Nazis etc

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  • raf0

    I had school in Europe, mu childhood was full of Nazi depictions. And I can't disagree enough with you pascii.

    People have short memory. It is why they don't learn and forget very simple things, like "stock and property market don't go up forever" and then lose their savings when markets go down - just what we saw recently.

    As cannonball said, Stalin murdered many more than Nazis ever did - who remembers that now? Does anyone know today that Lenin actually was more cruel and made a bigger disaster?
    Were there as many movies on communism as there were on Nazis? Not even close.

    Communism was officially killed off in Europe 20 years ago, some 45 years after Nazis were defeated. Still, it is ok to display commie symbols and express support for the idea, while someone holding a Nazi flag is obviously a "baddie".

    What George Santayana said:
    "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

    • Not to mention the Balkans and other more recent mass-slaughters.Corvo2
  • pascii0

    to know about the future, you must understand the past. definately. but aren't there enough examples of madmen ruining the life of millions of people out there right now? why do we always drag the bad german in the flashlight?

    • just look at the youngest history. evil hasen't a face like it had back in the days...pascii
  • raf0

    I think we have to remember or stuff will be rerun. Today's actual dangerous madmen are not commonly recognized because people don't know patterns from the past that are being replayed in front of them.
    Among things to be learned from Nazi era is "democracy is a dangerous thing". Could you agree with it, remembering how Hitler came to power? But just try quoting that very sentence to anyone: "Democracy is a dangerous thing" - they'll think you're not feeling ok today.

    "evil hasen't a face like it had back in the days..."

    I presume you don't mean neither the phenomenal US presidential campaign propaganda Goebbels would be proud of nor the Orwellian European empire emerging at your Swiss footsteps as we speak?
    They both scare me and everyone around thinks they're the bright new future.

    "why do we always drag the bad german in the flashlight?"

    It is a good question. I think Hitler's damages were extremely widespread, applied to all of Western culture and those who were hurt are better at getting themselves together and keeping the memory alive. As opposed to, say, Ukrainians whom 10 000 000 were starved to death by Stalin in one season. Part of history which rarely anybody in the West even heard of.

  • robotron3k0

    I have got Nazi burnout, seems like they appear in every major movie and those movies usually win every major movie award. now when I see or hear the word Nazi I think of Jews and when I hear or see the word Jews I think of Nazis. it was a horrible event but the whole thing seems to keep replaying for 60 years, over and over again so that the Nazi/Jews are permanently associated with one another. Im glad I don't have the history channel any longer...

  • dconstrukt0

    fuck the nazis.

    defiance was amazing.