Good one, pope...
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- tank020
Especially because this pope was in the Hitler Youth.
The shear symbolism of this act is just wrong.
- kelpie0
^ on the good pope bad pope image, a catholic friend of mone has a clock bought for her by her turbocatholic mum which displays pope john paul in the AM and pope benedict in the PM; she refers to it as "good pope, bad pope clock" hehehe
- ********0
I don't understand why Catholics everywhere don't want to quit his stupid club.
I'd be ashamed to align myself with this.- i quit that band long time ago, trying to get a couple of these altar boys at work to the same is funbrandelec
- mikotondria30
I find it highly amusing that there would be an issue regarding anti-semitism within the church, which was started - aahhhhhhnd correct me if I'm wrong - by probably the most famous Jew ever ?
- brandelec0
i think this calls for a PSB pope edition
- boobs0
Look, the Holocaust denier is an absolute dick. He lives, mentally, in a land of utter fables. But, you know, believing in fables is good training, fuck it. Even I don't want to go there!
- kelpie0
To be honest though, its an open goal knocking the catholic church guys, can we not get onto lampooning a more difficult target, like zen Buddhism maybe?
- ********0
These are the leaders of the group of people that killed millions of people world wide and stole their land, burnt 'witches', gays and blacks at the stake. Why is this so surprising?
On the other hand I don't think that anyone should really be punished for not believing something, however warped that opinion may be.
- boobs0
Sure, it's bad PR.
But, really, what's excommunication from the Catholic Church got to do with the Holocaust anyway? They're entirely unrelated issues.
- kelpie0
one's views on the persecution of members of another religion at a time when the two faiths are meant to be going through a process of reconciliation is massively significant though