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  • ukit20

    A top adviser on Rick Santorum's campaign said Mitt Romney's bizarre treatment of the family dog 30 years ago shows the former Massachusetts governor has poor judgment.


  • whhipp0

    Ron Paul has got the biggest Caucus!


  • wormfood0

    Is it true that Romney and Santorum arent bringing in crowds like this? 5000 people at University of Illinois. How is it possible the primary/caucuses arent working out for Paul?

    • Because most people don't like who he is/what he stands for.waterhouse
    • I heard that Romney and Santorum weren't bringing in crowds like this.wormfood
    • Paul doesn't really have a real cohesive following just a lot of hot air support.uuuuuu
    • We are a Oligarchy. The forces that run our country says who gets elected not votes.74LEO
  • ukit20

    Why Ron Paul May Cut a Deal With Romney


  • uuuuuu0


    He often produces vital scoops that, during the Obama presidency, are — for reasons often recounted here — largely ignored by the American establishment media and both political parties. In July of last year, he returned from Mogadishu and documented the Obama administration’s maintenance and proxy operation of secret CIA-run prisons in Somalia of the type that caused so much controversy during the Bush administration and which Obama supporters like to claim the President ended...

    The Pentagon helped bolster this misleading claim of responsibility by issuing a statement that “Yemen should be congratulated for actions against al-Qaeda.” Meanwhile, leading American media outlets, such as The New York Times, reported — falsely — that “Yemeni security forces carried out airstrikes and ground raids against suspected Qaeda hide-outs last week with what American officials described as ‘intelligence and firepower’ supplied by the United States.” Those U.S. media reports vaguely mentioned civilian deaths only in passing or not at all, opting instead for ledes such as: “Yemeni security forces carried out airstrikes and ground raids against suspected hide-outs of Al Qaeda on Thursday, killing at least 34 militants in the broadest attack on the terrorist group here in years, Yemeni officials said.” While it is certain that dozens of civilians were killed, Scahill notes that “whether anyone actually active in Al Qaeda was killed remains hotly contested.”

    • Obama imprisoning journalists.uuuuuu
    • hmmm interesting no comments from the left?whhipp
    • Obama isn't left moron. You seem to make that point and then forget it everyday.TheBlueOne
    • And Obama is a douche.TheBlueOne
    • But I forget, you get paid to troll.TheBlueOne
    • oh yeah i forgot Obama is right?whhipp
    • JazX multiple personalitiesutopian
    • come on utopian drop it already, I obviously am not JazX.whhipp
  • IRNlun60

    He's gone to far now. This man needs to be stopped.


  • deathboy0


    Some local bullshit green energy waste. Completely a waste of federal dollars supporting unsustainable green tech. In no way should federal dollars be spent on applications that are clearly unsustainable. If this is the idea of stimulus we suck. Left/right whoever behind it suck balls. And another reason to question the climate change hype.

    • "the city has reduced its energy consumption by about 45 percent and is saving about $1.1 million in energy costs a year"IRNlun6
    • ..year" How exactly is this waste?IRNlun6
    • And how does green energy technology prove or disprove climate change?IRNlun6
    • That's like saying my car keeps breaking down because global warming.IRNlun6
    • The city’s seven windmills have so far saved Reno $2,785 in energy costs after generating 25,319 kilowatt-hours of electricity. The windmills were installed between April and October 2010 and cost about $1 milliondeathboy
    • electricity. The windmills were installed between April and October 2010 and cost about $1 milliondeathboy
    • Bad choices on shitty green tech are pushed through by bad hype. http://bits.blogs.ny…deathboy
    • tru dat.whhipp
  • deathboy0

    The city’s seven windmills have so far saved Reno $2,785 in energy costs after generating 25,319 kilowatt-hours of electricity. The windmills were installed between April and October 2010 and cost about $1 million out of a $2.1 million federal energy grant given to the city that was part of the stimulus package approved by Congress in February 2009......

    The windmills are part of the city’s larger, $20 million renewable energy effort, funded by $4.7 million grants and rebates, as well as $15.3 million in renewable energy-related bonds that will be paid off using cost savings from the project over the next 15 years.

    So far, the city has reduced its energy consumption by about 45 percent and is saving about $1.1 million in energy costs a year, largely from retrofitting buildings with efficient light bulbs and other cost-saving measures. In February, the city finished work on nine solar installations that are expected to save up $3 million in energy costs over the next 20 years, or $150,000 a year, and generate up to 18 percent of the government’s electricity...

    IRN the windmills were stupid. They wont pay for them themselves. As far as the 20 million being spent to save about 1 million a year mostly through retrofitting buildings... wish a few more details on what is really contributing to the savings.. and see how and were they got this number from...but i guess time will tell if those grants get paid back but i doubt they will scope creep and repairs. And again federal dollars. Should be state level spending on such a thing.

  • IRNlun60

    The most successful of Reno's windmill is located in an area that has an average windspeed of 2.3 mile per hour. Perhaps this isn't the best location to determine the success or failure of wind generated electricity. Would you claim solar power to be a failure if you placed a solar cell in an area that receives no light?

    In your original post, you claim that these applications are as you put it "clearly unsustainable". The city is currently saving $1.1 million a year which is for the most part on par with their 15 year plan to pay off the $20 million dollar investment using cost savings.

