Quote someone

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  • kingsteven34

    • lol kingsteven you went and downvoted all my posts?! Nooooo
      hahaha what a loser spending your life to give me attention
    • Oh yuriSocialJusticeWarrior
    • lol yupGuyFawkes
    • Hahaha even robo wake up again from the dead

      Uhm that's embarrassing
      How old are you boys? 15?
      Together?! Oh no
    • hah, i didn't downvote anythingkingsteven
    • hahahaaa but you still posted this so what's up?grafician
    • I even upvoted it myselfgrafician
    • You should consider reading this.
    • Finally some drama on QBN. Get at it, lads!pseud
    • Both of you are mediocre designers the reason you post a lot here.i_was
    • @i_was bro maybe speak for yourself? you don't know Optima?
    • Shut up third world human being.i_was
    • What started the recent uproar on here? I mainly lurk and then all of a sudden everyone has a knife at each others throat.kalkal
    • pandemic WFH lockdown got the QBN like: https://31.media.tum…jonny_quest_lives
    • some people need sidenotes on sidenoteskingsteven
    • @kalkal it really was nothing, kingsteven tried like a bitch to misquote me to seem i "fight" with mono lol
      oh well
    • such knowledge, yet so little humanityESKEMA
    • Have you asked me anything to know me ESKEMA or you're just mad cuz I trashed the crypto party? Think about thatgrafician
    • I'll think about thatESKEMA
    • i wanna post grafician in the punches for thread._me_
    • awww poor _me_grafician
    • so most of the hate is for me breaking the crypto thread, got it

      No wonder that field is built on delusions, you people are delusional
    • I don't think that's it.monospaced
    • @_me_ Do it, I'll be upvoting with my multiple accounts.i_was
    • soon..._me_
    • fuckin' cluelesscanoe
  • mort_-1

    • - Marcus Rashford‘s Mummort_
    • That’s kind of dark. Saying your trauma will dictate your lifescarabin
    • Well it kind of does, doesn’t it? It shapes who you are and what you’re sensitive to.mort_
  • grafician-3


    buddy if you quote someone do it properly, this is my entire discussion with mono, who for years thinks he's a big shot, posts nothing, comments every post thinking he's some smart ass while not having a clue about anything mostly:

    Yeah, I start drama - with idiots - but you're just a few, while the rest on QBN are great people and that's why I keep interacting with them and having a presence here.

    So if you have something against me, go ahead tell me what it is so we can fix it like adults, if not, go back to your thing and reflect on your life and your choices bro.


    • At the same time, I guess mono is a great guy, he's smart and talented and I can call him an idiot anytime I want when we disagree and I love how he gets mad.grafician
    • its a masterpiecekingsteven
    • https://iruntheinter…MrT
    • @kingsteven yes it is, the entirety of QBN is a masterpiece in factgrafician
    • @MrT nah bro, we're more like this: https://www.dailydot…grafician
    • damn bro, mono probably asleep now, wait 'till he wakes up tomorrow and sees this, prepare the popcorn - this gonna be epic lolgrafician
    • *yawn, narcissistic toomonospaced
    • you didn't really put up a fight mono, didn't you, damn itgrafician
    • You're the only one with pop corns, no one came to your drama.i_was
    • Lord of the Borings, jfcwhatthefunk
    • really loves hearing himself huh?timeless
    • it's patheticcanoe
  • Nairn4

    "If someone is an asshole, they're an asshole, if everyone is an asshole, you're the asshole".

    I think this is a mangling of a quote, but this is how someone here - version3? - introduced it to me.

    • My problem with this quote is that I genuinely believe that about 30% of the people I encounter in London are assholes. That's a high number. AIT30%A?Nairn
    • If you look around the poker table and can't tell who the sucker is, the sucker is you.sarahfailin
    • I like that. The desert version i heard was if everyone is an asshole, sit down and drink waterscarabin
    • ha, an ex-business partner was sort of like that. Come afternoon and he'd be a total twat, and we'd have to ask him to eat food so that he could be human againNairn
    • he'd just turn into a total arsehole and it took a while for us to realise he was just hungry and useless at feeding himself.Nairn
  • sarahfailin1

    "The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend."
    Henri Louis Bergson

    • hmmm... and what about indigenous undeveloped peoples seeing a helicopter?rzu-rzu
    • I find this quote true only if by "seeing" Bergson means also "understanding what one is seeing", but then he wouldn't be saying much at all.. :)rzu-rzu
  • Wordsworth0

    "Any man whose errors take ten years to correct is quite a man."

