"law" of evolution?

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  • 90 Responses
  • TheBlueOne0

    Please tell us about "Intelligent Falling" since the Theory of Gravity, is just, you know, a theory...

    • hahahaukit
    • gravity is a law.teleos
    • perhaps you missed that.teleos
    • Perhaps you didn't get that this was a joke.TheBlueOne
    • no it isn't. obviously physics isn't your strong suit. then again, neither is critical thinking.spifflink
  • teleos0

    Mimio: The problems with the darwinian synthesis remain irrespective of the apparent "designed to fail" scenarios. And disteleology issues raise theological questions.

  • Khurram0

    These are some of the things you used to say:

    I love monkeys, Fariska. They way they pee into their mouths and fling feces is endearing. No, I'm just saying that science is demonstrating that we do not share a common ancestry with them.

    Mimio, how is it that we do not share a common ancestry? Well we could fill this thread with a books-worth. In a nutshell, because science demonstrates that species to species mutations could not happen.

    emokid, the problem is that the most recent evidence shows that evolution did not and could not have happened.

    When did they exist? Depends on who you ask. ;) I would say they were within the last 10,000 years because I believe there was rapid fossilization due to a world-wide deluge. But the "when" is not the issue, I don't think.

    dobs, there's plenty of geological evidence that demonstrates a young earth and rapid fossilization. Radiometric dating is terribly unreliable. But we've already beaten that dead horse here.

    I just put discipler in the filter and found that. I could dig more if i was bothered THAT much.

    2005 bro! FOUR YEARS you've been beating this horse.

    FOUR fucking YEARS.

    • rapid fossilisation after the deluge FTW!Khurram
  • teleos0

    Kuz: I standby everything you've linked there EXCEPT for:

    "When did they exist? Depends on who you ask. ;) I would say they were within the last 10,000 years because I believe there was rapid fossilization due to a world-wide deluge. But the "when" is not the issue, I don't think."

    I'm no longer a YEC. And I've said this in many other threads.

    btw, you keep appearing in these discussions (which i didn't start) and thus contribute to the flogging of the horse. :)

    • note: I still like to play "devil's advocate" with the YEC position, on occasion. They have some solid arguments.teleos
    • no. they dont.spifflink
  • designbot0

    Okay I was really not wanting to get into this rabbit trail, since to me it's seems quite off topic to the general conversation...but I will give ONE example, and that's all. Because some of you seem to want to deal in absolutes like "There are no things that once had a scientific explaination, but that now have a religious explaination.
    Not one." all it takes is one example to prove your statement false.
    The oldest manuscripts in existence (yes from the Bible) record the earth being a sphere or "circle". What did science think at the time? Flat earth.

    "Some Bible critics have claimed that Revelation 7:1 assumes a flat earth since the verse refers to angels standing at the “four corners” of the earth. Actually, the reference is to the cardinal directions: north, south, east, and west. Similar terminology is often used today when we speak of the sun's rising and setting, even though the earth, not the sun, is doing the moving. Bible writers used the “language of appearance,” just as people always have. Without it, the intended message would be awkward at best and probably not understood clearly. [DD]

    In the Old Testament, Job 26:7 explains that the earth is suspended in space, the obvious comparison being with the spherical sun and moon. [DD]

    A literal translation of Job 26:10 is "He described a circle upon the face of the waters, until the day and night come to an end." A spherical earth is also described in Isaiah 40:21-22 - "the circle of the earth."

