Arrest him

Out of context: Reply #35

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  • Cactus0

    Your reasoning about why the US intervened in the Balkans is flawed and cynical. Yes, it is in America's interest to contain Russia, as it was in its more rapacious incarnation, the USSR. But not in the cauldon of Balkan politics. The main reasoning was to prevent the war from spreading along with (yes) an undeniable humanitain aspect.

    The moral relativism of your post is a stark reminder of Europe's malaise in regard to what happened in both Bosnia ans Kossovo. Not being able (willing?) to differentiate between good and evil leads to paralysis and inaction. How can one summon the strength to put one's life in jeopardy for a cause or an idea if plagued by such incertitudes. We, in western Europe, live in a post heroic societies. Geopolitically, this would not be a dangerous condition if it were not for the fact that the rest of the world is playing by different rules.

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