
Out of context: Reply #74341

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  • Gardener6

    I went to the park yesterday and sat down on a bench and there lying on it as brazen as you like was a packet of powder. I held it up, gave it a shook and yes, I'm pretty sure it's some drugs. But, what kind of drugs and what to do with them? I'm past my years of experimental messing with mystery substances so decided against stuffing the unknown powder up my nose but all the same put them in my pocket, put them away in a safe place at home and now wondering wtf I'm gonna do with them. Chuck the packet in the bin is but one option but thought i'd run it by folks to see if there were alternatives I hadn't considered. If anyone wants these "possible drugs" they are welcome to collect them for free and under cover in a park somewhere perhaps?

    • That's very responsible of you sir. Post a 'found' message on the socials. Maybe someone has lost it? hahaIanbolton
    • it doesn't seem like a LOT of drugs but enough for what I believe they call "a hit"Gardener
    • if I post this on FB I'll probably get another banGardener
    • Don't throw away what could possible be good drugs. I think you should take the initiative to build a drug exchange shelter in your local park, like for books.palimpsest
    • haha, that's excellent palimpsestGardener
    • This would be a good serial killer MOspl33nidoru
    • Put in an old tin can and burn it.shapesalad
    • Outside. Stand far away. Bin Afterwards - you just saved someone from an overdose.shapesalad
    • Just because someone has drugs doesn't mean they're going to overdose and die, Shape. Drugs can be fun too!Ianbolton
    • flol @ gramps here. Get ye back to the daily mail comments sectionNairn
    • Looks a bit moist prob good cokeHijoDMaite
    • If it was Fentanyl you probably would of been dead by now.utopian
    • @hijo - I was thinking 'base' (as we used to call it) speed for the same reason.
      @ute - aye, but that shit's not at all common over here in Blighty
    • Yeah, fentanyl is no jokecrazyprick
    • looks like gak to me as its clumping - winner!

      post it to me if your still unsure
    • I woulda tasted it.monospaced
    • LSD will create the same positive result as FENTANYL or METH...sted
    • Ha ha yeah lets all take drugs all day and fry our brains and eat the face off someone else.shapesalad
    • Yeah drugs Sooo CoOL and fun, and hey look you don't like drugs - oh you are a bore, an old man, dailymail reader. Yeah we are the cool drug taking people.shapesalad
    • Yeah right... I think I hate that attitude of 'drugs are cool, you are a square for being against them' more than drugs themselves.shapesalad
    • Fuck off and try to gather some of your remaining braincells to understand level of depravity and misery illegal drugs brings upon a society as a whole.shapesalad
    • Drugs are for sad cuntscrazyprick
    • I didn't say any of that though mate. That's on you. I just said drugs are not the dangerous killer you're making them out to be. People make their own choicesIanbolton
    • Doubt there's fentanyl in Scotland. It's likely 'council' (benzocaine)zardoz
    • 'prop' is the dear stuff. maybe you got lucky here... give it a go. do it!zardoz
    • It’s too late, you’ve touched it. You’re now a drug addict. Try not to murder anyonescarabin
    • Send it my way, I’ll test itfisheye
    • @shape you're being a judgmental cunt.
      somebody should send you some mshrooms, it won't make you cool just a little calmer, more thoughtful, less withdrawn.
    • lol at the idea of shape being capable of set and setting. Shrooms ain't a good idea.garbage
    • That said, reminds me of the time my gf's brother dropped by for a visit and bought weed from some rando he met in the park.garbage
    • "Yeah, he had it in his sock". We had a bajillion legal shops at this point, and this dude is bringing sockweed into my house.garbage
    • Maybe I'm spoiled, but drug-vetting is a good thing, and I wouldn't fuck about with the bluebag.garbage
    • @Gardener that's a nice woven rug you got thereKrassy
    • Just fucking toss it.cannonball1978
    • thanks, but that's my sofa KrassyGardener
    • Throw it away. I respect drug addicts as people who seek a more saturated life, but I don't respect drugs. Drugs are a dead end.drgs
    • The pearl-clutching on this site cracks me upscarabin
    • lol@sockweed. there's a chance we would loose him in the conspiracy of the day thread u say? :Dsted
    • @scarabin I had to look up 'pearl-clutching'
      good one! I learned something on QBN today. Tnx!
    • @Gardener nice woven sofa!Krassy
    • your sofa is now a drug addict junkieKrassy
    • shape talking so confidently about shit he has no experience with again? what kind of sad sack can’t see the good in some drugsmonospaced
    • a) Remember the Skripal case
      b) Give bag to local police saying someone from the network (aka QBN) told you to do so
    • Do drugs. Don't do found drugs. Simples.garbage

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