The Healthy Thread

Out of context: Reply #561

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  • 680 Responses
  • Krassy5

    • FOOD IS ENERGYideaist
    • This is propaganda. We all know McDonald‘s improves skin elasticity. As when you get fat your skin will be very elastic.NBQ00
    • Big Pharma hates these guysgrafician
    • an apple a day keeps big pharma away!Krassy
    • What food will make my father love me again???... *sigh*ideaist
    • Are there foods which will do the opposite?drgs
    • A fruit that makes you sagscarabin
    • “Mushrooms promote tripping balls”scarabin
    • Tldr. Beer does what?maquito
    • Bacon: does belly go yum-yum but heart goes ouch.maquito
    • Line of coke: fuck it, won’t eat shit.maquito
    • Garlic reduces chances of kissing others.maquito
    • Spinach: makes Popeye strong af.maquito
    • I think apples claiming they also remove heavy metals and radiation from the body is a bit of stretch. Stick to "brain fog", apples.monNom
    • A lot of foods are 'helping' we can conclude eat a balanced seasonal local diet... helps.shapesalad
    • All I see are a shit load of sugars.Ianbolton
    • ^milfhunter
    • Fruit & veg = healthy. If possible, organic. Otherwise, a lot of these statements are very vague. "Grapes provide the ultimate energy boost"?jagara
    • "Anthony William or the Medical Medium, is a medium who offers pseudoscientific medical and health advice based on alleged communication with a spirit" https://kaiyohtee
    • https://en.wikipedia…kaiyohtee
    • I didn’t see beer on the listChimp
    • Food is food!
    • Dude I'd be shitting my pants hourly if I at all this at once.jmckinno
    • There’s a metric fucktonne of fructose (sugar) in that first pic.mort_

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