mg33 from Tokyo!

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  • mg33

    Hello there, wasn't going to post during my vacation (well, maybe) but have an important Playstation question I hope someone can answer. (question is at the end)

    Totally having a good time, just finished up my second day here, lots of good food, went to a ridiculious computer/electronics store today, about 30X the size of a Best Buy, all I can say is they had roughly 50+ different kinds of computer mice to chose from, and dozens and dozens and dozens of cell phones. Insane.

    BTW - Can't remember who posted the great guide to the underwear store, but lo and behold we found it today. Can't wait to tell my mom.

    People are so intrigued by seeing white people here. My friend noticed me taking a picture of a Muse and Thom Yorke album posters at Tower Records, and this old Japanese woman who had no idea who those bands are went up and totally inspected the posters, totally curious about why I was taking a photo. Probably went and bought the albums afterwards!

    The one big thing that's caught me by surprise is how NO ONE locks their bikes up. Apparently no one steals here, people leave their houses unlocked too. My friend has lost his wallet three times and it was mailed back to him each time. OMG if I could bring back that sense of respect to the U.S. with me I think the country would all go cross-eyed.
    Very quiet here too, nice to not hear thumping bass and shit like that out the windows or when walking around. The only annoying thing is a crow that sits outside the bedroom window in the morning and does it's best to sound like an old woman getting it from her husband.

    Anyhow, that's all for now, hope everyone is doing well! Tons of pictures so far, many more throughout the week.

    Playstation Question!!!!!!!!

    What does anyone know about buying playstation games here that say "for japan only" on the back of the case?

    I have been trying to find Intelligent Cube for years in the US, no luck, and found it and a sequel game I had no idea existed. 300 and 640 yen here, cheap as holy hell!

    But don't want to buy them if they won't work at home. Trying to find info on the web but kind of difficult.
    Any knowledge of this?

  • epill_0

    the original ps2 that were first shipped were region-less.

    if you could find that machine, there isnt a single dvd you cant play!!


    now post some pics of japanese hotties!!!!!!


  • RobotGunslinger0

    you could also just get one of those mod chips.

    Don't foget to pick up Tomatos Wordimagesoundplay for PS2, if you can find it.

  • OeufOeuf0

    Get a mod chip for your PS2, I'm sure they sell them at the same places you're finding the games at.
    As I understand there are many different mod chips out there, some where you have to open the PS2 and some where you just plug in to the USB port.

    How's the weather in Tokyo?

  • _b_0

    friend was in tokyo last year, at a mega camera store, you had every lens imaginable, just take your DSLR body, fit a lens, and try before you buy. insane. anyways, he left a 1GB microdrive on a shelf by mistake, with all his holiday snaps on it! he went back the next day and it was handed in by someone. HE GOT IT BACK!
    why can't the rest of the world function like that...

  • jpolk0

    that shit's totally true...

    i left my bag on the train @ shibuya station, cause it was total rush hour, and i was confused and got pushed out of the car... realized about 10 minutes later that my bag, with passport, a decent wad of cash, camera, rental apartment keys, home & car keys, US phone, japanese phone etc was missing and almost had a heart attack. i went to the lost and found, and the dudes sent someone out, he came back with my bag, and all of my possessions within 15 minutes. the person that found it had to have seen all my loot/things, but there wasn't anything missing at all.

    in the busiest, youngest part of a city 3X as populous as NYC. my mind was blown.

  • kyl30

    first of all wads of cash go in your pocket ;]

  • jpolk0

    i know, i know... had just gotten back from the bank though.

  • jpolk0

    but yeah, i was in no way implying that losing my life stuffed into a backpack was a wise thing to do ;)

  • mg330

    Howdy everyone - it's 11 a.m. on Wednesday here, just some stories on the past few days.

    Was in a t-shirt shop yesterday, all kinds of "graphic designer" shirts as they say, and saw one by our own Jeremy Pruitt for sale. Would have picked it up but they did not have my size.

    Spent most of yesterday shopping in Harajuku (no pics of crazy girls, they only do that on Sundays) and it was insane. Never been somewhere with that amount of awesome clothing stores street after street after street. Bought two new "purses" as my friend likes to say.
    Tons and tons of cuties in that area, been trying to sneak photos when walking but honestly I don't think they'd even care. Everyone moves so slow here! No reaction time, no quick movements, nothing!

