Today Fahrenheit 9/11

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  • Bozilla

    Ok, I saw the movie and I gotta say it was incredible. It brought tears in my eyes, made me laugh in irony and disclosed information that was never before seen in public or discussed much. I was also amazed that the applause in the theater after the movie lasted for what it seemed, forever, and with the fact that AZ in general, has been supportive of republicans.

    Great movie! And for those dipsticks who said that the guy in the screenshot on Moore's site was not a secret service agent, HE WAS! He approched Moore and identified himself.

    Go see it, it will make you a better American.

    As Danski says:
    Boz out [plink]

  • Abby_Someone0

    Saw it last night. Great film.


    Especially before talking shit about it. If you haven't seen it, Please do us the courtesy and shut the fuck up. Your opinion of a movie you haven't seen is completely irrelevant.

  • chrisartist760

    no fecking shiiit dawg. bunch of ignant, closed minded sheep! i'm dying to go see it. i went last night at 6pm( in santa monica, california) and ALL the shows were sold out all the way through midnight.
    i second that DOUBLE DAWG DARE biyaitches!

  • lilbabyarm0

    Of all the places in the world to see it I went to Shitty Walk universal studios. hahaha

    Let me tell you this is hands down the BEST movie we will ever witness because it is our BEST chance to boot the fuckin CHIMP!!

    Folks I rarely watch movies let alone go out to see them in theatres.... I am going to watch see this movie another 3 times just to support my man Michael Moore. The man is a fuckin legend for coming out with this movie. HE ROASTS that nigga Bush!!!! There are moments in the film where it's just a shot of Bush sitting there and you burst out laughing cuz he looks like a COKED OUT FUCKING CHIMP!! I mean bush seems like he'd be fun to party and do yay with but to run my fuckin country and bomb the fuck outta a bunch of broke arabs? fuck all that!!

  • wetterink0

    I saw it. It was a good movie. Brought up a lot of good questions, but he does rely on his methods of ambush and cheap shots a little too much.

    Still on the fence about the whole thing. Bush has been proven to tell half truths, but so has Moore.

    The part where he asks people in Congress to send their children was funny. He edited out a part where one of them said he didn't have children, but his nephew was being shipped to Iraq.

    Moore has an agenda , just like everyone else, so you can't blame hime for editing out something that doesn't support his purpose.

  • designbum0

    i think lilbabyarm just posted the best review of f911 that i have read to date.. cheers! i'm gonna go see that fucker this afternoon right after the gay parade.. sometimes it makes me love this fuckin country.. sniff.. by the way, i've noticed a strange pattern here in seattle: on july4 it rains like a motherfucker, but on the gay day parade, it's always as nice as can be. who does god favor more, i ask you.. hmmmm..

  • abizzyman0

    word, wetterink...

    I was hoping there was somone who's willing to look at both sides - see the flaws of each and make a rather classy / objective statement about the film.

    I look forward to seeing it - I do like Michael Moore's films - but of course there are things about them that I can't stand - one being what you mentioned, wetterink - and that's his 'amubush tactics'.

    Recall what he did to Charleton Heston in his own home too (bowling for columbine)- that's rather lame. I'm not saying Michael Moore didn't have a point - but to attack a guy like that who brought you in his own home - to show the picture of the little girl who was killed by the gun etc etc - that's a lame UNBALANCED emotional tactic. Stick to the facts Mr. Moore. Laying a guilttrip on a man doesn't solve anything - it just pisses the other side off down the road. Yes, the girl was killed by a gun - yes guns SUCK. (I hate them) But all Mr. Moore did was embaress a man in his own home - and probably piss the guy off so he'll work harder to make sure everyone's got a gun in their backpocket.

    I think that's what I hate about liberals - too much emotion w/out thinking out what they say before they say or do it. Liberal folks have a TON of valid points - just your method of delivery makes you a joke to conservatives. Work on your language - validate your points with proof - eloquence is necessary whether you like it or not. Answer questions w/answers about the subject when someone calls you out on something - don't try and switch topics... I see that action occur all the time on news shows. Liberals are fronted with a valid conservative question - and the liberal plays dodgeball and immediatly attacks on something new w/out answering. They look so foolish.

