- Started
- Last post
- 36 Responses
- MrRemote
Our new site went up today.'m just a print guy here, so I had nothing to do with it... but I think it's kinda fun.
- quack0
wow my brain. i'll get to that later... ouch
- ********0
woh... cool site!
- bigtrickagain0
holy cow, that is cool. i've never seen anything like that before!
- ********0
Really loved it.
Will actually visit again to see how this changes over time. Would hate for such a great and functional site to stay stale.
- welded0
- iheartfun0
- welded0
I think I know a few of those people.
- Jordy0
wow, didn't see that coming!
Well done! I love it.
Navigation is not super easy but the originality makes up for it.
- detritus0
Interesting. Bit dense though - I hope you've not focused on the Kooky before the Kontenty too much. I'd consider putting the "We're an advertising agency.." content before the "We can be found here.." contact details, but then i guess potential clients would have a good idea of what you're about before they've put the url in, so.. yeah. whatever.
Good to see peeps pushing the functionality barrier - like dMullins says, it'll be interesting to see how the 'news bill' format develops.
Well played!
- must_dash0
Nice work.
- LOKi0
That's pretty awesome... hiring too eh? hmmm....
- ********0
What happened to STEPHEN BENNETT
- bulletfactory0
- Fax_Benson0
It looks fantastic and the scrolly columns are cool. It's quite difficult - seems like a deliberate kick in the nuts for non-designy types. Which is fair enough I guess.
- sigg0
wow. fantastic work!
- utopian0
A little bit difficult to use at first, but well done, congrats.
- dbloc0
didn't realize it was drag at first...might want to pop up a quick tip when you get to the site.
- they have all that on the second column, and you can also use arrow keysmonospaced
- but yeah, it's hard to see due to the visual typographic assaultmonospaced
- ********0
Sweet Geebus - wonderful... guess it doesn't load on an iPad, eh? =] Will try to visit brick and mortar location when I'm next in town.
- monospaced0
I freakin' love it. My only ask would be a better indicator as to what column is currently selected. Right now it seems that it's just a horizontal hairline turning blue, which is really subtle. I love the space bar collapse feature too, really well thought out.
- monospaced0
This is probably the ONLY site I wouldn't mind automatically going full-screen.
- yah.... +10********
- Interesting.detritus
- yeah i was gonna say the same thing.********
- yah.... +10