burning man
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- 19 Responses
- ad1
just heard a really bad rumour that a friend from ny has died at burning man. can't get any fuckin info. how the fuck can i find out. shit. shit. shit
- mayo0
i'll keep my eye on local news. I'm in Reno and Burning Man is big here.
I hope your friend is okay.
- ad10
thanks mayo.
- mayo0
The local paper's site has a Burning Man post at 4:23 and it's not about anything bad. Would you like me to call the paper or have you heard anything yet?
- ninjasavant0
Email me your friends name. I have friends there and if I can get a hold of them on cell phones I'll see what I can find out. Hope everything is ok.
- bunnicula0
i'm sorry..but with a name like festival..there is some danger involved...
- ********0
2 peopel from my office here in Oregon just left for it. Ill see what they say.
- ad10
i just heard it's true, it happened on the way there . thanks everyone. peace. : (
- joyride0
sorry to hear bro... sucks!!
- mayo0
i'm so sorry ad1.
- pepsi0
sorry to hear
- elahon0
Sorry to hear it man. =(
Best wishes.I had two friends of mine, sisters, die in a car accident about 4 years ago, also on the way to Burning Man.
- dirtydesign0
Sorry for your loss. Terrible news.
What exactly is 'burning man'?
- jaylarson0
hope things turn for the better...
- mayo0
my best friend went and his creative juices were super-charged for months after
- ninjasavant0
I'm so sorry. Best of luck.
- liquid0
sorry to hear that
- lvl_130
damn! really sorry to hear that!
- lvl_130
i'm sorry..but with a name like festival..there is some danger involved...
(Aug 30 06, 18:31)compassion flows out of you like raw sewage. keep quiet.
- ********0
that is terrible, ad1, my heart goes out to you and your friend's family