Women Drivers
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- 23 Responses
- Gucci
Are they really worse than men?
- Horp0
They are more careful than men, more cautious, and when mixed with male drivers this can make them dangerous. I swear that given the opportunity most of them would actually get out of the car and walk around a corner to check it before driving round. I have seen generations wither and die in the time it takes a woman to drive round a corner.
- If the roads were full of only women though... safe as fuck.Horp
- Horp0
And filling up at a gas station. Its all good until they've done that and got back in the car and its time to drive away. Thats when things grind to a massive halt.
- juhls0
Horp is right. From what I have seen, these women actually cause more panic within the car because they scream when they fear something bad is about to happen. They over-exaggerate everything.
Luckily, I'm somewhere in the middle.
- Also, I'm a good driver. But I don't particularly care for it.juhls
- Thats what I love about you********
- chossy0
In my opinion women are more cautious drivers but I find them inconsiderate. Rarely will they let you out of a busy junction and rarely they will give people enough room to scoot past them.
Men are far more aggressive and arrogant and definatly less safe.
Careful of your statistics though as women may be safer on paper but men drive several times many more miles than women.
The original question are they really worse?
- El_Montr00
This is the only topic where I can honestly say I feel 100% macho-man....YES they blow at driving, sorry ladies.
- ceiling_cat0
Guys pay more in insurance because we are dodging the women drivers and falling into bbq explosions
- baseline_shift0
Lets talk about most girls sense of direction.
And parallel parking abilities.
I dont think there is a huge difference, but mens brains are more geared for movement/spacial assessments.
- (but we are poor communicators)baseline_shift
- Yes, men are more likely to have a higher level of spacial ability. But women are good in other ways too.juhls
- agreed. Different brains doesn't mean better or worse brains.baseline_shift
- Jnr_Madison0
Anytime some fucker cuts me up or is just a fanny, as long as my gf is in the car I always make sure to say 'I bet it's a fucking woman' out loud to her. I am usually about 50% right.
- me too...and it's 65%El_Montr0
- no shit?juhls
- I do it to wind up my gf Jaline, calm down.Jnr_Madison
- no, I was commenting about the "50% right" thing, ha hajuhls
refer to "third world women drivers" please
- nicole_marie0
wow and you guys wonder why there are barely any women QBN members.
First this week with the spoiled American women and now this. I feel like I am constantly defending myself on here.
- i agree they are all jerksCALLES
- You just have to pretend they are all retarded (some are) and this site will become more enjoyable.juhls
- haha thanks guys. : )nicole_marie
- DrBombay0
I see tons of women on their phones while they are driving. I'm not lying.
- chossy0
Don't sweat it missees marie it's the internet, tell folk they are pricks then get the fuck outta there yo!.
- miesvan0
- I can't stop laughing at this.Horp
- i wonder if she still wears it like that.nicole_marie