Your Bike

Out of context: Reply #397

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  • monospaced13

    Hadn’t ridden a bike in twenty years, but I was looking for a fun way to get some exercise last year and ended up buying an entry level mountain bike hybrid thing. I started riding this spring for the first time, and it hurt like hell at first, and I almost gave up a couple of times. Started just riding a couple miles around the neighborhood. Each time I go I go farther and faster. Now I’m taking hour long rides, on and off road, for several miles and it feels great! I haven’t worked out like this in so long I needed it.

    I would post a picture but you all would probably make fun of it because it’s not some fancy cool road bike fixie. But I love it.

    • Three months in and I’ve lost weight, my sciatic pain is 100% GONE, I’m happier, I sleep better, and I see muscles in my legs I forgot existed.monospaced
    • "fancy cool road bike fixie" XD
      It shows you haven't ridden a bike in 20 years.
      Glad you're enjoying it!
    • Good for you mono, happy to hear!utopian
    • Post a pic! Most of my friends have moved on to hybrids. No shame in em.garbage
    • Awwdrgs
    • Lol @palimpsestOBBTKN
    • Good for you mono, don't let it down!, I have had the bike parked for too long, and I'm on fear for the next long ride ;)OBBTKN
    • Nice one!PhanLo
    • right on mono :)YakuZoku
    • Love hearing stories like this.ArmandoEstrada
    • pretty awesome motorbike hack:…PonyBoy
    • Better late than never. Cycle, run, walk, row, push up - everyone should be doing at least two at least 3 times a week. unless in an active job.shapesalad
    • Great stuff! I miss riding off road.Chimp
    • Thanks guys. I’m trying to make it my morning routine, and go about 4x a week average. Hard with a toddler and an infant :)monospaced
    • Nice work. Post that bike! Also they make great bike seats for infants.instrmntl
    • *for infants that can sit upright.instrmntl
    • ++sted
    • "Haven't ridden a bike in 20 years" is one of the most American things I've heard on this site.
      *Takes cover from gunfire.
    • I suppose that’s true perhaps if you have a narrow view of the world and maybe ignorant about life and what it can throw at you, especially in America.monospaced
    • Haha. Not all of America is car obsessed fatties, just most of us. Crazy how I’m bike friendly we can be even in this day and age.monospaced
    • * un bike friendlymonospaced
    • Thanks for the explanation.
      I'll go to bed a wiser man tonight.
    • Sure. Says the guy who only came to talk shit. Real high ground stuff there. Sleep tight.monospaced
    • Now I'm curious to know what you're riding. doubt many here ride fixies. Some do quite expensive road bikes though, seeing what some have posted here.Nairn
    • Riding deez nuts!palimpsest
    • YOOO!Nairn
    • +1 Nice mono. My bike has been sitting for a month. Feel so guilty. Gotta get back onfuturefood

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