    These are emerging technologies. Their energy output will naturally improve with time and investment. Plus look at the alternatives and their costs. What do you think is the initial investment cost to build a refinery, a nuclear plant or a hydroelectric plant? Let alone the unrealized health and environmental costs.

    Plus the link on LED technology you posted is from 2008. Someone has actually won that prize and LED is currently a viable alternative, which is to this day still improving.

    • This is just one example of ongoing improvements in LED tech... http://reefbuilders.…IRNlun6
    • There's amazing technological advancement happening right now.IRNlun6
    • Don't let politics turn you into a modern day luddite.IRNlun6
    • i actually like technology. nasa is the one gov program i have a soft spot fordeathboy
  • deathboy0

    Clearly i meant the windmills in this instance are unsustainable and a waste. Savings of about ~3000 dollars a year probably wont even cover upkeep let alone intial investment. If you took that i meant all windmills are unsustainable due to a single instance than youre misunderstanding me.

    Really they're not saving any money. That money has been spent. They're barely breaking even. Quite a risky gamble with other peoples money. And curious as too how much of that saving comes from spending on better insulation, windows, lightbulbs... if that is where the most energy being saved comes from...probably costed no more than a million (im speculating cost) . After seeing the million dollar for windmills im thinking a large portion of that 20 million was likely wasted on other high cost low output tech.

    And didnt read the lightbulb link was jumping in the shower... 2008 isnt right i read an article on it a couple weeks ago. here is the one i read http://reason.com/archives/2012/…

    These are emerging technologies. Their energy output will naturally improve with time and investment.... i think this is a fallacy. Time & money does not = better. Politicians cant buy into that nonsense or we'll be bled dry by everyone saying hey i have a green idea money pit. All it does to subsidize it is to promote new companies who try to excel in getting more subsidies and grants instead of creating cheaper better energy. I admire the intention but getting sick that people only think of the "good intentions"and not outcomes.

    • in other words...don't try to improve anything unless there's a 100% chance of making a profit on itaaux
    • its more like dont steal and waste money that isnt yours. if u want to waste it use your own dimedeathboy
  • 74LEO0

    Not sure if its true, but something to chew on for the day:

    • I hate when crazy christians get a hold of after effects!74LEO
    • Tentatively file 74LEO under "paranoid asshole."waterhouse
    • shhhh! They are listening!74LEO
    • so damn scary. hold on be right back... gonna go do my part make a few babies.whhipp
    • lol whhipp!74LEO
  • TheBlueOne0

    its more like dont steal and waste money that isnt yours. if u want to waste it use your own dime
    – deathboy2

    i actually like technology. nasa is the one gov program i have a soft spot for
    – deathboy4/4

    I am fascinated how you can hold such absolutely contrary positions in your wee brain. If the use of tax payer dollars for sending humans into space across four decades isn't "stealing" from taxpayers for purposes with zero gaurantee of payback I have no idea what is. On the other hand if you have a "soft spot" for NASA, then you should realize that projects of a certain scale can only be done by government investment with the potential for massive loss - the moonshot for one, energy infrastructure creation for another. War would be a third.

    I mean, privately what has anyone done for space travel so far? Have they gotten to orbit yet? The government was able to get to the moon in less then a decade. Ditto petroleum infrastructure, ditto war.

    How you hold too radically different concepts in your head but somehow feel the need to criticize people wasting "other peoples money" is utterly psychologically fascinating.

    • and as far as a need to get to the moon. there isnt one nor commercial reason. so private industry wouldnt be interesteddeathboy
    • but i can enjoy the idea of space exploration and knowledge. i think that beats welfare stamps any day.deathboy
    • I hope you wind up on food stamps someday, so I can scron you and blame you for all of the country's problems.DrBombay
  • deathboy0

    I can entertain contrary ideas. I know NASA government program is no different than spending and wasting a lot of money on things governments don't really have any business in. However compared to others it has more class in my opinion. Its more budget controlled and doesnt directly effect markets and in as much its got more class. But still fundamentally wrong. Its why I dont say we should increase spending or cry out when spending is cut. I could cry out for nasa to be killed but i have a soft spot for it and it is small fry compared to the things i cry out about. When u understand the fundamentals its easy. Now does that make sense?

    • How many drinks have you had?waterhouse
    • none. even libertarians see some merit gov programs. why they also see potential pitfalls of them getting out of handdeathboy
    • Libertarianism is fantasy. It has never been used as a functioning system of government.DrBombay
  • ohhhhhsnap0

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  • ukit20

    Santorum Promises War On Porn Industry


  • wormfood0

    ^to my earlier post, Paul would win Missouri if they weren't adjourning caucuses without a vote. St. Charles county ends caucus today because of overwhelming Paul support.

  • PonyBoy0

    2 out 3 (Scrotorum & Newt) can't even FILE APPROPRIATE PAPERWORK so they can win delegates... ... WHY are they even in this race still? It's near mathematically IMPOSSIBLE for them to win... ... yet they're gonna blow all that cash and talk all that shit next year... Mittens owns this...

    ... woops... I forgot about Paul... ... //cuz he's got a chance...

    • maybe they will all be on a plane that bursts into flames..74LEO
  • qoob0