    Ate lunch yesterday at the Bathing Ape cafe, good lord am I getting addicted to Japanese beef curry. Couldn't find the Ape store, it stays very hidden, no sign or anything.

    There's so much cool office stuff here, notebooks, pens, business card holders, etc. stuff I can never seem to find in the US.

    Went to Shibuya last night, found a bar and spent 5 hours drinking whiskey, everything there was only 300 yen only. Got to watch Stand By Me in the bar with subtitles. Went to the big intersection in Shibuya known as the busiest in the world, it was indeed pretty wild, all the bright lights around shining down like a stadium.

    Not sure what's in store today - we've been getting up at noon everyday, but i see the sun out today for the first time. Not too hot here, just humid and not too unlike Chicago right now.

    Going to get out of Tokyo tomorrow, I need to see something other than buildings and shopping and concrete. Going to go see some hot springs, nature, wild monkeys, OR go climb Mt. Fuji, which is high on my list.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  • Hewmiri0

    reading this makes me wanna go back sooo bad :(

    (I grew up there)

  • epill_0

    nice re-cap!!

  • mg330


  • mg330

    what I was trying to say on this insane keyboard is that we are in one of those internet cafes, so great, unlimited drinks, movies, porno magazines and movies (but lame because they can:t show the business parts, they are all blurred out or blacked out) but we went to ice cream city earlier and had curry ice cream. they have snake, fried chicken, peppers, all kinds of stuff.

    We]re just sitting here talking about how this could NEVER be in the US. People would abuse it, do sketchy stuff, be loud, disrespectul, etc. I mean, the couple in the room next to us very might well be having sex right now, but it:s all hush hush like most things here.

    Thus, lame that we:re just two dudes taking a break from the heat outside.

  • TheBlueOne0

    I told you..quietest damn country in the world...

  • mg330

    Here's you update from Wednesday night my friends...

    Did something you can't do in the bars in the US, and that' s get loaded on Absinthe. In all honesty, it felt very different than drinking typical liquor. Head felt very heavy, shoulders and arms too. Had five glasses, it had the sugar cube and everything, tasted like liquorce (sp).

    Now back at apartment, 12:57 am here, drinking a delicious beer called (or what's left of it since my friend just dropped a mattress on me and made this can look like a champagne volcano.) "Green Label" and I think it's made by Kirin. Nothing planned tomorrow because we're resting to go to a gigantic fireworks festival tomorrow night, and also going with my friend's girlfriend and her family. Her dad is an architect here, and knows english pretty well, and has bought tons of japanese liquor for us all to enjoy tomorrow night. From the sound of things he is a champ at boozin'.

    One interesting thing I've learned here is that when you talk to girls that know a little english, their main pick up line, according to my friend, is "Will you teach me english?" That basically translates to "We can go wherever you want and do whatever you want tonight." It's amazing. We talked to a girl at this British bar we were drinking the absinthe at, she knew a decent amount of english and was eager to impress.

    Drunk me, of course, breaks out one of my band pins I have with me and tell her that I'm in an American rock band, and you'd have thought I was Michael Jackson. Gonna miss this place when I'm back home and there's actually little that's special about being a white singer and guitar player. :D

    But this place is a blast, truly. Lots of inspiration for songs, going home with some big dreams of wishing I could one day wake up and Chicago would be half this laid back and tolerant. We saw two girls get up from their table next to us, both of them left their purses, shopping bags, and one Louis Vitton wallet that had to have costed $500+ (learned today that Tokyo is LV's biggest market in the world) and no worries about leaving that stuff unattended.

    Pisses me off. My girlfriend has had her purse stolen at a bar in Chicago, and her car broken into and stereo stolen in just the first half of this year by miserable fucking theives, worthless creeps that no one should give a shit about. Always having to watch your back in the US, always. You know how it is! But here, no worries. LIke I said, going to miss it majorly.

    Night night.

  • Jaline0

    awww...returning found items is so cute!

  • e-pill0

    even better re-cap!!!


    p.s. did you teach any girls some "english"???

  • pascii0

    mg, pleeease, send me a postcard!

    // pasci

  • jevad0

    glad you are having a great time there - I knew you would!

  • mg330

    My friend has a friend here who is by all means a millionaire - had some computer company he sold in the US and now lives here. He's big into mixed martial arts, the UFC and Pride stuff (Pride is here in Tokyo) and while no official events are going on, there's the chance I may get to go to some underground fight action with him this weekend. Very excited about that. Blood!