Hero Cop(s)

Out of context: Reply #343

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    From WaPo's live feed:

    Explain to me again what a cop's job is?

    • To maim and kill unarmed people.Ramanisky2
    • Ah, yeah. Gotcha.Continuity
    • write tickets!imbecile
    • Too busy stealing peoples property to be dealing with actual crime.PhanLo
    • Hijos de puta.sea_sea
    • Bien dicho MarOBBTKN
    • Technically, the police doesn't have to protect anyone from being harmed. It's twisted.dasohr
    • ¿se dan cuenta como los probre mejicanos viven con inseguridad y con carteles? Las autoridades le faltan los guevos bien puestos.hotroddy
    • The police are a jokenb
    • stfu hotroddy, you sound like bobo deathboy nowmonospaced
    • just 'cause your offended doesn't mean it's not truehotroddy
    • rodney wanking himself to furious orgasm because the shooter wasn't a white guy. blowing his gloopy load over a picture of Enoch Powell.face_melter
    • imaginate si los policias fuesen gringo! lo que dirían en CNN. estas coloreando fuera de las líneas cara_de_bobo.hotroddy
    • it's clear that QBN are a lot of privileged 'whities' who've never been subjugated to societies run by criminal gangs and corrupt policehotroddy
    • it takes an ignorant gringo fuck to be unaware that the most violent societies in the WORLD are 5- 100 miles south of the border.hotroddy
    • from the Caribbean to Central America into Northern South America.hotroddy
    • Not africa, not asia, not Europe but all located South of the border.hotroddy
    • So? I assume you're trying to tell us the populace should be armed to combat these gangs and police? How's that going for you?Continuity
    • That’s not what I’m saying. I’m for gun control and border control. But ignoring the border will only allow an influx of illegal guns from Mexicohotroddy
    • https://m.theepochti…sea_sea
    • "you go to the sound of fire.."sea_sea
    • hotroddy doubling down on being the stupidest goddamn bigot on the site. Congrats you disingenuous fuck.monospaced
    • 20 dead kids and this stupid clown talking about a different country like a nationalist nitwitmonospaced
    • Guess what? Nobody 500 miles south of us is attacking or planning an attack on you. Fucking dumb shit snowflake bitch. Find a safe space and stfu already.monospaced
    • you literally can't have more than one thought in your head without the other being about racism. lol @monoThoughthotroddy
    • if being a 'nationalist' is a bad thing then that pretty much explains why every state that the left touches in this "NATION" looks 'third world'hotroddy
    • actually WORSE than the third world. Third world citizens don't shit the streets unemployed in tents and have cunts like you defend it with 'social justice'hotroddy

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