final email

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  • cola0

    rasko4 gets 5 stars for that response!!

    Exactly correct. If a client begins to modify scope or the project I will end conversation after listening and nodding with "Sounds good! I will email you a PDF and fax over an invoice for the additions. I wasn't aware you had more budgeted but I think it's a great idea!"

    That always makes them "hmm" and "Haa" and sometimes I end up with more budget or I end up with them saying "Great. Fax it over" and then later they come back with "you know what? instead, let's just stick with the initial plan for now."

    They don't know our business and we shouldn't really expect them too either.

  • swollenelbow0

    wow rasko that's impressive. maybe that is a good idea. i'll see what i can whip up.

    it still feels shitty when someone doesn't think what you do takes time and hard work and they still expect you to bend over backwards.

  • rasko40

    what I've found is that if you do everything for people, and you are always willing to help them out at a minute's notice and do this and do that, then they dont really appreciate it. It really makes me sad but that's the way most people are, they just have no appreciation or gratitude, the only way is to earn their respect by not doing things straight away, make them realise you are busy with other stuff and always make them pay.

    The cheaper you are for people and if you do them deals and knock downs, they just fuck you in the ass worse next time, take take take. Its just a game for them to see how much they can knock you down, we've had clients who we would have to quote them high just because we knew that they would want money off the job at invoice time, there would always be something so fuck it, we just hit them high and then they felt good when we would knock some money off.