
Out of context: Reply #5002

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  • drgs0

    My favorite conspiracy:

    There is not enough food on the planet. Coronavirus was invented to blunt our sense of taste, so that they can feed us artificial chemical foods as surrogate for real food.

    • I would say it smells fishy but I can't confirm now.Fax_Benson
    • Do they make these silly stories up so they can lump everyone with a different point of view into this category?Chimp
    • The Earth can sustain LOTS more of us, the problem is with the supply chains, global politics and energy distribution - more of us makes organisation way hardergrafician
    • There's not enough critical thinking on the planet*grafician
    • ask dr. mono he knows...renderedred
    • just because mono holds some pharma stock doesn't make him any more reasonable afgrafician
    • I don’t buy stock because I support a company. Lol.monospaced
    • of course not you buy stock to earn money. profits. no vested interest at all LOLrenderedred
    • you seem confused and incredibly naive, which is leading you to childish and ignorant conclusions, so I'll just let you enjoy your little conspiracy bubblemonospaced
    • Because let's be honest here, only a true moron would think a stock holder feels obligated to defend or support a company. You're not a moron, are you?monospaced
    • i am not a moron, you are, an enormous pompous moron.renderedred
    • go convince people in your midst to get vaccinated, you're good at that, idiot cunt!renderedred
    • your barely 20 IQ i suited for that task in the glorious united states. third world country retard that you are.renderedred
    • and while you're at it suck graficians dick too.renderedred
    • if you're not a moron, then stop implying that I defend pharma because I own stock in it, because that's moronicmonospaced
    • It seems like you're steps away from a qbn meltdown to me. Keep it up, clown, it's fun.monospaced
    • fuck you cunt, you melt before me :)renderedred
    • yeah, go ahead, start backtrackingmonospaced
    • FU cuntrenderedred
    • i have the time and patience you'll see, cuntrenderedred
    • to do what? what are you even talking about now?monospaced

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