Toilet of the Day

Out of context: Reply #315

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  • Nairn18

    When I was in Italy recently we were out in the countryside at a friend's sitooterie. We'd had a few drinks, and then some more and then I had a joint or three. Over the course of many hours, I reached a zen state of general subdued bliss. I went for a piss, and as it was pretty much a full moon, I took a walk and after a few minutes found myself in an olive grove with nowt but the moon above me and the trees and countryside about me. No lights or sounds of human origin. The night had that curious fake effect that old films employed, wherein they darkened day time footage, processed into stark blues and blacks.

    I stood there legs wide, and flapped out my lad and raised my arms and Just Pissed, all glory be to the moon.

    It was fucking glorious.

    I stood still 'til I felt the last drops gently fall away then put the old boy back in his jorts and returned to the party.

    • Sometimes when I'm in my atelier late at night instead of going to the public toilet in the building I just go outside and take a leak in the forest 50m away.oey_oey
    • @Nairn love your writing style, man! write a book already1Krassy
    • Its not going to be about pissing, is itdrgs
    • love me a good Nairn post!stoplying
    • pissing in the open wilderness is one of life's simple pleasures.hotroddy
    • What the hell is a "sitooterie"???Akagiyama
    • A small cabin or somesuch out in the sticks, in land that's owned and considered a form of home away from home. Also see - Butt and Ben, in Scottish vernacular.Nairn
    • Common on the continent in Europe and to a degree in Scotland. No idea what Ze Euros call these things, but they employ them moreso than we.Nairn
    • "This word is a Scots colloquial term, though not a common one in print. It means a place to sit out in, a summerhouse or gazebo,robotinc
    • rom sit plus oot (a Scots pronunciation of out) plus the noun ending –erie of French origin that’s familiar from words like menagerie and rotisserie.robotinc
    • I remember taking trains in Holland and seeing the extra-surburban countryside filled with such things and realising how wrong we have things in the UK.Nairn
    • Flol, those things are useless.
      Seh-toot-eh-ree, in groundskeeper Willy's voice.
    • I enjoy doing this to the lemon tree in my back yard on a regular basis, although with worse writing and less picturesque surrounds. Great read.BuddhaHat
    • nice Nairn. what I love about Irvine Welsh is how he makes you pronounce the Scottish accent as you read his bookshotroddy
    • @BuddhaHat how are the lemons?Krassy
    • Ah, ok, got it!Akagiyama
    • imagine the transcendent bliss you'd encounter curling out a moonlit jobbie.zardoz
    • a feeling of freedom when you can let goSimonFFM
    • Every now and then Ill take a prolonged piss in my yard while my dog is whizzing too. Cacknbolz in full glory foe the neighbors to get an eyeful.cannonball1978
    • ..I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like..zardoz
    • ..piss against a sitooteriezardoz
    • sitooterie — Geordie word for a patio.robthelad
    • pity the fool who eats those oliveshans_glib

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