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- blackspade
where can I find that recently popular 'image viewing' script.... the one which lets you click a thumb to view the larger size within the same window (not a pop up) you know!!? you've seen it everywhere, the site itself the image behind it fades back slightly? sometimes it has a next> previous< and Xclose image.
ive seen it everywhere but now that I need it for a job i cant find it anywhere or any sites using it?
anyone put me out of my misery with a URL?
any help would be v helpfull thanks!!
- blackspade0
thats the fuckin' one! u beauty.
lightbox was the keyword escaping me.
i was gonna say, 'teh site is green and grey' too
Chur bo!
- lvl_130
good old lightbox!
I GOT ONE QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN DRIVING ME CRAZY THOUGH! is there a way to get a single link on a page to be able to link through to a set of images( like the example that was posted with a previous / next button but only actually have one visible link)?! 'cause i have yet to find a solution for the NT photo exchange…
OSFA and a couple others have multiple photos...but i don't want to put several links for each name ( i could and that would be easy...but i just want the ability to build some sort of array or something!)
anyway...sorry for the rant, but if anyone can help me out with this, that would be fucking amazing!!! does that make sense?
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i really hope u can cause i counting on a device like that for my new website!
if anyone can shed some light on this - big props! :) [its all i can afford to give] ;)
- lvl_130
if anyone can shed some light on this - big props! :) [its all i can afford to give] ;)
(Mar 30 07, 20:49)ditto! actually i could send you a print for my round 2 trade! anyone?
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lvl - since u used lightbox - got a v simple question -
can u change the colour of the box borders and/or overlay?
havent really explored the possibilities aside chnangin .gifs + linkage
- blackspade0
im still a noob with this script
just pasting it in now, ..but isnt that what the "groups" is for ?
i need to do exactly that, ie; have 1 thumbnail in the page, but then have it srcoll through a whole set of related images that aren't necessarily in the original page, if that makes sense.
- lvl_130
lvl - since u used lightbox - got a v simple question -
can u change the colour of the box borders and/or overlay?
havent really explored the possibilities aside chnangin .gifs + linkage
(Mar 30 07, 20:53)yeah, super easy! don't have it open now but i think most of it is changed within the .css file and the .js file. take a peek through those and you will see what i mean. i'm off to bed but shoot me an email if you got any other questions..i might be able to help :)
hopefully our multiple image question gets solved! :)
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thnks :)
:) yeah
ill bump this tmrw
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Light Box -
is it possible to:
"have 1 thumbnail in the page, but then have it srcoll through a whole set of related images that aren't necessarily in the original page, if that makes sense."