"law" of evolution?

Out of context: Reply #34

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  • Khurram0

    These are some of the things you used to say:

    I love monkeys, Fariska. They way they pee into their mouths and fling feces is endearing. No, I'm just saying that science is demonstrating that we do not share a common ancestry with them.

    Mimio, how is it that we do not share a common ancestry? Well we could fill this thread with a books-worth. In a nutshell, because science demonstrates that species to species mutations could not happen.

    emokid, the problem is that the most recent evidence shows that evolution did not and could not have happened.

    When did they exist? Depends on who you ask. ;) I would say they were within the last 10,000 years because I believe there was rapid fossilization due to a world-wide deluge. But the "when" is not the issue, I don't think.

    dobs, there's plenty of geological evidence that demonstrates a young earth and rapid fossilization. Radiometric dating is terribly unreliable. But we've already beaten that dead horse here.

    I just put discipler in the filter and found that. I could dig more if i was bothered THAT much.

    2005 bro! FOUR YEARS you've been beating this horse.

    FOUR fucking YEARS.

    • rapid fossilisation after the deluge FTW!Khurram

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