    Calling Bush a 'cracked out chimp' will get you no where... except make those you disagree with disrespect you more.

    Mr. Moore proves his points w/some solid details - but does leave out the other side from time to time. I agree with the guy on GUNS... but disagree w/his view of corporate America. People shouldn't be told how much money they can make (as long as it's legal)... and people shouldn't be forced to pay more taxes if they make more money.

    If you think it's unfair that someone is raking in the cash because they're SUCCESSFUL... then go back to school - or work harder... or just close your mouth and go on with your life - stop whining. But don't attack someone for being successful if they did it legally. Praise them... learn from them - don't ridicule success. The majority of 'wealthy' people are not crooks. You DON'T have to cheat at business to be successful. That's a terrible urban myth.

    I look forward to seeing this film though. Always entertaining and informative.

  • slinky0

    Go watch Dodgeball, it will make a bigger impact on your life.

  • noop0

    funny when someone on NT actually SEEs the movie all the michael moore hat0rs are hidden...
    can't wait to see it, gonna go tomorrow

  • kld0

    I think the biggest irony in the film was that the carlyle group's investors meeting was happening the morning of 9/11. how convenient, they could all watch it go down together, cheers each other with mimosas and feel their wallets growing... we still don't know who made all the money in airline futures from all this crap.

    To say these fools are successfull by legal means is ignorant and f**cking lame. just ask the poor enron workers that kenny boy f**ked. He had three mansions in aspen and those pensioners are flat broke.

  • brundlefly0

    Aliyah and I snuck off work to see it in the day time yesterday.
    So, being fairly up to date with Buzzflash and the like, as well as a informed Canadian, we didn't feel like we were offered too much we didn't really already know.

    However; to have all information thrown at you in a 2 hour movie, is very, very disturbing. Even if only one tenth of it was true, it would be enough to make you feel panicked about your future, and ripped off and jaded.

    However, as a liberal, I figure it is more like 100% true, and I seriously fear for the American people, if that guy gets another 4 years in power.

    I was catching up on my FOX news last night as well, and caught a 4 way debate on the films "lies". 4 republicans, all complaining of the unfairness of the "lies" the movie alleges....I watched for 2 hours straight, and I didn't hear what one of those "lies" was, just that they were there and they were unfair.

    The media in the U.S. is a sham, but I imagine the 2 hour debate on the lies is enough to formulate viewpoint for people living in that culture anyways.

    You have to see this movie, make your own opinion.

  • kld0

    As we've seen again and again:

    Say the lies enough and they will believe, FOX has that techique down...

  • pr20

    oh FOX,a nd behing all this shit this man:…

  • Gabbletrosh0

    You're fooling yourself if you think American news is any different than any other news source.

  • Gabbletrosh0

    does being a liberal mean going against anything that is in power? i wonder sometimes. seems like todays liberals wouldn't be happy with anything and will side with an opposer to power just to choose the opposing side. think about it.

  • brundlefly0

    an american liberal is a completely different animal than a canadian liberal.

    but generalize it as you wish

  • Gabbletrosh0

    an american liberal is a completely different animal than a canadian liberal.

    but generalize it as you wish


    you just did for me. btw, no difference. i am from canada and now live in the states. trust me when i say canadian liberals are worse.

  • brundlefly0


  • DaveId0


    liberals are critical, especially of those in power.

    conservatives protect the status quo.


    personally i've always been in the "i can't stand this school and all the flag waving jocks that run it" camp.

  • mikotondria20

    Hey Bozilla -

    I watched it yesterday, down at Arizona Mills, 9.50 showing...were you there ?? :)

    Yeah, I thought it rocked the block, was a priveldge to watch and hear so many people having theirr eyes and minds opened, the atmosphere was electric at some points.
    Go Michael...

  • sputnik0

    what i find sad is when i talk to someone "liberal" they tend to immediately resort to personal attacks (on whomever) and weird generalisations.

    i consider myself neither liberal nor conservative, since both are dead-end pigeonholes in my opinion.

    i just wish i could have a deeper, cerebral discussion with a "liberal" without such nonsense.