    Proverbs 8:27 also suggests a round earth by use of the word circle (e.g., New King James Bible and New American Standard Bible). If you are overlooking the ocean, the horizon appears as a circle. This circle on the horizon is described in Job 26:10. The circle on the face of the waters is one of the proofs that the Greeks used for a spherical earth. Yet here it is recorded in Job, ages before the Greeks discovered it. Job 26:10 indicates that where light terminates, darkness begins. This suggests day and night on a spherical globe. [JSM]

    The Hebrew record is the oldest, because Job is one of the oldest books in the Bible. Historians generally [wrongly] credit the Greeks with being the first to suggest a spherical earth. In the sixth century B.C., Pythagoras suggested a spherical earth. [JSM]

    Eratosthenes of Alexandria (circa 276 to 194 or 192 B.C.) calcuated the circumference of the earth "within 50 miles of the present estimate." [Encyclopedia Brittanica]

    The Greeks also drew meridians and parallels. They identified such areas as the poles, equator, and tropics. This spherical earth concept did not prevail; the Romans drew the earth as a flat disk with oceans around it. [JSM]"

    • Thank you, designbot. I grew weary of demolishing the "them ignorant christians" caricatures a long time ago.teleos
    • There was no "science" at that time. Science was invented as a specific mode of thought around 1500ADTheBlueOne
    • So to say "Science thought the world was flat" is just incorrect.TheBlueOne
    • well what existed of science...there was still science, it just had a very different face for sure.designbot
    • versus religion. which has the same basic face.spifflink
    • lol blueONe. Of course there was science. Maybe not the scientific method, but the hard sciences like mathematics have been around since before we arrived. :)teleos
    • around since before we arrived.teleos
  • Khurram0

    Yeah but i'm here on a general level, as well as having orchestrated some of the morst EPIC QBN/NT London drinks in history *pops collar*

    Really though:

    "Khurram: I never flat out denied "evolution"."

    And in those statements you flat out deny evolution. As well as say there is no shared ancestary between humans and monkeys, while up at the top of this page you say we "may" have ancestory with monkeys.

    But its cool - nothign wrong with admitting u were once wrong and are now learning! This is good! I have been wrong many time and continue to learn and grow!

  • teleos0

    Everyone else has brought up religion. I have not.

    My decree now and henceforth will remain: follow the evidence where it leads. And it's as simple as this: the reigning paradigm in biology [Darwinism] has failed spectacularly. The Darwinian mechanism has been shown, primarily through repeated experimentation with drosophila and malaria, that natural selection does not produce anything novel in the way of cell, tissue or body plans. Period. It ensures extinction ultimately by killing organisms. It throws out that which it does not need. It has failed as a mechanism for producing anything of significance. Nothing religious about that. Something else that has nothing to do with religion: the evidence points to purposive engineering in biology; functionally integrated machinery, programming code, transport shuttling, redundancy, and even password encryption, in the cell. And that's not even scratching the surface.

    blueOne can toss around all the ad hominems and genetic fallacies he wants about Creationism masquerading as science blah blah dee blah, but it's just not going to change the empirical evidence which is what I'm interested in talking about in these threads (which I never start).

    • So you are being purposefully disingenuous then. I thought so. total prick. Won't be coming back to any of these threads. Have a nice life ass.TheBlueOne
    • nice life ass.TheBlueOne
    • haha wow. nice fantasy world you are living in.spifflink
    • how am i being disingenuous??? Do tell.teleos
    • gahick! Spifflink.teleos
    • gahick? i just want to see your portfolio. hopefully your design work makes up for the lack of critical thinking skills.spifflink
  • ukit0

    Is it just me or did teleos' views AHEM *change* over time...?

    There's a clever analogy here somewhere....


    I need some coffee.

    • Hey! I was intelligently designed to do so! :)teleos
    • Still a human though...

      as far as I can tell.
  • Khurram0

    Well i'm sure he will come up with some linguistic chicanery to deny his views display "speciasation" over time... dude, as Christian you should be more familiar with humility!!! It's ok!!

    ...this is distracting...

    • I can confidently assert a position on a topic without being arrogant can't I?teleos
  • teleos0

    Kuz: You're here on a "general level" only because you have been banned numerous times and Lord knows how many times have had to rig up some kind of IP blocking system to get back in. But this is neither here nor there...

    None of those statements I made deny "evolution" in the sense of change over time. Dude, even YEC's believe in limited speciation from generic animal "kinds". Evolution happens. What is in question is the "how"... the mechanism. And what changed into what.

    But's it's cool. I can roll with people arbitrarily limiting/expanding/stretching the generic term "evolution".

  • ukit0

  • Khurram0

    "emokid, the problem is that the most recent evidence shows that evolution did not and could not have happened."

    "science is demonstrating that we do not share a common ancestry with [monkeys]."

    "Humans may have "descended" from cuddly, furry little Emurs.. but it wasn't the Darwinian Mechanism... It was front-loaded pre-programmed saltation"

    • !!!Khurram
    • provide the full link to the first quote. Second quote: no conflict there with the 3rd quote.teleos
  • teleos0

    " There are many many things in this world, which at one time had only a religious explaination, but that now - thanks to the hardwork, talent and dedication of people creating and implementing the scientific method, have a better scientific explaination.
    There are no things that once had a scientific explaination, but that now have a religious explaination.
    Not one. " -Miko

    It works both ways, incidentally. We now have a universe which began with a singularity bursting forth with all matter and energy from "nothing". This looks a lot like the Bible's Genesis account "In the beginning there was nothing... ...let there be light".

    We also have a fossil record which is a series of bursts of saltation events, not the slow gradualism with intermediates that Darwinism predicted. Nothing like it at all. This smells a bit like pre-programmed creation events.

    • Newton, Mendell, Kepler, etc... all visionaries in modern science and staunch theists.teleos
    • yeh, it must 'smell' like all those other universes that you know about and are comparing it to.....mikotondria3
    • Newton also spent 40 years studying astrology.mikotondria3
  • Rand0

    what's a YEC

    • Yawn
    • someone who says the earth is 10,000 years ago, as he once did. But now denies...Khurram
    • Young Earth Creationistteleos
    • rapid fossilisation.. RAPID FOSSILISATIONKhurram
  • mikotondria30

    You just want to point at bits of biology you don't understand and say that god did it.
    Don't pretend anything else, you total fucking fraud.

    • *with respect.mikotondria3
    • haha, when one cannot argue the evidence, one can always resort to character attacks.teleos
    • he has argues the evidence, which you tactfully ignore. you just fell back to the same tactics you say you dont use.spifflink
    • hurray for circular fucking logic.spifflink
  • Khurram0


    • Even staunch Darwinists believe that rapid fossilization occurred. What's the problem here?teleos
    • Your explanation as to why the earth is 10,000 years old and the fossil record of "middle species" is wrongKhurram
    • that's the problemKhurram
  • nbq0

    I thought they had found it already...

  • teleos0

    "emokid, the problem is that the most recent evidence shows that evolution did not and could not have happened."

    ^ provide the full link to this quote please.

    • as a text out of context becomes a pretext.teleos
    • see belowKhurram
  • ukit0

    YEC, YO, YEC!

    Y to the E to the C

  • ukit0


    "natural selection does not produce anything novel in the way of cell, tissue or body plans"

    you are making it so much more complicated than it really is. If I breed a horse and a zebra, what do I get? A zebra like horse.

    The zebra horse (or zorse, if you will) inherits some of the genes from the horse and some from the zebra.

    Why is it so hard for you to consider the idea that this can happen, over time, on a much larger scale? That's all evolution is proposing.

    • Natural selection is the process that SORTS the naturally occuring genetic mutations..mikotondria3
    • I believe such an animal is called a "Hebra". *puffs pipe*Khurram
    • listen carefully... there is NO experimental evidence that natural selection/random mutation...teleos
    • produced the change. It could just as well have been pre-programmed information taking environmental cues.teleos
    • i love ignoring facts and evidence. the only problem is its still there even though i am plugging my ears and going 'nananananana'spifflink
    • 'nananananana!!!!'spifflink