mac vs pc

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  • Rodimus790

    People are always floored that I'm a designer and prefer PC's.
    It ultimately comes down to my preference for building my own machines (I know exactly what I want and I'd prefer it on the cheap)- so I usually get something a lot more powerful and significantly less $$ than I would if I bought a Mac. I don't have issues with PC's freezing or anything of that variety, because I tinker with everything down to the registry, and if I don't like the GUI, I can always skin it, or make use of flash/etc.. to change the aesthetic/functionality. I use both daily (Mac moreso, being my work machine), but I honestly can't understand the whole Mac infatution / Jobs worship. I've had exponentially more issues with Macs than I have PC's. And while working with rather large PSD's, I really don't have the patience for the rainbow pinwheel. Drives me nuts.

    • what you have a 100 layers on yorur PSDs or something?
      I have large PSDs too and I don't get the rainbow.
  • moth0

    If it was my business, you'd all get the best value (cheapest) option. Kitting out an entire office with Macs is just pissing money away needlessly.

    • my pcs are dells 21inch monitors decent spec £460trooperbill
  • brains0

    I don't know how many times this argument has happened on QBN and NT. Same arguments every time. It's subjective. All a matter of preference. Case closed.

    • oh no it isn't. these worms are quick to multiply..janne76
  • trooperbill0

    im listening to all the mac hype on here and its making me laugh - take it from someone who uses both pcs and macs - theyre as bad as each other... both need restarting every couple of days both fall over all of the time... both overpriced

  • SteveJobs0

    both os's are fine. they both have their pros and cons and you'll naturally gravitate toward the one that offers you, your lifestyle, or job the most benefits. it's nonsensical to ask for opinions about the two because these tools are so ingrained in our lives that our passion for our respective choices runs very deep and it's often difficult to provide an objective view.

    i've used windows for well over a decade and i love it despite it's ugly themes and the case that it's usually packed in - though thanks to bootcamp, that not much of an argument anymore...
    about a month ago i started porting a windows app to the mac and it's been an uphill battle the whole way, but that's mostly because i've had to relearn, or rethink everything i know. my workflow, productivity, tools - everything has changed dramatically. but it has nothing to do with the OS - it has to do with how i've been trained to use an operating system, and how i've evolved as a user. it's not just moving the proverbial water bowl - it's throwing me into an entirely different culture where most everything is new.

    it's been a cumbersome process adapting, but i've found ways of making my mac environment more like my windows environment - i've set up my keyboard to respond like it does on windows and i've installed updates to get rid of the mouse acceleration feature. some things are still frustratingly difficult. for instance, if i have twenty windows open, and i just want to find one immediately, i momentarily panic because i don't have the taskbar to choose the window i want to acccess - i'm left one-by-one, minimize windows to the dock until i find it.

    obviously asking me which OS i prefer is going to get you a very biased opinion, so ultimately it's up to you to decide what you need, what will work best for you and what you can afford.

    having said all that, if you do choose windows - stay the fucking hell away from vista!

    • Haha.. I have a mouse adapter thingy, redefined keys, Forklift, Thunderbird, Applications shortct in dock.. it's XP now ;)rafalski
    • what do you use for mouse acceleration cancelling? USB Overdrive?rafalski
    • microsoft has an update you can download - i think it only works with their optical mouse .. could be wrong tho.SteveJobs
  • SoulFly0

    Every IT dept. will say that PCs are better.
    Same thing with my company. Those guys were saying we had to be on a PC because of security issues... LOL..
    In the meantime every time a bug hits the network, which are the only computers not affected... our macs of course.

  • epete220

    you need to think the compatibility between the work your producing and the printers.

  • janne760

    there is no vs.

    only preference.

  • drgss0

    so... whats the deal with linux