    J. Robert Oppenheimer

    • Mine have taken 20. And I'm still working on the rest.Wordsworth
  • Gardener8

  • grafician-6

  • Wordsworth3

    "Your worst sin is that you've destroyed and betrayed yourself for nothing."


  • Wordsworth2

    "Memories can be vile. Repulsive little brutes, like children I suppose. But can we live without them? Memories are what our reason is based upon. If we can't face them, we deny reason itself! Although, why not? We aren't contractually tied down to rationality. There is no sanity clause. So when you find yourself locked down in an unpleasant train of thought, heading for the places in your past where the screaming is unbearable, remember: There's always madness. You can just step outside and close the door, and all those dreadful things that happened, you can lock them away. Madness... is the emergency exit."

    Alan Moore, Batman: The Killing Joke

  • utopian3

  • Gardener0

  • rzu-rzu0

    "How do we know whether the Universe is getting bigger or the objects in it are getting smaller? You can't say that the universe is getting bigger is relation to anything outside it, because there isn't any outside for it to relate to. There isn't any outside. But if the universe doesn't have an out-side, then it goes on forever. How do you know it doesn't, shithead? You're just playing with words, man. -No I'm not. The universe is the inside without an outside, the sound made by one eye opening. In fact, I don't even know that there is a universe. More likely, there are many multiverses, each with its own dimensions, times, spaces, laws and eccentricities. We wander between and among these multiverses, trying to convince others and ourselves that we walk together in a single public universe that we can share. For to deny that axiom leads to what is called schizophrenia. Yeah, that's it: every man's skin is his own private multiverse, just like every man's home is supposed to be his castle. But all the multiverses are trying to merge, to create a true universe such as we have only imagined previously. Maybe it will be spiritual, like Zen or telepathy, or maybe it will be physical, one great big gang-fuck, but it has to happen: the creation of a universe and the one great eye opening to see itself at last. Aum Shiva! -Oh, man, you're stoned out of your gourd. You're writing gibberish. No, I'm writing with absolute clarity, for the first time in my life. -Yeah? Well what was that business about the universe being the sound of one eye opening? Never mind that. Who the hell are you and how did you get into my head?"

    R. A. Wilson

  • GuyFawkes22

    Commies killed more people than Nazis... just saying.



