May 1 Immigrant March

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  • 81 Responses
  • brandboy0

    I saw this thread while at work and decided not to comment, but the whole subway ride i was thinking... what guts you have to start a thread like this and judge this people.

    The first generation of my family came to this country illegally and i am not ashamed of it. Who the fuck do you think you are to judge my family and many other families out there which have gone through this?

    Many of those illegal immigrants work harder, have a lower quality of life and are better people than you.

  • mrdobolina0

    It's an economic thing.

  • PonyBoy0

    Enter response:

    so - for those of you going out marching...

    ... you will be marching for the rights of people who HAVE NO RIGHTS by law.

    If you're a citizen - you have rights...

    ... that's just the way it is.

    If you want to attain rights - become a citizen, like MILLIONS have done legally.

    And live IN THE NOW...

    ... ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION of today is not comparable to the mass immigrations of early 1900's... different time... different circumstances..

    ... and may I say this...

    I find it HILARIOUS how much bullshit hate speach there is about America - it's government, it's policies... it's "tyrannical" ways...

    ... and yet - soooooo many want to come here? HUH?

    Do it legally... or get lost.


    Deal with it...

    I could give TWO SHITS if the argument is that 'illegal immigrants' work jobs that the 'average' american won't work.


    'Landscaping', the 'fast food'... the 'hotel cleaning' crews etc...

    ... those kind of jobs USED to be the type of jobs High School kids would take after school and on the weekends or during their summer breaks... OR WHILE IN COLLEGE (and still do... but MUCH LESS than in past years)...

    ... 'illegal workers' are NOT detrimental to America...

    ... America has become lazy.

    And as far as those who are here now illegally - Amnesty is more than cool with me - there's probably not much for them to go back to etc... then again - how many of them are sending untaxed money back 'home'?... that is why if they're here now - and they want to stay... GET RECORDED IN THE BOOKS LIKE THE REST OF US and pony up... you came here to work - now also pay your share.

    (btw - as a side note - I live in Phoenix, AZ... illegal immigrant central - we have many 'day labor' folks here who gather in Home Depot parking lots, street corners etc and look for day work - GREAT! You wanna work?! AWESOME!!!... you're gonna fill out a 1099 first (that's a tax form to you Canadian and Euro folks - I fill them out all the fucking time as a contractor so the state and Fed can follow the money and tax it appropriately))

    grr... just do what Dobs said a few days ago - enforce the freakin' law and beat down America's businesses who are highering illegal immigrants (they've been doing it alot lately if you've been following the news)... and make America get off it's lazy ass...

  • mrdobolina0

    Do you think that the border should be wide open?

  • mrdobolina0

    It was fucking genius for this to come front and center in an election year.

  • Meeklo0

    If you want to attain rights - become a citizen, like MILLIONS have done legally.

    (Apr 27 06, 16:30)

    That's why they are marching for.. to do it legally..

    But In 40 years.. all these people that are now illegals are citizens will be protesting when the extreme cold temperatures forces denmark to start migrating to the US, calling them names.. and protesting about how they come swiming from the east.. saying things like.. my parents where inmigrants and but at least they became legal and came from the south...

    And it will start all over again..
    who was born inside the line vs the new guy.. that's just life and happens everywhere you go..

    Be sure to tune in next week for another exciting episode of... Earth! On Fognl.

  • mrdobolina0

    Sorry Meeklo, but that is ridiculous.

  • Meeklo0

    Sorry Meeklo, but that is ridiculous.
    (Apr 27 06, 17:20)


  • version30

    if you aren't here legally, go home and come back and do it legally

    it's that simple

    until then it's detrimental plain and simple

    i believe americans would take those jobs that are currently occupied by illegals

  • simonando0


    i agree with you that people should come here legally but that process has become tangled in red tape. the original article that started this thread was referring to people already here. you had a strong opinion and i suggest you write your congressman or attend a rally a voice your oppostion there.

    that article was excellent and puts a human face on this subject.
    the last rally in chicago was attend by various nationalities mostly mexican, then polish, then various others. the mayor daley of irish immigrants gave a big speech.

    i agree with you in terms of taxing anyone who wants to work here.
    your "... it's "tyrannical" ways... and yet - soooooo many want to come here? HUH?" comment reflects the majority of ignorance in this country for USA's policies in particular any of the free trade agreements (please refer to my previous comments). people are coming here as a result of those policies and sadly this once great country is becoming a giant soulless ATM. btw,in case you forgot your history not to long ago your state was part of mexico (before that it was stolen from the indigenous people )

    "It was fucking genius for this to come front and center in an election year."
    very well put! theer

  • mrdobolina0

    do you think canada or england's immigration laws should be changed?

  • VectorMasked0

    do you think canada or england's immigration laws should be changed?

    (Apr 27 06, 17:35)

    Yes!. Immigration Canada has made my life miserable. And I am legal, studied, and been here a while. last year they refused me reentry to Canada after going ona one-day trip to Seattle, because that bitch at the border was doubtful about the authenticity of my documents.

  • mrdobolina0

    you're missing the point.

  • VectorMasked0

    If my fellow compatriots get their papers to finally be legal in the us, I'm gonna be pissed and will demand Immigration canada to give all the money i have paid back!!!

  • PonyBoy0

    "...btw,in case you forgot your history not to long ago your state was part of mexico (before that it was stolen from the indigenous people )"

    Enter response:

    thanks for that history lesson there, simon...

    ... do yourself a favor and live in the 'now' as it were. Different times - different WORLD.

    'Ignorant' is the wrong word too...

    You sir are failing to think clearly - this is a big political game taking place NOW. Elections are less than 200 days away... none of this 'illegal immigration' came into play up until people started crying FOR MORE SECURITY of our borders...

    ... now all the sudden it's a racial / money issue? I made my comments about ponying up because that is morally the way to live (in my mind at least)

    I 'know' what you're getting at and see your SPIN. I too can play the 'my grandparents came here' game etc etc...

    would you please look at our world NOW?

    I live in Phoenix, Arizona USA... not an old Mexican state of the late 1800's... not on recognized tribal land etc etc... IT MAY HAVE BEEN AT ONE TIME... but that was over a hundred years ago! There have since been two world wars and load of other conflicts that have absolutely adjusted the face of this PLANET.

    the issue NOW is how you come to this country... there are governing rules... if you don't like them - expect to catch heat... wtf don't people get about that?


  • pocho0

    Dobs...funny you mention that election year thing. I read this website called DailyKos, and about a year ago they showed a document that was leaked from the Republican National Comittee.

    Their 06 strategy was to guessed it...illegal immigration as a wedge issue. Amazing, huh? I'm gonna see if I can find the post.

  • mrdobolina0

    fucking genius, pocho.

    pitted the racists against the capitalists inside their own party.

  • mrdobolina0

    It's strange if it is a republican tactic, because they are alienating their hispanic vote big time. seems desperate.

  • Seff0

    dems could always stretch that campaign dollar my hiring some illegal house cleaning in exchange for a vote..
    the market is teeming

  • PonyBoy0

    It's strange if it is a republican tactic, because they are alienating their hispanic vote big time. seems desperate.

    (Apr 27 06, 19:23)
    Enter response:

    it's not a tactic... it's a division... you think conservie/repubs (true conservies) appreciate McCain and his dizzy mindset?

    i guess the RNC created this whole 'minuteman' thing too?

    I truly think many folks out there would just like a little more security and accountability from their 'fellow citizens'... legal or not.