Making banner ad...
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- 17 Responses
- AndyRoss
No getting around it, I have to make a banner ad in Flash.
Any worthwhile tips or advice for this endeavor?
Interesting statistics or articles to reference?
- fifty500
You no hungry for banner ad...
you hungry for Hot Pockets!But seriously though, banner ads are teh suck, and you will be wanting to get away from you computer as much as possible. Prepare yourself a dish of hot pockets, or whatever other microwave/toaster-prepared "food" you have, grab a drink, add vodka to it, and have at 'er. Finish them shits as fast as possible and just get it over with. Good Luck :P
- harlequino0
Good god, why do people bitch about these so much? They can be easy bread and butter.
We tons of these, and yes contrary to what complaining designers say, they have a huge place in online media buys. People do click them, adn they do bring in revenue.
Here's how we do it, and it seems to be painless.
Before starting keep in mind:
-Byte count (this affects your imagery)
-Cloning. How many sizes do you need? Make it fairly easy to clone.Start with a standard size, i.e. 728x90. Design some storyboards in Photoshop. Also present another size (300x250), but just the final frame so the client can can a view of it.
Toss your storyboards into an HTML page and explain the flow.
Get approval, and animate.Couple other tips:
Make a nice, but not gaudy, clear call to action (your button or "click Here" thing)
If its in the budget, interative banners are statistically more successful (last time I checked).- is 728x90 the standard? thats actually helpful tanks! i was wondering about this but never bothered to look it up7point34
- it's one of the main sizes. search for "ad unit standards" or something. Maybe on the WW3.harlequino
- easy bread and butter true, but resizing 20+ sizes (X) whatever kb sizes. never again for me :/moldero
- forgot to add: too monotanous for me, made me forget what i got into this biz in the first place, thats just me though.moldero
- utopian0
Have the design outsourced to India for $10-
- ribit0
IAB Ad Unit Guidelines:…We run mainly 468x60 on our site. We often have problems with click tracking on submitted Flash banners... all we know is they should use the ClickTag method for link embedding, so our adserver can extract the links.
- Llyod0
banner ads are fun. you get the satisfaction of finishing something every couple day
- canuck0
I still spend at least 5 hours a week working on gif banners.
fuck yea!
- Llyod0
I like it when gif banners play at different frame rates on different machines
- monNom0
Alt+Shift+x to add nudity
- ********0
I'm doing one now myself
god, how I hate it
- Naygon0
I just wrap a campaign. It was hell and I put in my notice at the end. Good luck!
- nuggler0
i've been doing ad banners exclusively for like 4 years! they are gods little poems except they're not god's and they're not poems
- maximillion_0
pick up the clicktag var from the root. this can take different forms depending on the network ie. _clicktag, _Clicktag, _ClickTag etc
I have just started doing a few of these and i don't have much experience in flash. One tip i was told was to use the ease in and ease out thingy in Flash. Smooth.
- Bluejam0
be creative
- ********0
it's all i've been doing this week. yes, it's good bread and butter for our agency, but i fucking hate them. especially when they are being served by eyeblaster with their shitty buggy slow as fuck system.
tip 1. avoid eyeblaster.