Nazis etc

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • raf0

    I had school in Europe, mu childhood was full of Nazi depictions. And I can't disagree enough with you pascii.

    People have short memory. It is why they don't learn and forget very simple things, like "stock and property market don't go up forever" and then lose their savings when markets go down - just what we saw recently.

    As cannonball said, Stalin murdered many more than Nazis ever did - who remembers that now? Does anyone know today that Lenin actually was more cruel and made a bigger disaster?
    Were there as many movies on communism as there were on Nazis? Not even close.

    Communism was officially killed off in Europe 20 years ago, some 45 years after Nazis were defeated. Still, it is ok to display commie symbols and express support for the idea, while someone holding a Nazi flag is obviously a "baddie".

    What George Santayana said:
    "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

    • Not to mention the Balkans and other more recent mass-slaughters.Corvo2

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