Signs your getting old?

Out of context: Reply #1347

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  • i_monk7

    I can't figure out discord. I don't know if it's terrible design or being in my 40s.

    • Me too, things just seem to disappear way down the timeline.PhanLo
    • I'm trying to try Midjourney, but even the screenshot for how to join the newbie thread doesn't even make sense.i_monk
    • the new mIRCpablo28
    • And it keeps saying my account is unclaimed after I've logged in. WTF.i_monk
    • Lol, i_monk, I'm totally with you on the midjourney discord! It's entirely complicated compared to my usual discord usage :)Nairn
    • Discord has given me so much happiness. Fucking rules. Yeah, I guess it's hard at first.cherub
    • Sorted the account thing: every time you click an invite link it creates a new account instead of checking if you already have one. FFS.i_monk
    • Also found the newbie thread. How stupid is discord that a dynamically updating post will scroll off your feed before it finishes?i_monk
    • ya if you're not logged in on the browser and clicked a invite, it will ask you to created a new account.pango
    • as for confusing server. blame that on the person organizing each channel/thread.pango
    • but majority of the time i thing you guys are just old.pango
    • Discord is great, iam over there all day long. I wish QBN would be there but it didnt work.Bennn
    • lolNairn
    • irc forever!sted
    • <sted ^pablocanoe
    • Yup me too and I'm pretty sure it's me being 48YakuZoku
    • I won't even bother. I just tried to use Snap for the first time in years. What a disaster of design and functionality!formed
    • Lol this is like a thread of old people talking about how hard e-mail isnb
    • ^ lolpango
    • Signs I'm really old: What _is_ discord?SimonFFM
    • @formed Snap IS fucking wrong UXgrafician
    • @simon A platform for people to create forum with emphasis on voice/video call.
      most features free but advance features only for subscribers.
    • no ads. no selling your info.pango
    • lot of gamers use their voice call feature instead of ingame voice call feature. cuz it has been more stable and clear.pango
    • I vaguely remember I created an account once, but could not join any groups, because everything is by invite?drgs
    • Anyway, for someone like me who has been crawling internet on my hands and feet for 30 years, having seen all different types of messengersdrgs
    • ICQ, MSN, AIM, Facebook messenger, Google talk, Skype, you have that feeling that Discord too will be replaced with something else, maybe even within 5 yearsdrgs
    • So why invest time into thisdrgs
    • because it's not 5 years yet. there is absolutely no incentive to join if you dont already have a group that interests you.pango
    • i like it cuz you can use other people's code or write your own code to do some cool stuffs. i mainly hang out there just for the gaming and art community.pango
    • Email is faster than sending a letter through the post officenb
    • never used Slack? Discord is pretty’s much the same UIernexbcn
    • 38 here and it seems effortless to pick up new tech atm. Not looking forard to 10 years from now.kalkal
    • My issue with most new apps (not really "tech" is it?) is I don't see the point of it. But in discord's case I hate the UI... & don't see the point of it.i_monk
    • it's just another forum. that's it. you dont have to use it. there are so many variations of things in the world. why does this one bother you?pango
    • re: it's badly designedi_monk
    • :/ not sure. i navigates just fine.pango
    • the midjourney discord is just particularly dense, if you're not accustomed to it. Discord itself is pretty clean and easy, despite Pango's efforts.Nairn
    • (He made one of the QBN channels quite opaque by adding loads of cruft, over-complicating it... bastard! :) )Nairn
    • How to see a list of servers Im on? I have joined the QBN channel, but when I revisit Discord at a later time, its gone...drgs
    • They should just be listed by iconm down the left hand side of your interface, no? I use the web interface, but I think the app is the same, no?Nairn
    • The invite links you handed out were temporary…
    • Pango sent me a proper one. To add on the topic of terrible design: Not once during the process did it say the invite was temporarydrgs
    • You have to google this bs and read through hundreds of similar problems until you find out whats wrongdrgs
    • I didn't send invites - that was either palimpsest or bennnnn. There are 2 QBN channels, with only me in one of them, making it the better one.Nairn
    • oh. haha - never trust a goddamn thing i say,Nairn
    • No, the invite itself link is permament, but it grants temporary membership. I assume it is possible to create temporary invites for permanent membershipdrgs
    • permanent invites for permanent membership and temporary invites for temporary membership, I love Discord!drgs
    • I'm confused every time I go on and there's tons of messages. where to look first?mapleT
    • Telegram > Discordgarbage
    • LOL I've never ran into this temporary member invite thing cuz nobody ever sent anyone that. Till now.pango
    • mapleT
      this is the notification inbox. you can start there.…
    • naim. dud there are only 1 info channel, 1 log channel and 1 chatting channel. it's not that complicated lolpango
    • i just checked. invite generation was permitted for everyone. so whoever sent drgs the tem member ship invite was a troll lol. i've removed everyone permitpango
    • to create new invites. just use the invite link in the info channel. no more confusion.
    • Who are we kidding, none of us can figure out Discorddrgs
    • you guys are great as beta testers :P
      running into problems no one i know runs into.
    • k just looked at Midjourney. maybe cuz i have experience with discord. seen pretty straight forward to me.pango
    • but yes because they have so much traffic activities going on, it's hard to keep up what's going on.pango
    • to makie it easy to navigate, you can mute the server notification and set it to only get pinged when you're mentioned.pango
    • then use the notification inbox to jump to the post you were mentioned.pango

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