< Jarhead

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  • garettwest0

    why not use the millions to fund the best war documentary ever made

    & give a real perspective

    that would paint the ugly picture needed
    (Aug 24 05, 16:05)

    Or, watch the discovery and history channel which comes with most cable subscriptions for free.

  • fullerc0

    I watched Three Kings for the first time a few months ago. I've watched 3xs since then. Great f'in movie.

  • cruz_azul0

    I saw this movie , I liked it ! but way too much FMJesque

  • skt0

    I saw this movie , I liked it ! but way too much FMJesque
    (Nov 7 05, 10:02)

    "You climb obstacles like old people fuck"

    I think the drill sargeant is about the only thing that is that similar.

    Good movie I thought.

  • kbags0

    IMO, it was a solid film and great commentary on marine life. probably the best thing about this film is that it isn't what you expect it to be.

    and it was very realistic from what I understand. i watched with my buddy who is a marine out of pendleton.

  • Meeklo0

    "So what's the deal here? Let me guess. Anything that has a glimmer of making America look good makes you all angry."

    (Aug 24 05, 16:52)

    Why would a war movie make anyone look good?

    War is no other than pawns murdering each other, what is cool about that man?

  • Rand0

    Bob Herbert, NYT:

    "The coalition of the clueless that launched the tragically misguided war in Iraq is in complete disarray.

    Dick Cheney is simultaneously running from questions about his role in the Valerie Wilson affair and fighting like mad to block any measure that would outlaw torture by the C.I.A. His former top aide, Scooter Libby, one of the original Iraq war zealots, is now an accused felon who is seldom seen in public unaccompanied by defense counsel.

    Donald Rumsfeld, the high-strutting, high-profile defense secretary who was supposed to win this war in a walk, is suddenly on the down-low. There are people in the witness protection program who are easier to find than Rummy.

    As for the president, he went all the way to South America to get away from the Washington heat. But even within the luxurious confines of Air Force One, Mr. Bush found that he couldn't escape the increasingly corrosive effect of the fiascos plaguing his administration.

    The ominous news of the president's plummeting approval ratings followed him like a dark cloud. A Washington Post-ABC News poll found that Mr. Bush has never been less popular with the public. On nearly every important measure of character and performance, he was given lower marks than ever before. For the first time, according to the poll, a majority of Americans even questioned the president's integrity. And fully 55 percent of respondents to a new USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll said they believe the Bush administration has been a failure.

    The fact that Mr. Bush is struggling in his own political purgatory (for the sin of incompetence) is bad news for the soldiers in Iraq, where the suffering and dying continues unabated. The administration that was so anxious to throw scores of thousands of healthy young Americans into the flames of war now has no idea how to get them out.

    Troops are being sent into Iraq for two, three, even four combat tours by an administration in which clowns like Scooter Libby and Karl Rove were playing games with the identity of a C.I.A. agent, and the vice president has been obsessed with his twisted protect-the-torturers campaign.

    Now the Bush crew, which should be focused like a laser on what to do about the war, is consumed with damage control - pumping up the poll numbers, defending its handling of prewar intelligence, fending off further indictments and staying out of prison.

    The war? There's no plan for the war. The architects of this war had no idea what they were getting into, and they are just as clueless now. The war just goes on and on, which is not just tragic - it's criminal.

    Opposition to the war may be mounting. But the reality of the war, especially the toll of American dead and wounded, fades in and out of the public's consciousness.

    There was a rush of articles a couple of weeks ago when the number of deaths of Americans serving in Iraq reached 2,000. But those stories were quickly superseded by Harriet Miers's withdrawal of her nomination to the Supreme Court; President Bush's selection of Samuel Alito to take her place; the indictment of Mr. Libby; the president's address to the nation on the possibility of a bird flu pandemic and so on.

    The killing of G.I.'s in Iraq once again took its place as a relatively minor story, meriting in most cases just a brief mention on the inside pages of the major newspapers, and the most cursory coverage on television newscasts.

    The death toll has now reached at least 2,035 and, of course, it is climbing. More than 15,000 G.I.'s have been wounded in action. Limbs have been lost. Men and women have been permanently paralyzed, horribly burned, or blinded. Thousands more have been injured in nonhostile incidents, such as accidents, and many have fallen ill.

    If the American public could see the carnage in Iraq the way television viewers saw the agony of New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, this war would be over. A solution would be found. Imagine watching a couple of soldiers in flames, screaming, as they attempt to escape the burning wreckage of a vehicle hit by a roadside bomb or a rocket-propelled grenade.

    For all the talk, neither the administration nor the public has taken the reality of this war seriously enough to do something about it. If the sons and daughters of the privileged were fighting it, we'd be out of Iraq soon enough. But they're not fighting it.

    So the war goes on and on."

  • jevad0

    Republican - you are obviously too much of a fucking moron, and too much of a pussy hiding behind a screen name, to admit that challenging a governing cabinet that is destroying the country you love is more patriotic than blindly supporting it.

    America and it's people deserve better.

  • prodigalslacker0

    good read rand. good read indeed.

    i thought jarhead was fabulous. really showed what sort of mentality the media and the army put into the headsa of these kids.

  • prodigalslacker0

    Republican - you are obviously too much of a fucking moron, and too much of a pussy hiding behind a screen name, to admit that challenging a governing cabinet that is destroying the country you love is more patriotic than blindly supporting it.

    America and it's people deserve better.
    (Nov 7 05, 10:25)

    wasn't it zinn who said the highest form of patriotism is dissent?

    also rand do you have a link to that article, i can't find it for some reason.

  • jevad0

    Thomas Jefferson:

    "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism"

  • quoined0

    i dont know what the movie was trying to depict...if it was trying to show the brutality of war, it didnt. if it was trying to show the psychological effects, it wasn't as good as a full metal jacket or even saving private ryan...i know they are all completely different wars--technologically advancements-- but still, c'mon

  • pepe0

    i saw this movie last night and really enjoyed it. it was a movie about nothing and waiting for something that didnt happen. pretty rad that they extended an entire film around this. as oppose to something expected.

  • skt0

    i dont know what the movie was trying to depict...if it was trying to show the brutality of war, it didnt. if it was trying to show the psychological effects, it wasn't as good as a full metal jacket or even saving private ryan...i know they are all completely different wars--technologicall y advancements-- but still, c'mon
    (Nov 7 05, 13:50)

    It was about loneliness and futility. Different wars, different films.

  • imakedesign0

    the gulf war did not happen..

  • loaf0

    I thought the movie was great.. i thought it was a interesting perspective of modern volunteer army . these guys are all hopped up to kill and technology ends up doing all the fighting.. i think it was a great viewpoint..

  • peteski0

    Full Metal Jacket with all the interesting parts cut out so the kiddies wont have to think too hard.

  • PonyBoy0

    the gulf war did not happen..

    (Nov 7 05, 14:15)

    Jake Gyllenhaal doesn't exist either...

    ... that shit's all CG.

  • Jaline0

    It got mixed reviews. Most men seem to like, and women seem to dislike it (b/c of the way it portrays the army portraying women, which could be true, but it's still really negative), and then there are ppl who are offended by it.

  • Jaline0

    I'm hoping it isn't too bad, b/c Sam Mendes (the director) is married to Kate Winslet, and I like her. Hahaha, I'm such a weirdo.