    • Not gonna lie i was a bit like...Did he just say that? when i read it. lolnecromation
    • Tru doh. Stalin killed more people that hitler — and that’s just one comradeGnash
    • Stalin: ~7,231,000–9,551,000i_was
    • (*excluding killings outside of Soviet borders)i_was
    • Mao was no boy-scout, eitherGnash
    • landlords don't countcolin_s
    • The heap of bodies created in the name of communism dwarfs the nazis. This is a fact.Morning_star
    • As a communist, I can't deny this.
      We're not here to make friends, we're here to win.
    • sounds like he thinks t it would have been better that the allied forces fight with the nazis against the commies.neverscared
    • What if...?
      Sanders as president instead of Trump and Antifa storms the Capitol.
    • @neverscared - that's exactly what happened for four decades after WW2Nairn
    • What the communists did should never be used to downplay the horrors of what the nazis did and tried to do, regardless of their own horrorsmonospaced
    • I think comrade pr2 is pointing out the superiority of the Communist ideology that despite the body count remains the socially acceptable choice over Nazism.palimpsest
    • Now count capitalism's victims.i_monk
    • Soft, diffuse terror of capitalism cannot be measureddrgs
    • Also comrade pr2 seems to think that socialism = Stalinism + Maoism. Sad, really.garbage
    • How do we not know that Dinosaurs didn't suffer? Spare a thought for them.... And for whom ever came BEFORE them! A question not look into...shapesalad
    • Dinosaurs still sufferGnash
    • @nairn it cant be exactly the same because nazi germany was gone evidently...neverscared
    • haha, quite. 'exactly' is a muh-abused word now, heh. 'Emphatically'? Essentially, they all joined up afterwards.Nairn
    • 'muh-bused'.is like thrice as much as 'much-abused'Nairn
    • I wonder how many of you has actual experience from these times. The rest should shut the fuck up, you got exactly 0 idea about the horrors people didsted
    • on both sides. none of them is better than the other, both systems tortured/raped/kille... as many humans as possible.sted
    • thank you for your time. now go back to your safe place and cry over avocados and climate change over your apple m1.sted
    • Enlightened Centrismpalimpsest
    • Strange thing to gatekeep. When I were a lad, we 'ad the secret police round't all't time. Secret police? Luxury! We 'ad private militia AND killer robots!face_melter
    • We had our own salt mine and survived on a crust of bread every nine years AND we were were grateful for it!face_melter
    • Nine years?! We used to dream of eating every nine years! Our bones were replaced with straw WHILE we mined diamonds on the moon, all for a smell of a Wispa.face_melter
    • Are you retards actually getting offended about the fact that Hitler didn't have the highest death count?cannonball1978
    • I think the reason there is a debate over this is that many of the people who died under communism were not directly executed. Hitler sent people to the gasyuekit
    • i'm happy to see that there are people here who know basic history so i don't have to be the one ripping a new one in some people's ignorance.pr2
    • chambers so there is a clearer body count. Millions of people under communist governments died from famines or while being locked up in prison camps.yuekit
    • Of course the communist policies contributed to all of that, but that's the reason you get such wildly varying estimates from millions to 100s of millions.yuekit
    • the intention of the comparison can be seen as an attempt to make nazi less atrocious because they had less death count compare to the ussr.pango
    • the fact that someone even tried to make nazi "not as bad" is fucken unfathomable.pango
    • nazis WERE less atrocious than the commies by sheer numbers of deaths alone. in the original pic, you have one evil facing another evil.pr2
    • pr2 "According to basic history, nazi weren't as bad. just saying. duh"pango
    • (as far as ideologies are concerned, in reality you see grandmas who just yesterday were baking cookies vs frontline soldiers who did raping and killing)pr2
    • nahhh you're trying to change "nazi" to "grandma" now. You said nazi.pango
    • it's a comparison that serves no purpose.
      Fuck Hitler. Fuck Stalin. they both deserves to get butt fucked by a durian.
    • One crazy fact, there is still a smaller number of Jewish people in the world now compared with 1939, because of Hitler.yuekit
    • At least someone understand the dinosaur struggle.palimpsest
    • Dinosaurs are doing fine, who knows they might even take over again once humanity destroys itself.yuekit
    • Dinosaurs operate under co-ops therefore they are grassroots socialists.
    • +1 pango. It's not a Nazis vs Stalinists Superbowl and you have to pick a side. Using "commie" as a blanket insult for nuances one doesn't understand is cheap.garbage
    • "How absurd men are! They never use the liberties they have, they demand those they do not have. They have freedom of thought, they demand freedom of speech."garbage
  • Gardener3

  • Krassy5

  • grafician-4

  • Krassy1

    “Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.” - Ernest Hemingway

  • Wordsworth1

    "Eddie Barzoon, Eddie Barzoon. Hah! Oh, I nursed him through two divorces, a cocaine rehab, and a pregnant receptionist. Heh. God's creature, right? God's special creature? Hah! And I've warned him Kevin, I've warned him every step of the way. Watching him bounce around like a fucking game, like a windup toy! Like 250 pounds of self serving greed on wheels. The next thousand years is right around the corner, Kevin, and Eddie Barzoon-take a good look, because he's the poster child for the next millennium! These people, it's no mystery where they come from. You sharpen the human appetite to the point where it can split atoms with its desire, you build egos the size of cathedrals, fiber-optically connect the world to every eager impulse, grease even the dullest dreams with these dollar-green, gold plated fantasies until every human becomes an aspiring emperor, becomes his own god, and where can you go from there? And as we're scrambling from one deal to the next, who's got his eye on the planet? As the air thickens, the water sours, and even the bees honey takes on the metallic taste of radioactivity. And it just keeps coming, faster and faster. There's no chance to think, to prepare. It's buy futures, sell futures, when there is no future! We got a runaway train boy, we got a billion Eddie Barzoons all jogging into the future. Every one of 'em getting ready to fist-fuck god's ex-planet, lick their fingers clean as they reach out toward their pristine, cybernetic keyboards to total up their billable hours. And then it hits home! You gotta pay your own way, Eddie. It's a little late in the game to buy out now! Your belly's too full, your dick is sore, your eyes are bloodshot, and you're screaming for someone to help! But guess what? There's no one there! You're all alone, Eddie. You're god's special little creature. Maybe it's true, maybe god threw the dice once too often. Maybe he let us all down."

  • Gardener2