Santa as God
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- DrBombay
You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
He's making a list
And checking it twice;
Gonna find out Who's naughty and nice
Santa Claus is coming to town
He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!
O! You better watch out!
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
Santa Claus is coming to town
The parallels are amazing.
- dearhead0
consumer devil
- ********0
Bored at work today and looking for some action eh?
- DrBombay0
not really bored, but it is odd that as children we mostly all believe in santa but as we get older we stop. the same thing with god for some of us.
- ********0
Damn you to hell... now I can't stop signing that tune.
- blaw0
Expansion of this thought:…
- DrBombay0
A reason not to believe in Santa Claus is the pure logistics of it all. There are say 1 billion (for argument's sake) kids on the planet who believe in Santa. The idea that one being could expedite all over the planet granting wishes to all of the children is ludicrous.
- gramme0
I have no intention of pushing the whole Santa Claus thing on my kids. I was never under the impression that he's real, even when I was really young, and I don't think I was traumatized by that knowledge...
- lowimpakt0
it just another conditioning process for children.
Santa has folklorist roots like God. Even though they both have been co-opted as money generating scams, Santa lucked out on the longevity of the lie because of the lack of fire and damnation in his offering.
- DrBombay0
Love him or hate him, this quote makes a grip of sense:
"Of course not, that's one man flying all around the world and dropping presents down a chimney. One man hearing everybody murmer at him at the same time, that I get." - Bill Maher
- harlequino0
I tend to share dobs' outlook on this particular Xmas carol. Always felt a little ominous.
Not pushing Santa at our house either. Real letdown when I was little. We both grew up in Europe largely, so I think we're going with St. Nicholas and the whole shoe thing.
- TheBlueOne0
- Maybe not god..more like Homeland Security..TheBlueOne
- I really hope this is a joke.benfal99
- Sadly, it's not.TheBlueOne
- Santa's gonna shoot StormShadow?harlequino
- thats sooo fuct up23kon
- iam voiceless...benfal99
- DrBombay0
Does Santa own Mattel and Hasbro and Parker Brothers, etc. Otherwise his toy factory has been creating bootlegs for generations.
- DrBombay0
The parallel I am seeing is parents use the image of Santa Claus to make their children behave as illustrated by "Santa Claus is coming to town". Good behavior gets the presents.
A life spent believing in Christ gets you the pearly gates... I'm just sayin... It all is pretty logical actually.
- So I can see what's in it for the parents....but how about with Christianity...what... in it for the ones who presumably made up this story?designbot
- * what's in it for ones who presumably made up this story?designbot
- Ask the Pope. Iranian Mullahs etc.DrBombay
- Well how about the average pastor, who often times barely has enough money to live? Not exactly a lavish lifestyle.designbot
- he is one of the hoodwinked. look this is just my opinion man. I am not trying to sway yours.DrBombay
- BonSeff0
Santa didn't rise from the dead after 3 days of cave lockdown, yo
- gramme0
A life spent believing in Christ doesn't get one into "the pearly gates." What I do or don't do has nothing to do with salvation. It is all, it is only through my admittance of total depravity, and my acceptance of God's gift of grace by taking the punishment intended for me. That's the only way I can get into heaven. I am justified by grace, through faith, and I am sanctified (made holy) by the Holy Spirit—BUT, I will not be made anywhere near perfect in this life (none of us are), and since I serve a perfect God, his perfection has to be leveraged on my behalf. It is true that good works authored by the Holy Spirit THROUGH me are evidence of a heart that God has/is changing; but that which ratifies does not save. It's a subtle yet very, very important distinction.
Enough serious talk from me. Back to fat woolly dudes and elves in tights.
- wow dude, really?DrBombay
- "Even the demons believe [in Christ]... and shudder."gramme
- Merely believing that Christ is who he claims to be doesn't make a Christian.gramme
- Owning him as Lord and Savior makes a Christian.gramme
- With the implicit understanding that we bring nothing to the table except our need for salvation.gramme
- ukit0
Hmmm, not sure what I will tell my kids when I have them.
On one hand, it is kind of a giant lie invented to sell more stuff. On the other, it's such a big thing for kids, you'd feel kind of bad not doing it.
- You can easily do it, just tone down the commericalism and over the top bullshit.harlequino
- Also, you never have to insist he's real. Keep it fun and a game. :)harlequino
- Still seems kind of cynical and mean doesn't it? Can just see my future 5 year old in kindergarden class around the holidays when they're talking about santa - "That shit ain't real."ukit
- holidays when they're talking about santa suddenly busting out "That shit ain't real."ukit
- Yeah i think it can if you insist for years that he's real and always maintain the "Santa's wathcing" thing.harlequino
- Each to his own obviously. I was against repeating it for a long time. Now I've rethought it. Just going to be very careful.harlequino
- metal_leg_will0
"God is Santa for adults"
- sea_sea0
- wowukit
- here's an article on the subject: