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- 57 Responses
- airey0
- eating savoury things turns you from a woman in to a man?mydo
- not eating fatty shit makes the gut (which blocks the view down) go away.airey
- oh i see. but if you have a big gut, how do you look your sister in the eyes?mydo
- i never do, the soul crushing guilt would be too much to bare.airey
- wow... that really escalated...Invalid
- join the party. we'll have cake and everything!mydo
- ahahahahbigtrickagain
- mydo0
- waterhouse0
Chocolate Lava. Hotter than blazes.
- link? i likes me the sound.airey
- i reckon a chilli chocolate version would be ok.airey
- version30
pie is better? ... because it depends on filling like fruit or cream doing all the heavy lifting while some plaid crust gets all the credit?
- ismith0
- classic cake7point34
- yes i like this cakesublocked
- i think i like this cake over the edible kindbaseline_shift
- Great example of a band with no talent that knows how to make good music.CygnusZero4
- ali0
Vanilla Bean and Lime Baked Cheesecake with Macadamia and Pecan Base
- < Knows what she wants.waterhouse
- Yep, one of my fav recipesali
- ********0
Burnt Almond from Dick's Bakery…
- jerseyred0
Cake story - at my last job there were a bunch of us that liked to go and drink and party after work, guys and girls and we'd always end up at a strip club. For my birthday one year one of the guys made a card of a girl with a bikini top and everyone put dollars into the card and my birthday cake had a picture of a pornstar with the biggest tits with huge stars over the nipples (only way the place would make the cake).
Needless to say when we were all in an office having a "private" birthday candle lighting ceremony all the VP's came in along with the team of conservative Indian developers as I'm blowing out the tit candles holding a titty birthday card with handcuffs, a whip, and a ball gag on the table as
"party" gifts from the gang. I miss that job!
- ********0
7-Up cake, no question. My mom's been making it for me for years. It's so sweet it needs no icing. Recipe requires like 5 cups of sugar & 3 sticks of butter. It's pretty much heaven in my mouth.
- I've never heard of this. but I must. know. MOAR. I want to try it right now! O_Oismith
- I'll get it from her & post it as soon as I can. Gotta spread the love!********
- LIV, please join...…version3
- ReverendGeneral0
sky cake
- Point50
fondant is pure evil on cakes. Thanks to the horrible shows on the food network, a lot of bakeries are slapping more and more of that crappy, sugary play-doh over the top of mediocre cake
- Peter0
Swedish Schwarzwald cake.
Different from the Black Forest ones. More here: