This concept...
- Started
- Last post
- 65 Responses
- Reaact
What do you guys think of this concept?
- monNom0
- ********0
- Reaact0
Haha... best responses evar.
- ********0
are you damien van holten?
- Reaact0
- jimbojones0
most of the sold colors are gay. coincidence?
- kerus0
i'd like to throw a rock at this website
- welded0
A fool and his money something something.
- applepirate0
wow. this is even better then buying your own star.
- ********0
- nah its totally legit. IT SAYS YOU GET YOUR OWN COLOR!!! Just believe.iheartfun
why think when you can be told?
- ********0
my color was bought. no longer interested
- maybe you could make an offer?********
- already over it********
- maybe you could make an offer?
- ernexbcn0
I followed the link, found no Kraken, came back here dissapointed
- bulletfactory0
some motherfucker bought my color! MY COLOR!
Since my last name is White, I obviously have rights to it.*lawsuit filed.
- ********0
bad in ie and a bit of a scam really
- jimbojones0
bought 1 color, it's used in their lame color cube logo, should I sue them?
- ********0
this is a scam how? you're paying a dollar for a link.
- pay me 100 dollars and I'll post you 100 links in this very same threadernexbcn
- not a contract i'm willing to get behind********
- ********0
it's one million pixels all over again