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Out of context: Reply #2299

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    Mental defectives who say they "don't eat meat" on Friday's during their religious something-or-other, but eat fish. IT'S STILL MEAT FUCKHEAD! It's a dead animal. That's the definition.

    Just say "Idk man, we eat fish on Friday's this time of year, I know it's meat". Don't try and argue with a blatant, unarguable fact. It's like saying, "nah man, I don't drive a car, I drive a Honda Civic".

    • I heard European monks declared rabbit a type of fish in order to get around even that loopholescarabin
    • That's a Catholic thing. I don't even know why they do it but most of Catholicism confuses me.CyBrainX
    • It's not a religion thing is a semiotic thing. For them fish flesh lacks the meaty qualities of their concept of meat. It's the same across multiple languages.palimpsest
    • It's like people say "animals and insects" because insects seem too different from their concept of animal.
      But you already know this.
    • There is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fish, and another of birds (15:39)Gnash
    • Such are the flesh of animals that take their rest on the earth, and of those that breathe the air and their products (summa)Gnash
    • Warm blooded vs cold blooded. Mammal and fish. Totally different.monospaced
    • More like saying you don’t drive a car, but drive a Vespa instead. Both have wheels and drive but totally different.monospaced
    • This is an 81 Honda. How dare you!Akagiyama
    • Puffins were classed as fish for centuries so that Catholics could eat them for their “non-meat” holy meals.sausages

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