
Out of context: Reply #73544

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  • OBBTKN23

    Never told this history here...

    When I was 15 or 16 years old, I participated in a comic contest, the maximum number of pages was 4, I took an opera of about 36 pages that I had just finished drawing.

    Well, the thing is, I won. There were complaints from other participants, but the jury excused itself by saying that it was a work that far surpassed the rest in quality, and not just in quantity. Everyone shut up.

    A year later, I submitted another comic, this time 4 pages, and I won again.

    So for about 4 years, until I started an internship as an illustrator and graphic designer in a printing company and lost interest, and "I didn't have time for this kind of thing anymore".

    Thus began my career in the world of communication, skipping the rules and with a monstrous ego.

    But I still remember that with relative pride and a smile.

    I was a shy Martian in a strange world, skinny and weak, always sick... and this award gave me reasons to believe in myself, I was finally good at something.

    Without a doubt, it is one of the best things that has ever happened to me, and without a doubt, if it weren't for that, I wouldn't still be drawing and dreaming at almost fifty years of age.

    Thanks to a crazy jury.

    • :Dmonospaced
    • Chuck Norris Approved!utopian
    • <3PonyBoy
    • ...And plenty of talent, it sounds like!scarabin
    • Funny, have a similar story. I was a errible student but won some comic prizes, moved to art school and never looked back because I was finally good at somethintank02
    • Yup, early successes = increased confidence. Kids needs these.jagara
    • absolutely love this story.
      i have a feeling a LOT of us have similar ones. i know i do.
    • Rad! Interesting how steps in life unfold, yet as beholders we are rarely aware of them.dibec
    • Nice!stoplying
    • And now we need scans!garbage
    • Your mum was on the Jury, right?autoflavour

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