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  • Corvo0

    I used to have those every Saturday and Sunday (enhanced by drinking+smoke abuse every Friday). Then I realised I was hooked on coffee, and slowly dropped out of several coffees per day. Never had a migraine since I stop drinking coffee regularly. Presently I just take 1 (or maybe 2) espresso per day - but sometimes I even forget about it. Never had another headache since I've change my coffee regime.

  • flavorful0

    Ugh. I get cluster headaches.

    They are so bad I ranked a burst appendix a 6 on the 1-10 scale of pain, which doctors and nurses say is about a 14 on anyone else's.

    And by 14 they say people with burst appendixes are yelling/crying/can't move and are not laughing/joking with everyone/and smiling while still walking upright because he doesn't want to a burden.

    What? haha.

    Migraines suck. My cousin gets them and I hate seeing him go through them.

    • i had a burst appendix and called it an 8 (9-10 is kidney pain or labour). but what on earth are "cluster headaches"?Corvo
    • http://en.wikipedia.…
      My favourite description of these headaches I read on a site a long time ago...
    • "Like an Elephant trying to ram it's way out of your eye socket from inside your head."flavorful
    • its*

  • tparsons0

    I started getting migraines in 6th grade. Dr. said it was tension/stress, nothing else could be found. I got them at least once or twice a week. I was going through every kind of pain medication that I could find. Finally none of them worked.

    About 3 years ago I started doing the stretching exercises from this guy http://www.mattfurey.com/combat_…

    I no longer suffer from any migraines. I didn't know doing this would solve the problem. But I found out later that the blood vessels in the back of the neck and head get constricted by the muscles, cutting off the blood supply, then causing the migraine. Now that they are stretched out and flexible, all is good.