Cocaine & Canapés
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- Gordy22
As per the article below, what are peoples views on it?
- Blofeldt0
i read about this in the Guardian last week.
- Blofeldt0
this is a better article actually
- save0
who gives a shit ?
- ********0
"cocaine" comes from the ancient scots "cock aye ye"
As in "it'll mek a cock-aye-ye"
drug fer fannies.
- Gordy220
both good articles Blo, cheers. Save, not many people I doubt, just wondering on peoples viewpoints,
- paraselene0
strange: i find it incredibly useful for yoga.
- Blofeldt0
shouting and yoga? sounds like a heady mix
- Gordy220
Ha ha Para, how?!? Weed I could understand?
Taking sniff for yoga seams to me the same as taking it to help you sleep...
- paraselene0
that was a joke.
*see moth's hangover thread
- Gordy220
Ahh Ok. how's you anyways Para? All well I hope.
- chameleonic0
middle class guardian reading sweater and sandle wearing pseudo wank.
I've known a few people that strangely find 'cocaine becomes a part of their daily lives' funny how non of these folk twig they might actually be addicted to the peruvian marching powder?
I think all drugs should be legalised and taxed anyways- and the producers liscenced. prohibition never works, but then the shady link between coke / opium producers and governemnts... blah blah pah!
- Blofeldt0
I think legalising drugs would take away a large crime underworld, but would cripple our health institutions and generally cripple our social structure due to everyone being fucked all the time
- ********0
I think legalising drugs would take away a large crime underworld, but would cripple our health institutions and generally cripple our social structure due to everyone being fucked all the time
(Feb 10 05, 04:35)I disagree entirely Blofeldt.
In Zürich for example where the junkies who have the longest habits have been given pure Heroin from the state, there has been marked improvements in their health with some even managing to work and play a productive role in society.
In Amsterdam the amount of locals smoking dope has decreased since decriminalisation (not true of tourists obviously)
- paraselene0
what's the name of that wicked documentary (c. 1996)?
ah! drugs, sex and democracy. very good investigation of the subject. my local art-house cinema billed it as a double-feature with the trainspotting premiere.
i'm good, gordy. not working as hard as i oughtta be, clearly.
- chameleonic0
I doubt any more paeople would take drugs because they're legal - I mean the fact they're illegal doesn't stop people does it? there'll always be a demand, and people trying to meet that demand. it's not something that can be erradicated as people are always going to want to get high in one way or another. be it thrugh booze, weed, cocaine, yoga or a mixture of the above ;)
- ********0
but the criminal underworld is our greatest point of creativity. Humanities point of flight.
I say more prohibition
and more rhizomatic criminal networks!
- chameleonic0
good point Kuz - it's hella underground!
- donal0
i dont think i have a problem, but i do eat Canapés everyday. But never in front of the kids.
- Blofeldt0
Well, my point is really that large scale abuse could lead to unforseen medical effects, that are can't be detected in the current user base.
Also, the english can't even be trusted with alchahol,
"Yeah 3 pints of stella, and 6 lines of ketamin please"
- ********0
Anyone fer a Rohypnol chaser wi' their pint?